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� 1��� <br /> D��LJ��� ������� ����� �►.J �J � <br /> �_. ��_. ._____����_—_ <br />__ —.-=- -- --- <br /> TB��S�-S7ATE JC�URNAL COMPANY LINCOLN,NEB. � � � <br />_.. --_ _..�.,.-=c:_���---i -_r:�-.,_ .__._.�... <br /> FRO.M I hereby cert�if� that this instrument wa.s entered o�z Nunierieal Inde� a�nd !` <br /> --.�ex.�xam---�t.._�I.QTIe�- 8s- w�- - --- ------ --- -�--- filed for record this- ---- --...---- --��----------------------�aJ �f---------�-��St --------------• <br /> �larrantp �t. D. 19---�7--� at----- . ---�'-- --- -- ------ --------� -----o'clock----p.__M. ; <br /> F <br /> ------------ -------------------- ------ <br /> - --- -- ---- -- - ------- . <br /> TO �Qea � / <br /> ---------- -------- ------- --�-`-°�_`�_U�,��-��,-.�------------------ <br /> Register• of Deeds, <br /> .__�3_._J_�_��.n���agham.- --------------------� <br /> . �J-------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> Depicty. � <br /> �K�t�� ��� ���t br� �k����e �x�����t��: �� <br /> TgAT................B_ext_xam__�_._JQnes._�,nd_.Gladys__�T_._Jone_s_,husband _and__wife, <br /> -- -- -- ----- ---- --�-- --- --� -- - --- -----.. ...--- ------------ <br /> --- ------------------------ --------------------------:_.-------------------------- -------------- ------------------ -----------------------_..--------�-- -------------_ ---------- ---------------------------�------------------------------------ <br /> _ � Nebraska_,_____._________________________._.._.__...G�•anto�•.e.____..., in consideration <br /> of tlie CountJ °f- - - -- �Ia.11. - - --- --.and State of-- -- - - -- - ------------ <br /> of the sum of------------------ --------------- --Fo�ty-five. -hundred---- ---- --- --- -- -- ---- --- --- -- --------- ------- -------DOLLAI�S, ' <br /> -- ---- ------ --------------------------------�- <br /> in ha-nd paid,�iy GPf1NT, BAR.GAIN, SELL, f1ND CONVEY unto _____B.J_,_Cunningham <br /> ------------------ - -- ------- ------- -------- <br /> ------------------�----------- ------.__...--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -----...--------------------- ---- ------------------------- -- �------�---------------------------------- <br /> of tlie Cou�at� �f------- --- -Ha.11.�---- -- - -------a7ad State of----- ---- ---------- -----bI�kiTa.ska-r----- ------ ------ - --------- ---� Gra7itee.-------•---, tlze followin� <br /> ��� described premises, situated in the County of_________.._____��1�_�_____....__________.____.________.._________a.nd State of R'eb���aslca, to-wit: <br /> ---Fx�.�.�_i.Q�al_Blo��__Tt�e�.�t�----(.�2.�---�a.l_��c�i-!s---�I�di..t�o�.,_t_Qg_e��:e.r.--with__.its--cQ_mplement.-bein�---fracti_onal <br />� __Lots__Nine.__.(9_)____and__Ten_..(lU_j.__in__Block___One___(_I_)_._in__Bonnie__Brae_.__,_both_. additions_to_. the___City of Gra,�d ". <br /> ---I-s-�..and_.,Nebx.a�ka-,-a�_a_arda�-r�g---��._.t�-e---x��_a_xd---p�at-_��ie_�e.Q_�_,�s�bject_..�-Q---�he_--encumbrancee---now. of---record. <br /> ._Soutnerly___7�___feet___�f__Lot___Ei�ht (£�) _Block Three (�) ,Arnold_ and _Abbott � s___Addition,subject to _ ;. <br /> -t-��e--e���rr�h�ax��es--no��z---o-�---r-ecor-d.-------- --- - ------------- --------------------------._ ----- -------------------.....- -- ------------------------- ---------------------------- ----- - --- , <br /> -- ----- ------- ------------------------------------------ --- ---- - ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------------------------- ---�--- � <br /> ---------- ------------- - ----------------------------�-- --------------------------- ------ ----- - _...---- ---------------------------- -- ---- ---�----------- ---�--------------�-- ------_--------------------------------- --- ----._ , <br />� � Together with a-ll the tene�neyits, laeredita�nvents, a�id appz�7•tenances, theyeunto belonging, arzd all the �state, Right, Title, Interest, Dower �i � <br /> , <br /> Curtesy, Cbaim and De�nand wliatsoezer� of the sccid Grantor•_.______, �cb-e��-eti#,�ae�-e�-�e�of, i,n or• to the same, o�• a�22 ayt tlzer•ec� . <br /> J 7� f <br /> t�t� ��t�P i�n� #t1 1.�0�� the above desc�•�ibecl premises, with the uppu�•tenances, 2c,nto tjae said (:��'antee. _.__.and to____.�1�._�__._______.__heirs ���� � <br />, �j and assigns forever. And__._._.Nr@___._..._hereb� cozenc�nt__._.__ivitfc tTte said Crr°antee_ _.__.___that__. ________1N�_.. __.____.__.____hold______said p�°e�n�ses by °�: <br /> ���� good and perfeet title; tlz�t___________3�te__________._....._l�c�___Y_e_�ood r�iglit and�la�cful aut]zor°it� to sell ancl eon.vey the same; that they are fre,e and �� <br /> ��� elear of all lie�zs and ineu�rabrances whatsoever_._______exCe�3t___tllose__�.boV_e__sta,t_ed________ � ' <br /> -- -- -- ... ..- - - -� -- --- - --- - - ----- - <br /> - --- ----- ---- -- -- -------�------------------ - -- -- ----------- -- - - -- - -- - - ---- -----__- -- -...--- ---------------- ---•-------- ------ --- __--------•�------------- - ------ --- <br /> ; And_______ '.. ..__��_.___ . _______ ___._.,. .. ______ _ _____.._ covenant___.___.__to war�•ant and defe�ad the said pre�nises aga�nst the lawful claims of all per- <br /> sons whomsoever• -------ex��p�--thIISe---�b_ovE---s-ta.t�d---------------.------------------------- <br /> --- --- -- ----- - -- ---------------------- ---- ------------------------ ------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- ------ - --- ---- ------ --- ------------------------------ ------------ ------ --- -- -- - -- -- ------------------------------------._.---------- ------�------------------ -- --------..._. , <br /> --------------------------------------------- - ------ ----------- ------------ ------ --.._----------------....------ - -- --- -- ----------------------------------------- ------------ ------� ------- ---- ------ ' <br /> ' Dated the--- --------- -6�-�---- -- -- ---------- -------------daJ �f----- - -- -------------------AL1g118-�----- ------------ -- ---- ---. - -----A.. D. 19----2-7... <br /> WITNESS ; �-- --------------$�'..x�i_T�I't1---�Y._eLQ11e$-----------------------------� --- -----_� .. <br /> ------------------------------E._G_,Kroger--- ----------- ------------------ ---� _- -- ----------�lad3�-$---�I_..Jon�s----------------------------------------------- � <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI��1, <br /> �ss. On this---- --6�h---------da2 0 ------ - -- ---- --- ---A S'�-- -------------A. D. 19----.�7_ before me ! <br /> ------------ --Ha7�1-- --- - - ------CountJ� <br /> J �u r----- , , ; <br /> the undersigned, a 1?ota�•� Public-----------------_----------------------within a�zcl for said County, personally came--------------------------------------....--------------------------- !' <br /> , <br /> ------Ssr�xam._�[_._Jones_,and__G1ady s--�d_._Jane.s-,hushan.d.__and--vai_f.e_,-------------------------------------------------' <br /> -- --..__...._------- --------- -__.--------- --------- ------------------------------------- ----- -._-------- -- ------------------ ---------------------- -- --------------�--- - <br /> ; � <br /> �� to vze pe�°sonally kno�vn to be the �dentical pe�•so�z_._.8__..__wlaose name___H____._35�.____.______.____.____.___afJi�ecl to the ; ����� � <br /> � ' above in�st7�unzent as grantor___g_._._, and_____t�.je� _____ ________sever`ally aelcno7cleclgec� the same to be___��e��. � <br /> � SEAL� zo�untay�y act and deed for the purpose thereiri exp7•essed. � � � <br /> i <br /> IV WITNESS tiVF7ERE0F, I hc�ve y��r�nt Ys�cbscril�ed m� name and uffi�ed my oJ�icial seal at .,._____. . '� <br /> t <br /> ; _Grand_ Is.land_,_T�ebr_.__xin_..said.__,�____on tlie date last above written. " <br /> ---------- ---�----------------E.-�.Kro��r-------------------------------------------- ,; <br /> � stiotary PuLlic. <br /> �T� commission e�pires-- -- --- ---Fe1�__.26-�-�'-�,��'------ - ---------19------------ <br /> ij <br /> << !,� <br />