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' ; <br /> ------�1�T8--kt -------- Reyister of Deeds, ;; <br /> �+'t�.Q1�------------------------- ------ ,, <br /> By-------- --------•-------------------------------- --------------••-------• ' <br /> ----------------------------------------------- --- ------ - ------ --- --- - Depi�t�. ; <br /> ��C�t�r�r �1� ���t b�� ��r���e �x��e���t��: _ . <br /> THAT--------------Gtlars...�..�3ema�b�e�:--��a�+��y---Olaaca..�._Leeohine� _j_ _e�d:_F�.aaa,�..R�ena�a�er.a�er_ _hs�e�?aai� <br /> ��i <br /> � of the CountJ �f-- ----�4?g �-- - -- - and State of---- - --- � - --��1'?�A6�&-�--�--------- - - --- - - - - - �- ---Grantor---B----, in co�nsideration '( <br /> of tyae s2cni of---- ------ - --- _.__ . ., �@a �h4t19��--� IIO-�1� ---- - = - ---- ---... ------� -- ------ �-- -------------DOLLAR�S', � <br /> in hand paid, do her�eU� C�h'AIYT, BARGAIN, ��ELL, AND CONVEY unto ______._.____._Qa,,B�i__.j�.(+�.B�,IIt.___.____..._______ � ��� <br /> - ------ ----- ----- <br /> � <br /> --------- - ----- ------------- ---------------------- ---- -- - --------------------- ---- ----- -- - ---- ------------------------------ ---- - - -------...---- -- - -- ------ -- -------- --- , <br /> --------------------------------- ; <br /> of the Cou7zts �f---- - -----�8�.�} - ---- -----and State�of---- - --- ------------�ObT&��C�_s- - - - --- -- - - --� -� Grantee�-----------� the followiny �i <br /> descr•ibed p�•e�mises, sit2�ated ��i the Count� of.____ . _____.. . .._�11_� _____._ . _..___ :_-____. _._______and State of A'ebraska, to-wit; ' <br /> �f <br /> ; <br /> -LQt-a--lQiaa---��-)---aad._.T-en---j-10-�---in---Blook-Ti-i�g�►ta�ur----(-���-,�Paa.ssuer.!-a---Th1r�i--Addi�-i-on--�o--l.h�a.--Qi�y--ot__ ' <br /> ,� <br /> -�rand--Isla,nd.,�ebraeka-:----- ---- --- ---- ---- - ------- ---- ------ -- - --- -------- ------- -- --- - ------ -- - -- ..--- -------- --- ----- ---- � <br /> ---- --------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------- ----- _-- <br /> - . __-----...-------------------------------- --------- -------�--�----- - - - --_----._ - --- - --------------------------- -- -- I <br /> - ----- - -- ---- ---- -------------------------------------------------------- -� ------------- ---- -----_.--------------------------------------- -----------�-------- ----------------_ ------------------------------ - ---- -- .; <br /> - -�- ------------------- - <br /> ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------�--�------------------------ ---------------------------- - --- -- - -- - --------------------------------- --- --. � <br /> ;i <br /> -- ---- ------------------ ---------------------�------------- --- --- -----------------�-----------�------ ------------------------------------- -----...------------------------ -- - - -------�- ---- ---------------------------------- ------- <br /> ,i <br /> ------ ------- -- --- -- --------------------------------------------------------- -------- - --- --- -- - --- ------------------------- -- ------- -------------- - ---- --- --- -----�-----------�---------------------�- - --------- � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> --- -- ----- - --- - ---------------------------- --- ----------- - ------------ ----- -----�-----------------------�--- ---- - -- � <br /> ':: Togetlze�• 2vith all the terzemerits, Iaeredita�nents, and a�purtenccnces, tliereztinto belo�zging, and all the L'state, Right, Title, I�tizterest, Dowe�, " � <br /> ,� <br /> _; Curtes�, Clai��z �nd Demand wtiaCsoe2er of the said G��a�itor•_.______, r�,�,i,t,l�e,r,.r�..t,b,e�w., of, �02 or to the same, or any �art thereof. I� , <br /> ('Z?D '�MUP Ftlt� �II �III� tlae abo2�e described p�•en2ises, witla the a�pu�•�enances, unto the sc�id Grantee.____._..___ancl tio____�11!?______________Izeirs I <br /> �' ccnd assigns forever. And-__-�jl�g-----_he�•eby cove�icont--__--witfa the said Grantee_---_--_-that-_-__-_-_-_---�h��-_---------__-laold--_--_said �remises b� i! �� � <br /> , good and perfect title; t�hat,__ ________����i'.__.._.._._Jza__yQ._youod rigy�t a�nd lau;ful authorit� to sel�l and con2•ey tjae sanie; that the� a��e f�•e,e and '; <br /> ,� <br /> clear of all liens and inc2tr�2brances �uhatsoeve7•. �i38��'►-�4�l�-.--tr8]�4� -#�t�4Yl '��C--�B�A-�i��--a68L'll�48--dIICl--$g�A�B-�i-O ; <br /> � � <br /> v ! <br /> ;! �il-+�-------------- -------------=-------------------- • �� <br /> ----------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------'-'----""--'----------------'—'-"-------"---"'------'----�-'-�- I <br /> �I ---'----------------'--------------'--------'-------------------- ; <br /> ------------- - ------- ----- - -- - - ----------------------f - -- - --------p�-------�- ----�----- ----- -------f--------------------f- - --�--- � <br /> Aazd____.__.__._..______�he�___._____..______.._..____________ covena� warran.t and de end the said �^enz,ises a ainst the la�,n ul clai�ns o a,ll er- ;; <br /> ; <br /> sons who�nsoever -- -----lZQQj2t --�g1IaT---1{a.]C�8__�-..8��=.O_49,1�1.�---------------- ----- ---- ---- --- ------------- - -----...---------------------------------- <br /> --�----- -- ---------------- �� <br /> � ;� <br /> � --��---------- -------------------------- ----- ---- - - ------------ ------- -�---------------------- -----�--- ------ � ----- ---- - - --- --------------------------�-------------- ----- �- ------ - -------------- ----------- �� <br /> Dated the -- - ------- --�7.�i�1-------- ------------ --------�aJ of-- ------- -------�+1----- ------ ----- ----------------------- ---- - �� <br /> ---_A.. D. 19_..--,�.. <br /> � <br /> ivzTlv��ss ; -- -------------lit=a__.Qlars__-]�.Raclemanh+er.-- ---- --- ------- `i <br /> - --- ----------1!5r.ank__R�iamaoh�r--------------------------- " �' � <br /> t;, _""_""'_"'__"'""'"'a't�Y'$8,T-T�13"" ""__'_'"'_'" "'""_'""""'_'""""_' """"""" ,i <br /> , <br /> i , <br /> -------------------------------------•----------- ------------------------------....- --- -�------• ij <br /> -- ----------------------•-------•---•-------•-----------------------•------------------------------ ' <br /> STATE OF NEBIt�SI�A, ) �! <br /> : }ss. On this_-- --�'7�h-- -...da� �f-----� - -- ---- --�------------------- - ---- - ------.�. D. 19-------�, before me, l <br /> ' -- ---- ---�al.l.- -- ----CountJ, ) <br /> ; �� . <br /> i the undersigned, a Notcr�•y Publie----------------------------------within ancl jo�• said County, personally ean2e..------------------------------------------------------------- !I <br /> ; ;; <br /> ' - - C�asa ��-Radea�ar�bdr- (tdr-�ne���-Olax�- ���,eaohi:�s$�)- -,s�td -F�e�ril�-�-�emsa�is�-,-,!j , <br /> . ;i <br /> - -- h�r-- hu�band�--- - ------ --- ----- - --�------ - --- -- -- - - ---- - --- ---- -- - -- -- - --- --- ---- -- ------ ---------. ;; - <br /> ,� <br /> j to �rie �ersonall� Ic�zo�vn to be the identieccl persoai_�__--.ichose �ia�ne_8___-.5�,8--_-_ _-_---- -_------_-_-affi�ec�>Z�o �ttt� !� �� � <br /> � ��j�,j�� nbove inst��u�ze�2t as grantor__8___._, a7id____________�,j��p___ ____._sezerall� acicnoiclecdged the same to be____t���� !i � � w� <br /> � voluntal�� c�ct and deed fo7• the purpose therei�i e�cpressed. �� � ' ' + � � ' <br /> � Ilr tiVITI ESS ti�HEREOI', I have her�eicnto subscribed m� nc�me and affi�ed my� official seal at ...�� _._ `I " <br /> ; ._d?Ai'1�__Y_B_�.�IIt�_�_�Yl_.Hd�d_.Q031Y1'�y-r.__on the date last above written. " µ 'I � ' <br /> _ i <br /> ; <br /> -- - -- --------------�.-$,- <br /> ,T!l�1------ ------------- --- --'--------------• '', ' . <br /> �l�o�'caxy Publi� ,f ' <br /> '� a i� � <br /> ' a1� commissi�n c�pi�-es- - -- -3"'l�"'�1---"; - -- ------- -- ------------ ------ --- --- -- -- --- -- - - - -- - 1`�- ------- � <br /> ii ` ii <br /> �_.. ..___—_�. <br /> i <br /> ___..... _.. .._.�_, <br /> r. ., __"�'T <br /> • � . <br /> '� ,'tirH.__,. � <br /> I ;j • <br /> �. "°.1�. , �� . <br /> ti __.. —_._ <br />