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<br />- _�.. B�I.4��S7ATE JOl1RNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NE0 . . ....-.. -.-___.. ... ....._. . ... .. . _ . . . . _
<br /> F'RO.M � I he�°eby certify that this i�zst�•ument u;c�s ente7•ed on Nu�ner•ical Indem and �`�
<br /> � �
<br /> ----�tE�E}�j3h- -�{�tiBB--& -t�i-€�----- - --- - - -- - --- filed for reco�•d this--------- --- --2�---------------------�aJ �f--------A���a----�----------
<br /> _.._ ------ - ----- --- -- - -- - ---- --- - -
<br /> �larrantp �1. D. 19-- -2-7--� at..-- � -- - �- ------ --------dclock._p±---�L ,
<br /> ----- ----
<br /> , � ..
<br /> TO �2Fa ----------- ----- ------��{�-,��-��(--�-�°_:�`"�---- --------------� ,..
<br /> - -- --- ---- � ,
<br /> , Register o f Deeds, ,
<br /> ---.Eraili.�...GYilkena---- --- ----------.._------- ------- ---- ,
<br /> 8�--------- --------------�--------------------------------------------------. ,
<br /> --------------------------------------- ------- ------- - - -- - ---- -------------� /
<br /> Depzcty. �
<br /> ���t��vr �t�� ��rt b�� ���e��e �x��e��rt�,�:
<br /> T�IAT----------------1�.@_}Bud.al�Z}a --Kxu.s_e_..�d.--B_ee�t-e---Kru�s�_.,.k�u�.b�nd�--�_d__wi�e-- -----------�---------------- ------ -- -------------�-- -- ----------- ',
<br /> ----- --- ---------- --------------�--------------....-------------- ---------------------- -- - ---------------------- ------------------------- -------------- --- ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> , f y f f � ------------------------Grantor--B------, in conside�°ation '
<br /> o tjce Cou�at o -----------Hall-f-----------.and State o ------------,--------------N_el?T8.8k�--- ----------------------
<br /> of the suryn of____..___________________._.________six_Tnou�ana. {�6000.00_)._Dollaxs _and__other valuable consideratiq�Z-L-�- :
<br /> --- - --- ------ ----------- ---- --- -------------- ,
<br /> in hand paid, do____._._____._liereby GP�NT, BAI�G�IIN, SELL, AND CONVEY icnto __.___.__.____________________E2'l11I1e__4Y�Iket18 _ _
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------ ---------------------------- -- -----------------------------------------
<br /> ' of the Count� of--------------H811--------------------and State of-----,----,-----..NB}1T.3.Sk3-----------
<br /> -- ----- - --------- ---- --- ----- � G�•antee------------, the followin� !
<br /> desc�°ibed premises, sitttated in the Count� of___________________Hall.____.___.__.___._.______________.__________..________and State of Neb�•aslca, to-2vit:
<br /> ---'The.._�ast_er1y---Twenty---S�?�---�nd_._�.QUr--t_��.:�k��---L-2�-•-�-�---.��_��---�f._-L��---S�y_en---�-7�----and---t�he_..�P��t axl,y---Thi�_���
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<br /> ___Addition._,to_:the...Cit�r__of_._Grand___Island_xNebraska_,aceording___to__the._.r:e�_�rded___�lat__t_hereof_,_____________ ___ ,
<br /> - -- ------- ------------- ------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--- - -----------..----- ---- ----�----------�-------------�- ---------
<br /> -- ----- ----- ------------ ----------------�----------------------------------------------- --- --- -- - ---- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------- - -----�---
<br /> ----�---------- ------------------------------------------------ � -------------- ---- --- ------- ------- ------------------------------------ -----_.-----------------------_..---------------------- -------------------------------------- - -- ---
<br /> ----- --------------- ----- ----------------------------------- -------------------- ------ ------ ---------- -- ----------------------...-- --------------------------------------- -------------------�-------------------------------�------------
<br /> ��� Together with a,�l the tey�ements, hereditaments, and a�np�ertena;nces, th,erei�nto belongi�zg, a�nd abl t�he Estate, Right, T�itte, I��a�erest, Dowe�•, '��;
<br /> ��� G'�s�rtesy, Claim and� Demand �vlia��soever of the said Grantor�_�.8.__, a�d-e�--e��laer-�em, of, �-n or to the sanie, or an� pccrt t7iereof.
<br /> � ('�t R �FIUP M1t� �A �D�� the above desc�•ibed premises, witlz the app2artenances, zcnto tJie saicl Grantee________.__and to.______�??e�______._.__heirs ����
<br /> � a�zd assiqns forever. Ancl�;r.�,?7:'�Q�$__hereb� coroenant_._____?v�,th the said C�rantee________.that______._t_h_�y..____..___.__....___Tzold._____sccid prenzises by �i
<br />�'� good and perfect title; tjacct... _______t�183T__. _________yia__Y-@_._good riqht and lawful ai�tho�•it� to sell a�nd conze� tlae same; tlaat th�f a�•e fre,e ancl '��
<br />� �� clear of all lier�s and �ncumbrances uwhatsoever.--- -------------- ------ -----.-.. ------------ ------. ------_ --------- --- - - - '
<br /> -- ---....----------- -- ------------------------•-- ------- --------------- - - - - - - --_ - - -- ------------- - -- ------- - ------------- - - -- --- ------- --------------------�•------------...- ---------
<br /> And__________ _____ ___ _____.__'�}�E'y' ___._.. _________ __..___ covenunt____.______to uara�ant anc� clefend the said pr�enzises a�ainst the lawful claims of all �er-
<br /> so�as 2vhomsoevcr . - --- ------ - --------- ---- -----------�-- ---------- --- -----�-------------- - --- - - --- ----------�--
<br /> -- -- ------------------------------------- --------- -- --------
<br /> ---_.._--------------------------------- --------- -- ----._. ---------�--- ------------------------ -...----- - -- - ------ - - ---- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- -------- -- ------ -.
<br /> --------------------------------------- ---- ---- - ---- -- -- - ---- ------- ----------------------- - ------- - ----- - - --- -- -- ------------------------------�--------- .._------------------------._-- - -- ----- ;'
<br /> Dated the•a- ---- 1.�'�h--------------- -- - -- -- ----- --�---�'aJ �f-----..--- ---------�Lt�t18_�r -- - ------- - --------- ---- - --------A.. D. 19_.��.«_.
<br /> ± -----------------Rudolph__Kruse
<br /> tiVITNESS - - - --------------------------- ------� -
<br /> �! _
<br /> ----- ---------�---------E.G,.Kroger------------------------- --------------- ---- �
<br /> --- ----------� -sssi.e---�truae---------------�-
<br /> ,
<br /> }ss. On tlzis----- ---2�-�h...-------day �f------- --- -----------A L1ret- A. D. 19--2 ---- be ore me ;
<br /> �i- r---------------- -------- ,
<br /> " ----- --- --H€�.Il- --- - - --------Count?/, )
<br /> ,
<br /> � the undersigned, a Notar� Public---------------------------.:---.---------witliin and for said CountJ, persont�lly ca�ne-------------------,-------------------------.---------------------- '
<br /> ' ------Rudolph__Kruse---and._He_s$i�._Krus�e_,_huehand--�.n.d--wi��-,-------------------.----------------------------------- -
<br /> --------------- ----------------------------._----- ------ --------------- ----------------�------ -------------- --- ------------------------------ ------------ --- ------------------- ; ,,,
<br /> � �� to ���e �e3•sonally kno2vryi to be the ielentieal person_8_____whose nanze_.g______a,T-g--___-- ----_ _-----.--_-_affixed to t3ae�� ;
<br /> _; .
<br /> � � $�AI,� �� ubove instrunient as grantor__$____, and._________�11��____ ____._seve7•all� acicnowleclged tlie same to be____._'�h@iTi
<br /> �� voluntary act and deed for the purpose there�i7z e�pressed.
<br /> ��` Ll� ti�ITNESS ti�HEREOF,I have her•eunto si�bscribed m� nan2e a7ad affi�ed 7n� officdal seal at________.___.__���'� �
<br /> '� __.__Gra,nd--Isla,nd_,ir�-_-s�-c�---��t3�-;--on the date last above �;vritten. !
<br /> .. "__..'.._____"....____�IR.N_I.Ai�1i/���_._,._'_______________'_'..."__....._..._.._'___.__. ��.1
<br /> � � llrotary Yul�lio. '
<br /> �
<br /> ' My eommission e�pi7°es- -- --F�b 2C-�i9�L- -- ---- - - ---- - ---------- - -------- ---- - ------ - --- . ._----- --------._19.---------- ';
<br /> � �I
<br /> �i
<br /> ;;
<br /> ;
<br /> ,I
<br />