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<br />.-,�._._.. _ ,�]y�4.�_ S.ATE JOJRNAL,COMPANY LMCOLN.NEB. � . . . . ' .. .. . .. .. . . .. . ._. ....
<br /> FRO.M I hereb� certify tlzat this inst�•ument was entered o7a Nunierical Inde� a�nd ��
<br /> le or �°eco7�d this---------- ------ ------ ------------------daa o
<br /> --bd��3r---I�.Brc�wn. � hu�b ---- - ------------ -------- --- i� d f 7 � f------------Ju13t'----�------------
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<br />� �eea (� �
<br /> TO jj ,
<br /> ---- - ---- ---- ----\�l_�f�-�------------�-'--����---------------
<br /> --------_ _ --------------..- ---- -• Register of Deeds, ,
<br /> -----5.E.,.�t E WEi,rC�.- ----- -- '
<br /> By-------------------------------�------------------.....------------------. "
<br /> --- --- Depact�. ;
<br /> ��C�t,ar�r �t�� ��rt �� ��r��� �x��e��e�t��:
<br /> TaAT-------------YYB-��ta,r.y--I,.._Bro.wna.)Foxm�.��,y....��.�_y._.L_._?��nt.f_r.ow-)--.an_d__Ja�n�e---T_._Hxown.,_Jac-�---he�---�usband.------------ '!
<br /> ---- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------- --- ---------�------- - -------- ----------�-------------- --�--------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._
<br /> , of the Count� of-----------H811,,--------------and State of---.------------------.---11IebT38k&---_-------------------------------------------Grantor------8---, in consideration '
<br /> of tf�e sunti of------ ---------- ------------ -- --- --N_i�net_y_..f_3�ve._hund�ed- --- ------------- --- - --- --- -------- ------ - - --�----- -------------------------------�---------DOLLAr�s, '
<br /> in hand �aid, do------_..---Iaereb� GRA1�T, Bf1RG�I11T, SELL, �11TD CONVEY 2cnto -------5,�,_Steward,.------------------------------------ ------- - --- -- - �
<br /> --------------------------- -----------�------�----------- -�----------------------------------�-------------- - ---------------------------------- ---- ------ ----------�----- ----- ---_.------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------and State o ------------------_..DYE?br&5��------------------------------------------� Grantee------------� the following !
<br /> of the CountJ �f--------- --- - - Fia:ll. - - f
<br /> described premises, sitzeated in the County of_______________________�a�,�______..._...________..________._._.__.____._____and Sta,te of �l'eb�•aslea, to-wit:
<br /> ..The---�au�h--Ha].�---o-f_._�ha---btoxthwes-t_._Quar-t-er---af.--t-he_..-8auth�aeat----Qua,��er----(-�---�1�---8�j�)--,-and__.all--o.f--the_ ';
<br /> -Southwest---Qu�rt_er.._of__the_._SQUthwest.--.Qua�t�-x--.(..$@��---4�F�-)_�se_c�.3.on---FQUx__--(_�,1..,.T.�t�nshi,.p--.��,�v�n__,(.�.I�--�----- '.
<br /> North.__Ra,nge___�Tine___.�_9_)._,�est___of._the___6th_.P._M.,.,_save_:and:_e_xceptin�___1Z.,7___acre.s___in__the__.tract__ conveyed'!
<br /> _.�-o---�he_.�i�y---s�f._.C�rand---I_�lans�.,_N_eY�saska.,hy._--➢�axrant-Y----�7eed.__r_e_c�rdad--in---:�hs__offis�.s.---of.__t.1ae---Regi.st_�r_ ,
<br /> _o�.__Dees��.__o.�_._�aa._d._.Hall---OQ�r,�--Y-,-az�---Bo.ok---�?�--at__.Pa��---�.2-��ub�-�-��---�lso---��...�he.._ri�h�.--of---�ay---Q�___the-_---- '
<br /> _G�and__.I_sl.ans�...and._?fty.nming--.�en�sal._.8ailr�ad---CQm�an�r-,it�.---auc.aes�.or�s_._ar.---assigns_.--------------------------------------- �
<br /> - --- ��
<br /> ---- ---- --- ------ ------------------------------------------...--------------------_.-----...-- -------- --- ------------------------------- -�--------------------- -----...---------- ------- -- --�------------------------- ------------ ;
<br /> ' Together with all the te��cements, hereditaments, and app��rtenances, th.;reunto belonging, and ald the Estate, Ri�ht, Title, I�aterest, Dower, ;
<br /> �� Curtes�, Cla-i��z �nd Dernanct wl�aatsoever of the sc�id G��antor.__.B_, ce��3-e¢-e��-o�-��;-of, in or to the sanae, o�° any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �MttP �tri�i #0 �0�� the above described p�•e�nises, with the appurtenances, unto tlze said C��ra�2tee__________and to_____..Y3E�T_____.___._.__heirs ����
<br />, ' and assigns forever. And__._ _��_..___f�ereby covenant____._zt�ith the said Grantee _____._that__ _______ ?��._._. _.. ___.___.__._laol�l_____.said py°emises by ��
<br />� � good and perfect title; that_._ ___._.�g______.. . _____.____laa._y$_.__goocl riglat and lawful a�itho�•ity to sell and co7zi�ey the same; thc�t t1tie� a�•e fre,e and ?
<br /> ; clear of all liens and i2zcum,bi�ances whatsoever-__ _- _-_- _--__-- ___._- ---_._- -----_-- ---_---. _ -
<br /> - - - - - --- - �-- ---- ;!
<br /> _
<br /> _ -- -- --- -- ---
<br /> '
<br /> II ---------------- -- -- - ------------------------- -- ----- ------------- - --.-... - - - - ----------- ---- -- -- - _- ------ ------- - ;!
<br /> ; --- ------ ----- ------------------------ -
<br /> Ancl_________________._.1��___.___...._.._____.__________________.___..___. covenant.__._._..._to warrant ccnd defend the sa�d prenzises against the Za2vf2cl clainzs of adl g�er- •
<br /> .
<br /> sons whomsoever• -- - - --- - ---- -- -- - - -- - ------------ -- -------- - --- -�
<br /> ------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------- -- ------------------------ - --------- --- - - ----- - - -- - -----------------�--------------_�--------------- -------------------------- --- --------
<br /> .
<br /> I�� --- ----------------------------------- --- ------ - ------------- - ----------...-------------------- --------- ------ ----- --- I,:
<br /> --- ---- -----------------------------------_.... ------- -------------------------- - - --------
<br /> �
<br /> Dated the-- - ----- ----- 3TC�--------- - ----- --- -----------------daJ �f---- -- -- ---------------------Sl1riG-------- ------------------------- - .
<br /> -------A.. D. 19------��-•
<br /> tiVITNESS S 1 �- ------ - %
<br /> _---- -�- ---- ---- --
<br /> !
<br /> �ary L:-Brown - ---- -- - -
<br /> ----
<br /> --------- - ----Marie Peterson _ _ _. ' _ James T.Brown Jr. _ _ .._ __.
<br /> Arthur C. yer _ __ -- - ';
<br /> I State---of_ Nebraska, _
<br /> Hall Gounty es. � _ _ _. _ _ ------- -
<br /> On this 3rd day of June A.D.lq27,before me the underaigned,a Notary
<br /> Public within and for said Coun� y ,personally cam� D�ary L.Bro�n,(Formerly �a.ry L.Rentfrowj ,wife
<br /> of- James T ,Brown ,Jr.�o �e personally known to be the identical person whose name is affi�ced
<br /> � to the above instrum�nt__as_ Grantor_,and ��she eeverally acknowledg:ea �he same to be her vol�nta,��
<br /> ; act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS VGHEREOF,I have hereunto -�ubecribed my name and affixed my official seal at �'�
<br /> �rand Island,in said County ,bn the date last a�aove writter�. '
<br /> _ - . : � � - hur C.�dayer - -
<br /> ��� . , . ��. � � '� � �
<br /> �y commission expires June 9 1929 s�L} Art ' �Jotary- Publio.
<br />, 3tat e of �ichigan , . , ._ , �
<br /> �. . �; , i
<br /> ; County of �ayne �s. , , � ' _._ . ;
<br /> On this 2nd day of June,�..D. ,19�7 ,before me the undersigne�.,a Notary �
<br /> �' Public �aithin and for said County,personally came Jamee T.Bro,wn,Jr.-,hu�bar�d of Biary L,.Brown, _ _ ,
<br /> ; to me personally known to be the identical person whose name is affixed �to the above instrumenit
<br /> ; as Grantor ,a.nd he seYerally acknowledged the same to be his valuntary -act and deed for the pu�±–
<br /> ;; pose therein expressed. ; ,
<br /> { IN V�ITNESS '�HEREOF,I have hereunto subseribed my narne and affixe@ my offiaial seal at Hi�h-
<br /> ji land Park ,in said County,on the date last above written.
<br /> (sEAL Alberta Ciittin s
<br /> } . ,;
<br /> � My commission expixes�Dday 1�th ,192�. Notaxy Public. i
<br />�__� _ Y ___-- _�_ :
<br /> ,' ,' ,
<br /> ;�
<br /> ,
<br /> �I
<br /> �I -- - ,� �
<br />