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� �) _ _ --- <br />' ��� <br /> �L��L�J� LU�LJ1 '�/J L✓�� LSI�V� WL✓.J-� ��J <br /> _�__��� _� �.�__ <br /> _�__._.�._�:�-_..__._. <br />�.-- 'IB�I.4S-S7ATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � � � �- ��- " - ��- �.'"'�����'"' � � � � -� � <br /> FRO.M I hereb� ce�°tzfy that this inst��u�nerit uas entered�o7z Nu�nerical Inde� a�nd �`� <br /> _Er.s.d.-�1-•-Ma�zp�-s---Jr. --&-w�-------------------- --- �led for record tTais--- ----- ---- ----�---------------•------�ay �f-------------- -�aY...----------- - <br /> ----- �larrantp t1. n. ss.----2.�--� at------ ---------- ---��-----------------� <br /> --------------------------------------- ----- -- ----- -----------� - --- ---o'clock-------A.M. <br /> ---------�- �eea� �/�' <br /> TO <br /> ------------------�-��.. v�' <br /> -�ti��_------'�`-��-3'--------------------------- <br /> Pegister of Deeds, <br /> _Jann---C-•-&---Blan.che_.�dar-tinae.n-------------- <br /> 8�------ -�----------------------------------------- ----------------------, <br /> -------------------------------------------- ------ ------ - - -- -- -- - - -- ---- Depz�ty. <br /> ��C�t�r� �t�� ���t �� ��r��� �x��e��rt��: <br /> THAT----_--------------Fred---�P._Mappes_1Jr..and___011ie---�,ppe_s.,.Husband_-a,nd-_�Pife-_--_- --_- <br /> ---- -- - - ----------- ---------- ------ --- ----- <br /> --------------- - ------- - � --------------------------- ---- - --------------------- --. ._ ------ - ------ -----------------------...---- ------ - - -- --- ------- ------ -- - -----�--------------------�----------------------------- <br /> of the CountJ of-------_H&11-�--- ---------__.and State of------------------------------1�1_et?ra.B.k2�------------------------------.-- ,..Grantor----$----, Zn eonside�°ation ' <br /> of the sum of-------------------------- ----Four- Thousa.nd- and__N'o_�1c�0--- --- --- -- - - -- ---------- --- ----- -- --- ---- -----------------------------------vOLLAZ�s, ,;, <br /> in harcd paid, do...............Jaercb� GR��1'T, Bf1PGflI1?, SF,LL, A11rD CONV�Y i�fato _____�TOh11-__C-.-M3.T.�_1riSET1._.c.'�i_d.__B13riOh�__.M2�,T.t_�.xi�_e�l, <br /> -as--�-oi�nt----t€�ar�t-c�--w-it�--��gnt---a�---s�z�vi-u-o-r--s�ip -- ------------------------- ------ ---------- ---- - -- --------------- ---._.. ---------------------------- ------- --- ' <br /> of ty�e Co2i�zt� �f-- -- - --- -- H�.11_� - - - -- ---anc� Stc�te of----- ------ ---- -- -- - -���Ta,8ka.3-- -- - --- ---- - ---- � G�°antee--�------� the follo�vir�,c� <br /> descr•ibed premises, siti�t�ted in tlae Cou�nt� of _____.__________�8,1�._�__.__________..________.._.________._and State of Nebras7ca, to-wit: � ��; <br /> A11---af'--Lat---1��-n.e----(-�.-)----i-n---�7�ock---N-�:ne--(-g-�---of---Sahimrner-!--s---Add�-t-ion---�-a---the--CiZ-y---o-f---G�and__Islan.d,--------- ' <br /> Nel�sas_ka,as.__�urv.eysd-,-P-lat�t�d__an�l.._r_e_card�d.- ------ -------------------------- - ------------------------- ------------ ----- - <br /> -- -- --- ---------- - ------------------------------ ------- ---- ----------------------- --------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------...------- - ----------� ------- ----------------------------------------- <br /> - - - ------- -- - --- ------�----------- --------------- --------------------------._.-- ------------ ---- �------------------------------------- ------...---------------- �------ ------- -� ------------------------------- --- - - --- , <br /> � -- ---------- - ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- -- �--- ----------------------------------- - -- - ---- . <br /> ------- -------------------- ----- -------------------------------- ---- --- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------- ------ --- <br /> � Together with all the tenernents, laeredita�ne�nts, and app2trte�aa�ices, there�z�nto belo7a�ging, and a,bl the �state, Right, Title, I7aterest, Doicer, �` � <br /> � Curtes�, Claim and Demand ivhatsoever of the said Grantor__g__, cc�ar��f-ea.t.]�,ea_af�.Ji�m, of, in o�- to the same, o�• any paa•t thereof. � <br /> . , <br />�', �� �D ��UP Mtt� �R �0�� the aboi,e clesc�°2l�ecl premises, �citlz tTae appw�•tenances, unto the said C�rantees___...__and to________�h�1�_.�___Jaei�•s '�; <br /> � and assigns fo�•ever•. And__ _Vl!�________hereby eovena�rat_______w�itic the said Grantees._____that___ ___._____._3R@.. ._..__...__.hold.___..__sa�id pre��iises b� �� <br /> � good and perfect title; thcct__. ___.._ _.�E_ _�ecc__Y_�._good right and lauwful a2cthority to sell and co�ave� tlte sanie; tliat tlaef a�•e fre,e and � <br /> ; <br /> elear of all liens and i�icu�nbra�zces wjeatsoezer_ ------------------.------------------------------------,----- ----- ' <br /> -----------�--- --- - -- - ---- --- -- -- - : <br /> -------------- -- -------------- - -- - - -- - -- -- --------------------------------- ---- --- ------------- - ----- --..--------- -- ._.. --- ---------•--�-----•---�--- - ---- ------ ' <br /> Ii <br />, � ��� And_..._.._ _____. . __�!� ______ __...__ ______ . ______ covenant__._.._.._to �var•��rcnt and defe�xd the said p�•emise�s against the lawful clainzs of a-ll per- �'i <br /> sonswhomsoever - -- --- ----- ------- -- -- - ------ -------------------------- - ---- --�------------------- -- ------- --- - ------ ------ ------------------------------------------------- ---_. , <br /> , - ---- ---------------------- -- ---- - -- - --- ------------- -------------------- ---- ---------- --- ----- - ---- - --- - ----------------------------------------------- ------------- --__ - ------------ --- -- , <br /> '. Dated the--- ----- --- - - -17th- -- - -- - _ --------------- ------daJ �f----- --- - -----------------�arch}----------- ------------ - - --------A.. D. 19-----�$�_, i <br />' ivrTV��ss ; �------------Er_e.d__�P._D�apge�s--Jr.----�-----.---------- - ------ . �' <br /> -----------Q11i-�---��I��-�----------------------------------------._....----� � <br /> � ----- -----------------G.-T-.--I'-1.o��r- -------------------- ----- ---- ---. , <br /> � <br /> � --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------..---- �i <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI�A, l <br /> }ss. On this- - - --1�th-day of-- --- - ------ DII�.T.Ch. ' <br /> r------- ------ <br /> ----- --------A. D. 19------2�, before me, ; <br /> ---------- -H�11- -- - - ---------CountJ� ) i <br /> �� the undersigned, a Notar� Public--------------------------------within, ancl fo�• said Coicnty, personally came-----------------.----------------------------------- �',j <br /> ;j <br /> - Fr_ed �.-I�a�p�B-,-Jr.._�.nd 4��pp-e$.,�iusb�.n.d-�n�l__�i-fe------ - - -------- -------- -- --------------- <br /> ! <br /> ;: --- - -- -- -- -- ---- - -- ---- -- - ----- - - ---- - - ------------------ - - --- - ---- - ---- -- ---- --- -- - -- -------- - ------------------- :, , <br /> � to me perso�zall� kno��n to be the identical perso�i_$__.___2chose ncc�ne___g_____gTE_____- _____._ _________affi�ed to tTae ;� � �� �� <br /> � ���jl�j,j above i�zst��ur�ie��t as grani�or_..8.____, ancl_____.________�ylip._____ ______seze�•all� ac�l�no2cled�ecl tlie�sccme to be_'�h81T ��i � <br /> voluntar� act a�d�deed for the purpose therei�z ex�ressed. � � <br /> ' <br /> Il� tiVITT-ESS jVHEREOF, I have herei�nto subscribed my na7ne and uffi�ed my offieial seal at ._.___. ��� � <br /> County � � <br /> --GTt�.T1d-- �-�I&T1d fN���-;-J-��----B�1-d�----��i the date last above written. ; <br /> � <br /> -- -------- -------C�.._T._Fl_oa�r.---- ---- ----- ---- -- --------- ------------ <br /> � il%otary I'ubtic. <br /> , M� com�nission e�pi�•es----- -----9�pt_�.8`�h�l�-3�-- ------- --------------------------- -- ---- ------- ----...--------1`�----... ---- 't <br /> ! <br /> _____.____ .__. __________ _.___._ .. _ �.._�.r__—.��_ _^ _ <br /> __ _ . _____._ _ ___ _.._ _�__�__.____ <br /> �._ � '� � � <br /> ,� <br /> � <br /> �� _ :� <br />