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1� <br /> I � �j L.�'JJ �LlJ J � � �J V � O 0 <br /> �J�J� �J� .�J�� � ��J� ��J <br /> ______— _�__ _ �_ ___�. _�_� <br /> BS4�-STATE JOURNAL COMPANY LINCOLN NEB. � - ��� ��� �� ������ ����� � �� � � � � - <br /> � FRO.M I hereby ce�•tify that this inst�•ument was entered on Numerical Inde� a�ad 'I <br /> ;� <br /> ---A�3da---�ain_e...I��� hu�b2�Tld-- --- �led for �-eco��d this-- - - ------- --- -----�Q-------------�ay �f--------------.JulY----------�----- ` <br /> ------------------------------------- - - -- - - -- ----- -- --- - - - <br /> -- - �larrantp �l. D. 19.---��---� at-------- --.�z 3a---- ---- - -------- --------o��ao���- --P._M. i <br /> To �eea <br /> ------------------------ --�-�-- � . <br /> ��-----------=�=�=�=�--------------- ' <br /> Frances R.�tulholland <br /> Pegister of Deeds, <br /> ----------------- ------------------- -- ---------...--------------- -- ---- -------- <br /> BJ-------�----�---------------------------�----------------------------------. <br /> � Dep2ct�. � <br /> ------------------------------ ------- ---------- --- ------- - -- - ----- ------• i <br /> ��Crt�r� ��� ��e�t b�� c� ��e�� �����e�t��: <br /> TgAT-------------------------Adda--I,ain�_�Iorgan---and--Vic.�_or._.�lorga.n__b_��.__hua'�.at�d-- - ----- ------------- -------------- ----------------------- --------- - <br /> ----- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- ----- ------------ ----------- -------------------------� -------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------�--- ------------------------------- <br /> VGashin tOri __..__G�°a�itor__8_...__.., in consideration <br /> of the CountJ �f- ---- - Pl.�_x��---- ---and State of- ---- --- - -- - --------------- - -� --------s------------------- - - ------ <br /> of the sun� of------------- - ---- --------- Sig th_o�z�and..sig--hundr�d----------- ------------- -- ---- - -----------�-- ---- --- --------------------------------------voLLArs, ' <br /> in hand paid, do-------------he�°e�iy GRANT, 13�RGAIN, S�LL, A._ND CONVEY unto ----------Fx2r.ri��F�_..A.�liL11h01.7.�i.Ild----------------------------------- ' <br /> ---------------------..----------------------------------._.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- -- ------------------------ - ---------------------------------------- <br /> of the CountJ �f------- ---ll�tiiglcb8� -- - ------c�nd State of-----�----------------N.�.l�re.8k�,-fi-------- ---------- -------- -- -- ----� Grantee-----------_, the following ' <br /> deseribed premises, sit�uated in tlae CountJ of___------_-_-_H8,11�------__--_____..-----_-------_----__--_----and State of Nebraska, to-wit: � <br /> _,_Lo_t___Eight.___��_)__._in__blpak__One._.hun�x_ec�___�_a,ght_...(_1Q�.)___in._.Aail._Road__Addition___�t-o..-�rand__I.aland__ae.carding <br /> .to..the__r_ecorded_.plat---ther_�o�------------------------- ------------------------�------------------------- ------- ---------- ---- -.._ -- --- - ------- ---._.- - -----------------------�---------------- <br /> -- ------------------._ ------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------ -------- -�------------------------ - -- -�- ------- ------------------------------------� ----- ---- <br /> -- --- ------- ------- --- --------------------------------------------------------------- - --_--------�--------- --------------------------------•----- - ----------------------- ---- _------ ------ --------------------------------------_..-- --- <br /> --- - -- ----- -------�- ----------------------- ----------------------- -------------------------- -----------------�---------------------------------�---------------------------- -------�_--- -- ----------------------------�---- -- -- --- <br /> -- -�---- ----------------------------------------------------------- -- ---- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- -.._,.---------------- -�-------------------.__------------- ---- --- :' <br /> �� Togethe�• with all the tenements, her•editaments, and appz�rtenances, there2cnto belong�ing, and all the �state, Right, Title, I7zterest, Do2�er, ; <br /> �� C2�rtesy, Claim and Demand �vlia�tsoever of the said C�rccn�tor_�____, are�-e�e2.�tltie�ejE#�ae�,��of;���-n o7• to the sarrae, or any pa�•t thereof. �! <br /> (�tA �Mtte �ri� #� �A�� tlie aboze descrdbed p�°emises, witli the appu��tenances, 2c,nto the;said Grantee. ___.__'_.ancl to___.__._h�T._________.heirs �! <br /> � and assigns forever. Ancl_�:_. __We__.__..__he��eby cove�zant_ .___2vith the said C�ra�ztee ______..that___ ________________yQE_. _.___±___:.._hold._._..�._sc�id p�°emises b� ���_ <br /> � good and pe�°fect title; that__._______W�________________..ha__V@_._good rigt�t anc� lau�f2tl authoz•itJ to sell c�ncl co�2,�;e,� the same; that theJ are free and :; <br /> `. <br /> � clear of all liens and ineumb�•ances wjiatsoever._________.__. ______ . _____. _,_... _ __,_.__________ ' _.______.___. � <br /> : -- --------- ----- ----- --------------------------- ----- -- ---•--------- - --- - - -- - - - -------------- --- ------ ---- -- ------------ --_..-------------�----- -----------•--�--------------- - ----- --- ' <br /> ---- _._-.---- --- ---- -----------�-•----- -------- - -- -- -- ------------ - - - -- -- ---- --- --- ----------------------- --- --- -------------- ------- --- -- ---------------------------- --- -- -- - ' <br /> i <br /> ��� And____.______.___vPB______________._______.__.______________ covenant__._______to warrant and de Pnd tlie said reanise�s a ainst the law ul claims o all er- �� <br /> f� p �J f f 1� -. <br /> sons wlaon2soever .------ --- -------- - -- - - --_.- ------------- ------ - - ------ --------�- -------- - -- ;' <br /> ------ ----�---- - --------------------------- --------------------- -- ---- - -------- <br /> ---------------------------------�------- -- --- - -------- --- --------------------------------- - ------------- - ----- - --- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------ -----...., ., <br /> ------------------ ------------------------ - - -- --- ------ ---- - - ------- ----- ----------------------- - ------- --- - -------- - - --�------------------------------------------ --------_.----------------------- -- -- ---- � <br /> Dated tice- ------ - --2$n------- - - - --------------- - ------da� �f-------- - --------------- June - - -------------------------- -------- ------A.. I�. 19----27---• ��. <br /> � tiVITNESS �- ----------------------Ad.d,+A.---�.�:�.Sl��---MIIT.�i8�Y11-----------------�------- 'i <br /> W.L. Sachse -----------------------Henry---�ictpr__Morgan------------------------- : <br /> ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------- ---� <br /> � --------�-----------------------------�---...--------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> ------------------�-----------���--=-R-t Flasket-t-------------------- - ------------- <br /> washinton �--------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> STATE OF7�r��,X ' <br /> �ss. On thzs--------- -- -- --.�.'��1.da� o --------------- ----- -----<I.Lil.. A. D. 19----�7-- before me ;% <br /> _..-- ------P�_er��- -- - -- ------County, <br /> � f Y-�-------------------- --------- , ,_, <br /> ' the undersigned, a Notar� Publie----------------.-----------------------within a.ncl for said CountJ, personatly caync------------------------------------------------------------------•-- 'i <br /> ----------Adda--Laine__.P�or-g�,n---Hanr-�r. --Vict-ar--�or-gan --- -- ---- --- ------ ----- -------- -------------------------------------- , <br /> --------- -----�--------------------------------- ---------- ------ --------------�---- -- ------ ---- ------- -- --- ------ ----- --- --- ------------ -----------------------------'; <br /> � <br /> � t�o me pe�°sonally Icnoz�n to be the identiecel perso�z. .g_:___.uhose name.__� _____,��_� -• ___ ,._.___ ___..______.affi�ec� to tfae�� � ' � <br /> �� � �EAL�� ccbove i�astr2cr�a�ent as gra�itor________., and__________._�.�y__.__ _______severall� acicnowlec�ged the sa�ne to be___�h��T . �i, � � <br /> volwretar� act and deed for the picrpose therei��z e�pressed. <br /> i� L� 7VITNESS �FVHEPEOb',�.I have hereunto sa�bscribed my nc�me and ccffi�ed my ofj'iciat seal at__..._____.___�' <br /> ; .._.___.___T_3.CAma,_,�y-�------------on the date last above written. i' <br /> ,, � <br /> '' ----------- ---------------�__L_.�a�hae-�------ --�--------------�---.._..------------ �; <br /> Au ust 0 1 2 Res.Tacoma �[ash 'ota�°y zuvazc. <br /> � � ' �. <br /> � M� commission expirea-- ------ �--- --- 3---' --9-9 - --- ---------- - -----19----- ----- ! <br /> -------- - -- ---�--- ------ - -------------- <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> � <br />