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� <br /> 2� <br /> ��1�j� ��J��✓�� L!�J V� �.�J� u� O 0 <br /> �J <br /> �_.__..___.�_.____�_�._____�_ <br />.. Q Z4Z-57ATEJQURVAI.COMPANY,LINCOLN,�NEB. �� � - � � � � ���� -� ��`� -�� - .-- -����"- � <br />� I+'RO.1�l I hereby certif� that tleis inst�-ument 2cas entered o�i Numerical I7ide� and �� <br /> I _.__Ralp.h._E...Pa1.1T1@�- -8e --Wf------------------------- ----- filed for reco�•d this.._----- - �----- - --- -----------------�aJ �f------------9eptembex----- ,; <br /> ------- ------ ------- ------ - - - - - ---� --- <br /> --- -- �aCCalltp t1. D. 19--2�-�---� at.--.. -- ----�F------ -- -- -- --- ----o'clock----��_._M. : �. . <br /> To �eea . � . <br /> ----------._._--�------ ----- � � <br /> - ---------------------------'�t�}� <br /> � Register o f Deeds, � <br /> ----H._P�..Hansen-------- ----------- ---- --------------- --- --- --� ' <br /> 8�----�-�-----------------------------------------------------------------� <br /> -------------------------- ----------- - -- ------ --- - --- - -- ----------- --- � � Dep2cty. <br /> �!Crt�a� ��� ��rt b�� ����� �x��e�����: <br /> T.a�T__.............._.Ralph__E_._Palmer__and__Euphema__E,Pal:ner._(Husband_._and__�i f e)_ ' <br /> - --------- ---- --- ----- --- ------ --------- --- ----------- <br /> of the Co2c�zty �f-- ----- -Hc'�a.l ,- -- --- -- -a�ad State of----- ---- -- - - - ----.._.Ne1��8,8kF�,�--------- - ----- ----- _ --- - ----Granto�°-8-------, in. eonside�°ation <br /> of the sum of---------------- �-------- --- - -T.h1T�_eEri- -HLiri�T�'d--8.T1C1--1tiT0_IlU�---- --- ------------------------- -- ----- ----------------------------------------DOLLAI�S, <br /> �7z hand paid, do------------Itereb� GR�NT, BflRC�AIN, SELL, ANII CONVEY unto -------H.P..�;riA�ri.--------------------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> ---------------------------------------------.__------------------�------------------------------------------------ --� -------------------------------- --- ------------------------- ------ ------- --------------...- ----------------------------------------- , <br /> of the Count9 �f---------��1�.-� --- - -- - - - ---and State of----------- -------- ----------Nebsa.8k8.r---- --- -------- ---- -----� G�•ccntee.-----------, the following <br /> described premises, sit2cated iaz the Count� of__.__________._._..Ha�_J.______________________________._.________.__._________.:_a7ad Stccte of Neb�°aslca, to-wit: <br /> .---T_he----Sou�h--S-eu�n�.�r_-.fau�.--j�-87�-)----f e�e�--af__th�---�Ioxth---an�.-.half---�N2,�.---af.__B1��k_._Tweltt_a.--�..7..2-�---in__P��aeant�� <br /> _.__Home._Sub--division___qf__part___pf__the___East___one-half___(_F�'�___Qf._the___Southeast___Quarter,__(�F��___o_f__Sect_ior� <br /> 1 <br /> ----T��.n�yo�e..-G��-)--�:�n---TQ�shi.�---El�ven--�-1-�-)---Naxt-h--nf---�.nge---N�_�e.--�-9.�.-��e_�:�---�-�'--.'�he_..Si._xth _Q_6th�---------------- <br /> __Pr_inaipal_____Dderidi�.___in._the_.Gity___�f__Grand___I_sland_,Nebraska,________________________.___... _ <br /> -- --- --- - ------------------- �---------- -- --------- <br /> ------------------ - -------------------------------------- -- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------- ----------- ----- -- -- ----------------------------------..---- --- <br /> ----- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---- --- -- ------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- -------------------- ---------�-------------------�--- ----------- <br /> � Together �t+�ith a.11 the tenenzen�s, lieredita�nents, and app2�rtena�nces, th ere�into beloryzging, arad all tlee Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, '' <br /> � Curtesy, Claim r�nd Demand 2vha�tsoeve�� of tfae said Grccn�or.�_B__, a�aEb-o-�-en#,�ae9z-e�-#�Tae�m, of, in or to the same, o�° an� pa�•t thereof. � <br /> . . . i <br />����, � �� �MUP ttlt� #II �U��1 the above dese�°zbecl prenzzses, zvith the appu�•tenances, u,nto tfce said Gr•antee_ ..__ ____.and to_ ___.__h1_@_ ...hei�°s =: <br /> ., <br /> �, and assigns forever. And_______WB__.______he�•eby covena7it_.._.__icith the said G��antee______that___ _.__ ..._____W_@..............Feold.:..___sa�d preniisES 1�y i <br /> good and perfect tit�e; tlzat__.__.__.______1A�e___._________ha._.V_�___good right and lawf2�l autico�•it� to sell and convey the sayne; that thef a�•e fre,e and ''. <br /> �� clear of ald l�iens and i�icumb�•c�nces whatsoever•-------------------------------------------------_----------------- �' <br /> -- - - -- -------- --- - - - - - -- ---- --- -- - - --- - <br /> ------ ----------------- ------------------------- --- - -- ------------�------ -- -- -- ' <br /> - ------------- ------------- --- ---- - ----- -------.__ --- - --------- ------- ---- ------��---------------- -------. <br /> � And. _____ ______. . _�e_ .___..___ ______ ...._.._ _____ covenant, 2varrant and defencl the said p�•eniises aga�inst tlie laioful claians of all �er- ���, <br /> sons whomsoeve�• - --- - - - -- -- -- - - --- - ---------------- <br /> --- -- -- --...- -- -- ---- --- - ------------------ -- ------------------------ ----------------- ------------------ ' <br /> : ----------------------------------------- --- -- -- - -- ------------- ----------- ------------------ ----------- --- - ------ - - - -- ------ --------------------------------------------...---- ----- ------ --- ------- -- ---- <br /> Ili Dated the---- --- -- ----221C�---- - -- --- -- --- --- - ----d�J �f--- - .. --- ------------------�ept ember-�------------- - --------�-----�.. D. 19-----�7-• <br /> . tiVITNL'SS ; .----- ----R31ph._�..Palmes------------------------------------�-- ----- - <br /> ' ----------------------C.T.,.Flower-------------------------- �----------------� . - --------����caa---._E..Pa_X�er-----------------------------------------. ' <br /> STATE OF NEBRASIZA, , <br /> �ss. On this------ � -- .EIIl�_ -----day �.f--------------- - -------��-pt.e2T1�i:T-r ------- -------.A. D. 19----2�---, before me, ! <br /> ' ----------------Hall- - -- - -- -----Count�, <br /> the 2cndersigned, a Notary•y Public------------------------------_---------�vithin ancl foy� said Count�, pea•sonally came----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> '' -----R.a.lph--E,,.Palmer---and _Euphema._E_,_Palmer--�Husb_�nd--and_Wi.��)----------------------------------------------- ``; <br /> ----- --------- ----- ------------- ---- ------------------------------ -------------------- --- --------- -------- --- ----- --- ---- ---- ---------- -------- ------------------- ' <br /> � � >� to me pe�°sonally kno��;n� to be the ideryitica�l pe�-so�a__�_._.._2chose nanze__$_____.a,�g._____ . _ _____ ___..___.__affi�ed to the ��; '' � <br /> �' � SEAL� aboue inst��unzent as gra7atoa°__.k�____, cc7ad__________..YYhO._-__ -__--._sevea°a�ll� acl�noicleclgecl the same to be__the�T _ ',�; � � <br /> � � volunta�•y act and deed for the purpose thereiu e��r�essed. <br /> '; IN ti�ITNESS tiVHEI�EOI�',I have hereunto si�bscribed my and affi�ed mf of�icial seal at_____.______.__�� � ' <br /> i _.Grand_ _I_sland.,in__s�,id___County._,___on the date last above written. i <br /> ; <br /> `� --------- ------�.-T-.--k'1,awe.r-�------------------------ ---- ----------------------- , <br /> Notary Public. <br /> fiMy eommission e�pi�•es---- ----�Q-P�_.B�h-rl�31------ ------- -------- ---------------------- - -------- -- ---�_ _ . .------..19------------ j <br /> , ; <br />=-��-�_—__,_._.__,:�—_-:�_�_�_..�..: . _.. :_ -�-:, . _--�--��-�_� ; <br /> + <br /> . : <br />_ _ ;� - __ i <br />