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<br /> "•> ^ •Proceeda")In connection with candemnatlon or other taking o}the Property or part thereof,or for conveyance In tieu of condemnaUon. _
<br /> Londor shAl!be en411ied at it�aptlon to aom�nanco,oppear In nnd prosocuto In itra own namo e�ny adlon or proceedln6•s,snd shall also
<br /> bv antitled to mako any compromlco ar ccttiomont In connoctlon tdth euch taklnp or dam¢go.In tho evonf eny portlon o}the PrvpeRy is
<br /> so teken or damaged, Lender shall heve the optlon In Its sole and absotute discretlon,to apply ell�uch proceede, atter deductirrp
<br /> <. theretrom ell co9ts and expenses Incurred by it In connectlon wfth such Praceeda,u�n any indelstednose secured heroby and In such
<br /> � � '-' order as Lender may cl�termine,or to apply ell euch Proceeds,efter such deductiona,to the restorailon ot thd Property upon such con- ;�`
<br /> dlttons as Lender mey datermino.Any application o1 Proc�eds to indebtednese shal!not extend or postpone the due date of any pay
<br /> , � mente under the Note,ar curo any d n inu M t herou n d er or hereu n d er.Any u�a p p lted Iw�da shell be pald to Truator. ��:
<br /> �� 8.P�Aormena by L�nder. Upan the occurrenco oi an Event oi Detault hereunder,or If any act is teken or legal procReding �
<br /> `�'' commenced whlch matarlalry attect9 Lenders Interest In the Proparty,Lender mby In iie own discieUor�,but wilhoi�abJigr�tian to da;a, �:.
<br /> « wy�� and wlthout n�UCe to or demand upon Trustor and wfthout rotnasing 1'NStor from eny obligatlon,do eny nct which Trustor hae egreed -
<br /> . but tafled to do and may also do eny othor ect (t deema necessary to protect the secu�iry hereol. Tmstor shall, immediatery upon =
<br /> demand theretor by Lender,�ay to Lender all costa end expen�es incurred and suma expended by lerxler in connection with the exer-
<br /> „,���,�r ctse by Lender ot the toregoing rlghte,together with Interest thereon at tha dafault rate provided in the Nate,which shall be added to -
<br /> "� the Indehtednese Becured hereby.Lender shaA not incur any Ilablliry because of enythinp it may do or omlt to do hereunder.
<br /> , 9. Haardau�MaUrU�U.Truetor ehal!kt:ep the Proporty In compliance with ell appllcable laws, ordtnance�end reguietbna
<br /> retetinp to industdai hyg{ene ar envlror9mentel protection(collectivaty reTerred to herein as'Environmental Laws°).Trustor shall keep -
<br /> �: , the PropeRy free from ait substancps deemetl to be hazardoua or toxb under any Envtronmental lews(colkxtively�efeRed tn herein
<br /> ' as`Hazardous Materials").Trustor hereby warrttnte and represents to Lender ihat there are no Hes�rdous Materla�s on or under►he
<br /> . '"� Property.Trostor hereby agrees to indemnity and hotd hartniess Lender,its dirc�ctors,oHicers,empbyees and agents,and any eucces-
<br /> sor9 to Lendere interest,trom end apainst any and all clatms,damgyea,losses and liabiiitles edslnp in co�nectlon with the presencei, d
<br /> ;`?:ti use,disposal or transport o}eny Hazardous Mate�lals on,under,trom or about the Property.THE FOREGOIN�WARRANTIES AND
<br /> � R�CflNV�1fANCE OF i FiiS DEED OF TRUST. �
<br />- '� � 10.Ilssl�nrtMntB of RMts.Trustor hereby sssigns to Lender,and grante Lender a secu�ry interest In,ali present,future and
<br /> .s`,�`'':! . aiter edsEng ranta,issues end prufits ot the Property;provided that Trustor shall,unUl the occurtence of en Event of Qetauft,horeunder,
<br /> have lhe rlght to coliect and retain such rents,Issues and profits ae they become due and payabla.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot _
<br /> �_� :� . �• Detauft, Lender may,efther in person or by agent,with or without bringing any ection or proceeding, or by a receiver appointed by a
<br /> � �, court end without regard to the adequacy of Ite secudty,enter upon and take possesston of the Pr�periy,or any part thereof,in(ts own
<br />�"�;�fi� '` neme or in the name ot the Trustee,arxf do any ects whtch it deems necessary or ddsirable to preserve the value,marketabitity or
<br />"-'•:7':�.. :� rente6f!!ty of the Property,or any part thernof or interest iherein,or to incroase the Incoma there}rom or protect the security hereof end,
<br />---��"' with or without teking passession of the Property,sue tor or otherwise collect the rente,issues and profits thereof,Indudinp tlwsa past
<br /> �"��''��; due and u id,b noU in tenanta to make a nts to Lender.Lender ma eppiy rents,issues anrl proflts,lese ansts and exper+s-
<br /> _::��.: c �►P� Y iY 9 P Y� y
<br />°"`• �.�� '�,, es of operetlon and collection Including attomey's tees,to any indebtedness secured hereby,all in suCh order as Ler�ier may deter- -
<br /> ��'`��`�:'����'� mfne.ltse entetlng upon and taking possesslon of the Property,c�he coltactbn of euch rents,Issues end prof�ts,end the applicatbn
<br />_•i,.,:,�.�.-:•,r.�:
<br /> - - �i�Z�o��.�����ay�t r���a nr wa►vw nny�feult or noUce of default hereunder or Invalldate any act done in response to s�ch
<br /> `�dF�� r'„ detauit or pursuant to such noti�o of defautt end,notwithstanding tha continuanco tn p�issession of the praparty or the ooilectlon,
<br /> =':'F�F' �;.•,. receipt and appllcatbn�f re�ts,(ssues or profita,Trustee and Lender shall be entlUed to exerdse every dght providad tor In any of tho
<br /> ,.:., (;1.,.
<br /> - .� Loan Inst►umenta or by law upon occurrenc.o ot any Event of Defauft,Including wfthout Ilmitation the rtght to exerclse the power ot eale.
<br /> -.=rt�;�„
<br />___:::,o.t,_ FuRher,Len�lere riphts and remedles under this paragreph ahall be cumulative with,and in no wsy a IlmitaUon on,Ler�iers riptete and
<br /> --� �°' remedles under any assiynment oi leases and rents recordod agatnst the PropeKy.Lender,Tru�tee and the recehrer ehall be liable to
<br /> ������ eccount or�ly forthose rents ectunlly recelved.
<br />-��'T�"=�� 11.Ewnts af DatauR.The tolbwing shail consUtute an Evont of De}suit under thls Deed ot Tnask
<br /> �,.'��� (a)Failure to pay any instellment of p�indpal or interest oi any other sum secured hereby when�due;
<br /> (b)A b�each ot or defauft under any provlsJon contafnec!in the Note,this Deed ot Trusi,eny of the Laan instruments,or eny
<br /> w� other lien or encumbrence upon the Properiy;
<br /> - (c)A writ of execution ar attachment or eny slmilar process shell be entered against Tmsia wh�h shall become a Ilen on
<br /> --- - the Property or any portlon thereoi or interest therein;
<br /> - (d)There shall be filed by or agafnst Trustor or Borrower an acUon under any present orluture federal,state or other statute,
<br /> _= law ar reguletion relating to bankruptcy,ir►sWvency o�other reliet tor debtors;or there shall be appointed eny troste�,�ecelver or
<br /> - liquklator of Trustw o�Borrower or of all or any paR of ths Pmperty,or the rents,Issues or profits thereoi,or Trustor or Bortowu�
<br /> —�� shall make eny general assipnment 4or the benefft of creditors;
<br /> (e)The sate,transter, lease,asslgnment, ca►veyance or turther encumbrance of ell a any psrt�f or eny tnterest in the
<br /> ---= Property,oither vauntedty or Involuntedly,w(thout tho express writlen consent o!Lender. provided that Tn�stor shall be permR-
<br />- - -- _ - t�d ta execute a lease of the Properly that does not conta!n en opilon to put+chnse and the term of whtch does not exceed one
<br /> _ year,
<br /> .' - (q A6endonment of the Property:or
<br /> —� (g) II TNStor la noY an Individual,the issuance,eate,transior,assl�nmont,conveyance or encumb!ance of more than(if a
<br /> ----- _= corporatbn)a total of percent of ita Issued and outstandfng stock,or(if a partnerahip)a totat ot.� per-
<br /> cent of partner�fi(p interests,or(if a Ilmited Ilability company)tz total of per+cent ot the Iimited liabf�ity compa-
<br /> ---- � ny Interosts or vo8ng�ights during ti�e period thfs Deed oi Trust remaina a Iien on the prop��y.
<br /> _-__—`� 12,iiert�ll�;AccNsnilan Upon GfautG in the evont of any Evem of DeSautt L�ntier rnay, without notioe except as required
<br /> ---==��� by law,dedare aQ tndebtedness secured horeby to be due a�d payablo and the snme ahatl thereupon become due and payabl+�with-
<br /> ____--��� out eny presenttnent,demand,pmtest or notice of any kind.'�oreafter Lende�may:
<br /> nen
<br /> (a)pemand that Trustee exerdse tha ROWER OF SALE granted heroN�,and Trastee sh�ll thereafter cause Tn�siors Inbr-
<br /> � est In the Property to be soid and the proceedu to be distributed,all in the manner provided In the Nebraske TNSt Deeds Act;
<br /> _ 2_a�,�is'�� (bj ExerCise ony end all rtghts provided for in any of the�oan In�truments or by law upon accurtence ot any Event of
<br /> �•�;,�'.��`z'�' Qe}flult�eltd
<br /> `�;��.� ''. (c)Comrt�noe an action to foreclose thfs Deed of Truat as a mortgage,appoint a receiver.or spoCiticalty entorce eny of the -
<br /> ._::::�'�,`� ', covenants hereot.
<br /> _ • .-�:•, ,' No remedy hereln conferred upon or reservad to Trustee or Lender ts intgnded to be exclusive o!eny olher remedy herein,i�the L.oan
<br /> `'��+:� Instrurnenta or by Iaw provided or permitted,but each shall be cumutative,shall be in additbn to every otfier romedy given hereunder.
<br /> �� ^' S� In the Loan Inswments or now or hereatter extsting at law or fn equtry ar by statute,and may be ezerclsed concurrentty,independently
<br /> ^'I���' or succc�sively. _
<br /> . . _.=�_ _ y_ n�r_.�.���. ---—u......�s...�..J�S.....�..n..en u.vi l oruie�mnv nf urt� tlMp AfY1 Wlt�lffll} `f811SA if��O�itt fl&IILti
<br /> ..; ..
<br /> �:a-...--�=---'f-F- ia.��w��►. ��m��ua�w.�m�.00.y..a•a.q.......o..�.w................��..�. ..�i _'_'� ---.' -'- "- - .
<br /> - ' ��c��+ ` cessor or subs8tute Trustee.T�ustee shall not be ifabl�to any party,Inciuding without Ilmitatbn Lender,Borrower,Trust,or or any pur-
<br />- -""`'� ' F chaser of tfse Proporry,tor ar►y loss or damage uNess due to reck�ess or wlitlul misconduct,and shell not be required to teke�ny action
<br />- „ � ° in connecNon wkh the enforc:ement of this Dead of Trust unless indemniiled,in wdUng,for all c�sts, oompensatlon�r expenses which
<br /> �' ` may be associaied therewith.in addidon,Trustee may bscome a purchaser at any siate o}the PropeAy(judiolal or under tho power of
<br /> - . � salo granted hereln);pastpene the sale of all or any portion of the Property,es provided by law; or sell the Property as a whole,or M
<br /> _ � separate perc�ls or lots at Trustee'e discretion.
<br /> ., 14.F��nd Exp�nua.In the event Trustee solis the Property by exerclsa ot power af sala.Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> any Sa1e proceeds tirst to paymon3 ot all costs and exponses o}exe�isfng power ot sale,fnctuding all Trustee's fees,and LE►nceers and
<br /> Trustee's attomey's foes, actually Incurre�to extent permitted by applicable Iaw.In the evont Borrower or 7rustor exerclsea any riBht
<br /> provWed by Iaw Yo cure en Event ot Default,Lender shell be entitled to recover from Trustor ail costs anA expenses actualry incurred as
<br /> g�es�ic oa r�,s�ore do�a�n,including without Iimitation all Trustee's ond attomey's taes,to the extent permiitec!by appi�abie taw.
<br /> ������"'� 15.�utuh Advanco�.Upon requost of Borrower,Lender may,at(ts optbn,make addilbnal and luture c►dvences and read-
<br /> � �.�,•:� .•• ;q vances to Borrower.5uch advancea and readvancea,with interest thereon,shatl bo secured by thb Deed oi Tnist.At no timb shall�the
<br /> .i:Mi
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