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' cavanNTS �V""����� <br /> 7. Psymenta. Borrowdr sgrees to make att payments nn the secured debt when due. Uniess Borrower end lender agree atherwisa, any <br /> payments Lender receives from Borrower or for Borrnwer's benefit wiil be applied t'irst ta am� err►our�ta Borrowar owes on the secured dabt <br /> exc{usive qf interest or principal,socond to Irttereat,end then ta principal.If partia!prepayment of the secured de6t occurs for sny reeson,it will <br /> �rt raduce c�sxcss�eRy e�h•,+•s!�a�a;^rr:t::r;;i�«x mw��'�:;;x�SC3��;4�!!, . <br /> 2. qeims Against 7tde.Borrower wili pay ail taxes, asaesaments, and other charges attri6utabie to theproparty when due and will defend title - <br /> tn the property agamst any claims which wpuld impair the lien pf this'iieed oi trust.Lender mey raquiref Borrowar to essign any rights,claims or <br /> deTenses which Bnrrnwer may have agatnst parties who supply iabor or materi�ls ta improve or maimain tfie property. <br /> 3. Inwrancp. Borrower will keep the prpperty insured under terrr�s accepta6le tn Lender at Borcower's e�cpe►ase and fqr Lender's benefh. All <br /> insurance pcalici�es shmil include e standard mcrtgage clause in favor of Lender.Lender will be namerl as loss payee or as the insured on bny such <br /> insurance policy.Any insurance proceeds may 6e applied,whhin Lvnder's discretion,t0 either the restorarian or repair ot the damaged praperty <br /> or to the secured defoi.If Lender raquiras mortgage insurance,Borcnwer agrees ta maintain such insurance fer as long as Lender requires. <br /> 4.Property.Bprcower will keep tha property fn good condition and make all repaira reasonably necesaary. w <br /> S. Expensaa. Borrewer agrees to pay all Lender's expensas,including reasonable attorneys'fees,if Borrower breaks any covenants In this deed <br /> af trust or in any obiigatian secured by thie deed of trust. Borcower wili pay these amounts to Lender as providad in Covenant 9 of this deed of <br /> mast. <br /> 6. F'riar Security Ontaresta. Unlass Borrower fir&t obtains Lender's written consent, Borrow�r will not make or permit any changes to any prior <br /> secpriry intoresis. 8orrowar will peHorm elI of Barrower's pbligetlans under sny prfor mqr[gage, deed �f Vust or other sar,unty egreement, <br /> inctuding Borrawer's covonants to make payments vvhen due. <br /> 7.Aasigr�ment af Rerrts and ProHts.Borrower assigns to lander the rents and prafits of the property. Unlens 9vrrawer and l�snder have agreed �� <br /> otherwise in writing, Borrpwet may caleact and retain 4he renis as long as Borrowar Is not in del�uFt. If 19orrower defaults, lender, Lender's <br /> agent, or a court appointe�d receiver may t�ke possesslon and manage the property and callect the rents. Any rencs Lender collects shall be <br /> applied first to the costs of managin� the praperty, including court costs and attomeys' taes, commissioiis to rental agents, and sny other <br /> necessary relatad expenses.The remaining emount of renta will then appty to payrnents on the sacured debt�a provided in Covenant 1. <br /> 8.Lensahdds;Condom6nluma;Plenned Unh pavelopmantt.9orrower agreea to comply with the provisions of:iny lease If ihis deed of trust is on <br /> a te�sehold. If this deed ot trust is on a unit in a condominium ar a pPanned unit development, Bonower witt perform all of Bvrrower'a duties <br /> under the covenants, by-laws,or regulations of the corxfominlum cr planned unh davelopmerrt, <br /> 8_ Auihaity of Lsndar to Psriorm tot Borrowx. If Borrower faila to perform any of 9orrowrer's duties under this deed of trust, Lender may <br /> perform the duties or ceuse them to be peHarmed. Lender may sign Barrower's name or pay any amount if'necessary for performance. If any <br /> construciion on the praperty is discontinued or not carried on in a reasanabla manner, Lender may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender's <br /> securiry interest in the praperry.This may include compinting the conatructian. <br /> Lender'd failure to perform will not preclude Lender from exerciaing any ot its other righta under the law pr this deod of trust. <br /> Any amounts paid 6y Lender ta pratect Lendar's security interest will be securad by thls deed ot trust. Such amounte will be dua on demend <br /> and will bear intarest from the date of tha payment until paid ln full at the interest rots in efiect on the secured de6i. <br /> 10. DateuR and Aec.laredon. If 8arrower faila to make any payment when dua or breaks any cvvenants undor this deed oi trust or any <br /> obligation secured by thia deed of trust or any prior mor[gage or deed of truat, Lender may acceleretet the maturity a} the secured debt end <br /> demand immediate paymant and may invoke the ppwer nf aale and eny other remedies permitted by appllcabla(ew. <br /> 17. Raquest for NoNce of Detauh. It is hereby requested that copies af the natices of defauR and saie be aent to each person who Is a party <br /> hereto,at the addreas of each such person,aa set fortfi herein. <br /> 72. Powx vf 5ds. If the Lender invokes the power of sale, the Trustee shall firat record in the offtce of the reqister of deeds of each county <br /> wherein the trust property or some part or parcal thereo#is situated a notice of defauh containing the information repuired by law.The Truttee <br /> shall also mail copies of the notice of defauk to the 6onqwer, to each person who is e party heretq, and to other parsons as prescribod 6y <br /> applicable Iaw. hlot less than one month after the Trustee records the notica of default, or two months l� the trust praperty ia rwt in any <br /> incorporated chy or village and is used in 9arming operations carried pn hy the trustvr,the Truste9 shall give public notice of sala to the perspns <br /> and in the manner prescribed by appplicable law. Trustee, whhout demand on Borrower, shall sell the property at public auction to tho higheat <br /> bidder. If required 6y the Farm Homastead Protection Act, Trustee shall offer tha property in twa separate sales ea requlred by appllcable law. <br /> 7rustee may postpone sale uf atl or any parcel of the property by pu6lic announcement et tha time and place ef any previously scheduled aale. <br /> Lender or ks designee may purchase the property at any syle. � <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price pid,Trustee shatl deliver to tha purchasar 7rustee's deed conveying the property.The recitiafs cantnined in <br /> Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidience of the truth of the staternants contained therein.7rustae shall apply•the proceeds of the sale in the <br /> following order: (a) ta atl expensex af the sale, including, 6ut nat limited to, reasonable Trustae's fees, reasonable attorney's ieea and <br /> reinatatement feee; (b)to all suma aecured by this dsed of trust,and(c)tha belance,if any,ta the peraona Iegally entMed to roceive k. <br /> 13. Farsclosuro.At Lander's option,this deed oi trust may he forecloead in the manner prvvide by applicable•!aw tar foreclosure of mortgages <br /> on real property. �;, <br /> _,r.. <br /> 14. Inapattlon. Lender may enter the property ta inspect it if Lender pivea Borrower notice betorehand. The nptice must state the reasonable <br /> cause for Lender'a inspection. <br /> 16.Condemnation. Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation pr other taking <br /> of all or mny part pf tha properry.Such procaeds will 6e applied as provided in Covenant 1.This assignment is subject to the terms of any prior <br /> security agreemant. <br /> 16.Wdver. By exercising any ramedy available to l.ender, Lender does not piva up any riphts to tater use any athar remedy. By not exerclsing <br /> any remedy upon 8orrowar's default,Lertdar does nat waive any right ta later consider tha event a default if it happens agaln. <br /> 17. Jolnt and Saversl Lla6ility; Co-algnen; Sttccaa:ors and p�afgna Bound. All duties under this deed of trust are joint and sevaral. Any <br /> Borrower who co-si�ns this deed af trust but does not co-sign the underlying debt inatrumentls) does ao only to qrant and convay that <br /> Bnrrower'a tnterest{n the property to the T'ruatea under the terma of thla deed of truat.In edditfon,auch a Borrower agreas that the Lender and <br /> any other Borrower under thls deed of Vust may extend, modify or makp any other changea in tha terms ni thts deed of truat or the secured <br /> debt without that Barrower's cnnsent and wRhout releaaing that Borrpwer from the terma of thls deed of trust. <br /> 7he dutiea and benefita of thia deed of trust ahall bind and benefit the succesaors and aaalqns of Lender and B�rrower. <br /> 19.Nodcs.Unless otherwise required 6y Iaw,any notice to Borrower shall be given by deliverinp it or by maillnA(t by certlfied mail addressed to <br /> Borrower at the property addrpss or any ather addreaa that Borrower has givan to Lender. Borrowor will give any noNce to Lender by certit(ed <br /> meil to Lender'e addresa on poge 1 of this deed nt trust, or tp any bther addreas whlch Lender has deslpn�ted.Any othaa nodce to Lender ahall <br /> be sertt to Lender'a address as�tated on pagp 1 ot thls deed of truat. <br /> Any nbtics�halt be deemed to have been alvan to Borrower or Lender when plven In the mannar atated ebave. <br /> 19. Truufa of q►�Propsrty or a B�neflcld Intsrsat In tha Bor►ow�r. IT all or any pert ot the property or eny Interest In It la eold or transferred <br /> without Lender's prior written cbnsent, Lender may demand Immedfete paymant ot the secured debt. Lpnder mey also demend Immediate <br /> payment If the Borrower Is not e naturel person and e beneflclal Intereet In tha 9orrower Ia sold or tranaferrsd. However, Lender may not <br /> dsmend payment ln the ebove�ftuetlona If it In prohl6ited 6y federel lew sr of the date o}thls deed o}trunt. <br /> 20. Rsconvayanc�. When tha obtlgatlon Becurad by thls doed of trust hea been pnld and Lender hsa no turther p�llqatlon to make edvancea <br /> undm the In�trumente or egreemente sacured by thls daed of trust, thn Trustee shelf, upon wrltten requeet by the Lender, rnconvey the trust <br /> property. The Lender thall dellver to the Borrower, or to Dorrvwer'� euccesenr In Intere�t, the nuet deed snd the note or qther evldence of the <br /> obligstlon�o eettsffed, Borrower ehell pay sny recordetian casts. <br /> 21. Succ�nor Trust�e. 4ertder, at Lendpr'e optlon, mey remove Truetee and nppalnt a aucceseor trueten 6y tirot, mefling a cnpy of the <br /> su6stitutlan of truatea aa rnquired by nppllcable law,and then,by fillna the eubetltutlon of truatae for rocord In thn offlce of the replster oi deeds <br /> pf each county In whlch the truet prpperty, ar eame qart thereof, Ie wltueted, The succeseor truatee, wlthout conveyance of the property, shell <br /> wccned to ell the power,dutfee,euthorlry end tltle oT the 7ruetee nnmed In the deed of truat end of any aucceasor trustee. <br /> i`'; <br /> n wacEns srs�s.a+c.,sr.c�ovo.MH 6e�o�n-eoaae�-2sa,�wia�ocr•wrTa-w�ens�s, rww 2 or�l <br /> ;' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> ti; <br /> k:: <br /> 4��� . . • .._.. . � . .. ,. . .,.... � .. <br /> ' � <br />