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� � <br /> � J J � �)�lI � � ,I1�V� � � b .. <br /> ���� �—I�J��� �:d����� ��� <br />��_..____.._ ____�__._,.�w-�---- _._.____ <br /> ___ _ _ __ <br />_.. � � .�.a.z��-±etta�t_s''-,..,...Da..K;�r.�4#z�.�i,,Eh�� . .M._.. .._._,_. ._ ,. <br /> ._ _ - _.__ __ <br /> � FRO✓YI � I hereby ce�•tif� that this insti°ument uwas entered on Numerical I�zde� and �� <br /> _._HLtYlt-eT---$m1�h.-&--S�f-- -- --- --- --- --- - _-- - ----- f��ed for record this ------ -----2�J----- -------------------��� �f�-----------June--- --=------------- <br /> � �arrantp ��. v. ls----2�---� a�----- - 2--1�---- -- ---------o��ao�k- ----P._n�. ' <br /> ' ----'- b <br /> ... -----'----------------------------'------------------ --------------------- . <br /> To �eea � <br /> ��� � ,. <br /> ------ - ----- ----- ---- ----- --� -------.- -�-��--------------- � , <br /> Register of Deeds, <br /> Detlef H.�2eves . <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------- --- ----- ; <br /> � <br /> BJ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------�------------ -------- --- - - --- ------- ---- Deput�. <br /> "�Crt�au� �t�� ��rt b�� ��r��� �x��e�����: <br /> TSAT---------------------HLlY].�-8-x--�rilf_'��11-- ��i4�...L�SS�,._EA Sm_�t�_,_h,i$._wi�e.- --- --- - ------ ------- ----------- .---------------------- ------ ---------------- ------------ '' <br /> -�---------------�-------------------------------------------- ------- -------------------_. --------------..._------ -------------------------.:--------�--- ---------....-------------------------------------------�--�--------------------------- <br /> of the C�unty of- --- ----Ha.11.� ---- -----and State of-- .--- --- -------- -------NEI���.s.ks------------- --- --------------- - -- --Gr•antor---B-----, i�2 eo�isider�atio�2 ,' <br /> of the sum of----------- -- ----Twentx- 9eyen__Hundred__fifty- and__no_�100--�----------------- -- ----..--- ---�-------�-----------------------------------DOL�,�1zs, <br /> in hand paid, doe�s---------Iacreb� C�RgNT, Bf1RG�1IN, SELL, AND CONVEY u7ato -----------T�-�'�lBf--H-.-MeYE.B.------------------------------------------------: <br /> f J f � f � - --- -- ------ -------� Grantee_..---------� the followi�ay ` <br /> o the Count� o -----------�all- ----------------------and State o ---------------- N�_b_x.a_E�$a- ------------- <br /> described premises, sitttcated in the Count� of___._____._.__.____�,1.�._}___________.________..__,__________________________and State of R'eb��aslca, to-ivit: <br /> ---L-ot--Dline�_(-�-}-.._i-n--b-lock---f�.ve---4-�-�----in---H.�!-s-._Addi-tior�:�--t-o---the---C-i.ty---of---Grand---I-s-land.,.�lebraska--- !, <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------- ---------------------------- ----- ------ -- _.---�--------�------------------------------- ' <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------�----------------- -----�--�----------------------- --- --- _-------------------------- --�-- ----------�-----�------------------------------ --------._ <br /> -- - - -- - ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- - -� ------------- -----------------�---:...------------- - ----- -- <br /> -- ---- -- -------------- _ ---------------- -------------------- -- --------------------- ----------------- --__--------------------------------�------------------------------- ---------- --------- ----------------------------- ----- - --- ` <br /> -_ -- -- ---- -------------- ------------------------------------- - - ------------- -...----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------�------------------------ -.. ..--------------------------------------...--- <br /> --- - ---- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- --- ------ ---- ---- - - ------ ------------------------- --------------�-----------. --- -------..--------------------------------------------.�_--------- <br /> ��� Togethe�• with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appz�rtenances, thereunto belonging, and all t��e �sta�te, Right, Title, I�zterest, Dower, 'i <br /> � Cu�°tes�, Clainz and Demand whatsoever of tlae said Gran�o�•__A___, t�c�-e�-ei,�Izersf-�iceln, of, i7z or� to the sa���ae, o�° any pccrt ther•eof. <br /> � � �A �MUP Mri� �0 �A�� the above descyived pre�nises, with the appurtenances, z�nto the said Grantee__________a�zd to.______.__h].�_________.heirs ��;��_ <br /> � <br /> �� and assigns foa�ever. And--_-�h�Y-_----.he�•el�� covena�zt--_---.wit�h tlie �aid G�°antee_-__---_that-_______-�hg.�..-__--_--_-_---hold--_----said pr•eniises by 'i <br /> ; <br /> � good and perfect title; tliat___.________tll�_� .__.._.h�V�_,__good r•igjet and lawful au�horit� to sell a�nd con2e� the same; that thef a�•e fre,e and;? <br /> clea�� of ald licns a,ncl i�icac7nbrances whcrtsoezer_ ____.Ex_C-e��___a._mor�g8�e. -tD-..thE_-EqLtit_ab1.e__.BLtildi�lg._.�,rid...LO_e,ri_._�A,�s_4Cis�,�iion <br /> in the sum of �2�00.00 and _grantee _assumes and a�rees _to _pay__the _un�aid balance thereof.Pavir�� <br /> _.___ - ---- --- - - ----- - --- ----- ----- - ---- - - - -- ---- -----�--- --- --- - --- -- - , <br /> _pa_id .to_ dat e---and---�rantee.- assumes the___unpaid...balance '- - -- -------------- ---- - - ------- ----- - --------------�---------------- ----- ' <br /> �� And____.__.._____�h�y__.__..___________.______:____._ _..___ eovenant_________to wa�r�•ant and defe�i�l the sccid premises ac�ccinst tice laivful cla�ims of a,bl pe7•-'�: <br /> sons whon�soeve�� -- -- G�cGe-pt- -a.6 c�.bove--��-nt-i�c�2�e-d----- --- ---- ----- -------- - - -- ---- - ---------- - ---------------- - ---- -------- <br /> ....-------�--------- <br /> -------------------------------------- ----------- - - -------- -- ---- --- ----- ------------------------- ------._. -------- - ----- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------....., <br /> � ------------------------------------- --- - ------- - ---------- - ----------- ------------------------- ---- --- -- -- . - -�- --- �----------------------------------------- ------------------�- ----------------------- <br /> Dated tlie-- -- ----�?------------------ -- --- --------- ------------daJ �f--- -- - ----1Ma.TCh-� ---- --------- -------- ------ - - <br /> ----- ------A.. D. 19.---.2_�... , <br /> tiVITNESS ; ----------------------�unt er---Smith---------------------------= <br /> ----------------------Li ssa...E.Smith '' <br /> --------------�dv�a-r-d---�'�Fi-a��o�--------------------- ------------------- <br /> -- -- -- -- - -- --------�--.------------------------------ -- ' <br /> -- -; <br /> STf1TE OF NEBPASI�A, `' <br /> ___._.____A. D. 19..2� _. before me <br /> ss. On this--------$` �f----- ---_.---Ma,TChT------ , ,I� <br /> ------ ---- 4 <br /> '' -- -----H811-- -- - ------Count�, <br /> �i <br /> the zcndersigned, a Notar•y Public-----------__.-------------------------�,vithin and for said CountJ, personally eame------------------------------------------------------------------- i <br /> � <br /> ; --------.�un_�er__Sraith---�nd__�_�ss�---S.;n.�th_,-�i-�---wi�e.- - ------- _----- ---- ------- --------------------------------------------------' <br /> to ���e personall� lcnoiv72 to be tlae dderitical pe�•so7i_ _______uhose nanze_____g_.,_____�r@. __._.__ _ _____________affi�ed to tTae; .- � <br /> �' � � $EAL� above instrunzeazt as gran�or_____8____,�and_.___ _..___the'jr--- .__severall� acknou;ledged the same to be__.___-tjj,�j,_�f � � <br /> `�� voluntar-y act and deed for the ��ur�ose thEreiri e�pressed. <br /> `� <br /> IN tiVIT1VESS tiVHEREOF, I feave hereunto subseribed my nan2e and affi�ed my� official seal at______.._____.,; <br /> : _._.Grand...I.sland_,_in__�ai.d...C��znt�r-_,._o,z the date last above written. i: <br /> ;; <br /> -------------------------Ecl�ear.d__F_._Hannon----�---- ----�--------------------' <br /> �tiotc��°y PuLlic. � <br /> s` hi� commission e�pi��es.------- $.ept-..�,�I--�-�.9�7--- --- ---------------------------------•-----�-------------------------------19------- ---- ;I <br /> ;; <br /> __..._____._.__.__.___. __________ ____. _ ..__ _. _ . _________. <br /> , <br /> _ _ _ — <br /> i� <br /> � <br /> ,. _ il <br />