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<br /> TI�AT------H�S1Sy--B__�.��ixoe_�i�7�-- and_.Ann�,---Schroeder-jhi-s-- wife..---- ----- ------ -- --- ---------------------------- -------
<br /> --------------�--- -- --- --------
<br /> ----- ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------•--- ------_...-------------- ---- ---- -- ---- ----- --------------...__...----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of tyee CountJ �f-- -- -�d.11- - - -----_.and State of- -----�-- - -- ------------------�Bb��.�ske�- ------ -- -- ---- - -----Grcentor8---------� in co�asideration ;
<br /> of the sum of------Qne --Do.11ar--an-d--ot.�:�-x--va�.uab_�e- GQns_�de.�.�t.i.on-----------------�- --- --------------- --------------------------------------.�1r1�,!
<br /> in hand paid, do----------lUer�eb� GPAIYT, Z3r�RGAIAT, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ---------HeZY.�ST-'�---F_._�3y.SS----------------------------------------------- I
<br /> --------------------------�----- - ----------------------------- ------ ----------------------- ------------------ ----------- -------------------------------�- -------------------- --- -----------------------�- --------------�---------�-------------------
<br /> of the Count� �f------- - H311 -- ---- - - --- ---and State of----- -----�------------------ -__�T_��JTa�k.a.- -- ---- -- ------ -- -- -- ---� Grantee--------•--� the follo2ving
<br /> described premises, siticated in tlie Count� of_..................._.___H8,11__._._______.___.__.____._.____.________._________and State of Neba�aslca, to-wit:
<br /> ..�11---Qf---L�.�---Fiv�__�5_)-_..in..�7.o c�---FQ��__(?�.)....in._�PQ�d'bine---Add it-i-Qn--t Q__the.--Qri�inal---Tawn.�__.no�._Cit y----------
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<br /> --CitY---af__.t�rand--I_sland-,---Hall---�oun�Y-�---Nehrask,a�.---------------------�----------------------------------�--------- ---------------- -- -------.....------------------------ ------ �__
<br /> --------------- - ----- ----------------------------------------- ------------------- -------------�.--------------------------------------- � -------------------------- ----- - --------------....------------------------------------------
<br /> ---- -------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------------�---- --- --- --- -------- -- �----------------------------- --------------------- ---- - --�--------------------- --�--�------------------------------- ------
<br /> ��� Together with all the tenen2ents, heredita�ments, ccnd ap�urtena-nces, the�°eunto belonging, and all the �state, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, ��;
<br /> ' �Curtes�, Claim ancd Demand wrecctsoever• of tlie sa�d Granto��.B.___,-��b-�-e��aex•-o-�-�#�er� of, i-n o�° to the sa�rne, or an� part ther•eof. �
<br /> � �L� 'l��UP Mn� #D �OI� the above desc7•�ibed prem�ises, witle tyie appurtenances, z�nto� the said G�°antee. _.____._a�id to_ ___.__h�B___._____hei�•s �'
<br />� ', and assigns forever. And_Sq@__C1p_____._he�•eby covenant_____2cith tlae said Grantee __.._____that._ ______ _�E.'..__. .___..__.._.._..lzold.____._.said premises by �'�
<br /> �� good a�ad perfeet title; tleat___ _____59[B____._ _____..___haV�____�ood riglit and lawf2�b autho�•�it� to sell and con.2e� the sarne; t1�at thef a�•e fre,e and ��,
<br />�'��� �� elear of all liens and ineumb�•ances 2vhatsoever__�XG.�_p�__��7L�&__cltle.__eT$.T�:ua,Ty___lBt_ 1�2�__3.11d__a.11_._t8,xe8 du@ �OT �d,virig�¢
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<br />� �� �lnd.______.... . __._ ______1N_@____ ____.__ .___.__ __......_ eovena.nt.__.____to warrant a�id defencl the said prenaises against the Zccwful elaims of a�ll �er- !
<br /> so�zs whomsoever - -- -- ---- - - --- - - ---- ---------....---------- - --- -- --------------- '
<br />� 'ii Dated the -- ------ --- ��it---- - -- -- - - ---�------- ------daJ �f---- -_._ -- ----------�Llly------ ----- ------------- ------ 2 ;;
<br /> -------- --------A.. D. 19----7-----•
<br />, - -- ------------ ---------Her�ry---8_.:S��xa�d��- ------ �- -�----- .. �
<br /> tiVZTN�'SS
<br /> ------------------------------.Artht��---C..�dayer--- ----� ------ ---------- -
<br /> - -------------------------Anna.__��hrae_der.--------------------------------.. ;,
<br />�, �-----------------�------...------------�-----------.--------------------------------------------------- ;;
<br /> - ---------- ----- ------ ---- ----- ---- ------ ------�--
<br /> ��� }ss. ' !i _ da o
<br /> On thzs---- -- -�Q ------- - y f--------- -- -----_ .�Tll�.Jt---------------•---------- --------A. D. 19--2�----, before me, i
<br /> --------- - -- -H8.11 -- ----- ----_CountJ, �
<br /> ' the undersigned, a Notczr� Publie...------------------------------.---within and for said CountJ, personally ea�ne-----------------------------------------------------_------------- '
<br /> .FlenrY--B.-&chr�ade.r---and-_-Anna-..Schr-oEder-,--hi-s -�3.fe --------------------- --------------------------------------------� ,
<br /> -------------- ----- - -------- ---- ----- ---- ----- ------ -------- - -------------------- -- ---------- ...-------------------- -------------�---------------- ---------------------: �
<br /> F to me personally kno�vn to be the identical pe��so,�zB_________whose nnmeB_ ___________.3rs., ----.__ ..____.___affi�ed to tTze � ' '
<br /> � �S�AL� above instruynent as grantor8_.__.___._, and_.__________�hE�t__ ______severull� aclonouledgecl the sarrtie to be__.�he-1T � �
<br /> volunta7•y act and deed for the purpose tlierei�i e�pressed. �
<br />, IiV tiVITNESS tiVHEREOP, I have hereunto subscribed my name and uffi�ed my offieial seal at___._____.____.��� �
<br /> ___.____.____._.�rand.__�sland.,____________________.___.._on the date last above �vritten. '' ,
<br /> I
<br /> ------------- -------------------�-------- ---A.�t��x_..�.._�iaye�-------------- '
<br /> � Notary P�cblic. ' �
<br /> Mz commission e� ires------Ju�l�--- -r�-__1_ 2 ------------------------------------------------------1`�------------ �
<br /> � p 9 9 �------ --- - ------ --- -------------� ; I
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