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<br /> 17.Trnnster oP thc E�Q�erty or n[ltneticial Interest in Horrower.lf ull or any pnrt of Pxoperty�r nny ntcrest in it
<br /> is sald or transferred(or if a beneftcial Interest in Bonower ls �old or transfcned and Borrowcr ia not a natural person)wlthout
<br /> Lender's prior wrltten consent, Lendcr may, at its option, requlre immcdiatc paymcnt in full of all sums secured by el�ia
<br /> Secudty Instrument. Howevcr, this option shall not be eaercised by I.ender if eacrcise is prohibited by fedcrnl law ns of the dnte • �
<br /> of thia Secudty Instrument.
<br /> I�'I.ender exercises this optton,Lender shall give Borrower notice of nccclerntion.The notice shall provide a period of no�
<br /> i less ►han 30 days feom the date tbc notice is delivesed or mallcd v�ithin �vhich l3orrower must pay aU sums secured by this
<br /> Security lnstrument. If Borrowcr fails to pay these sums�Sdor to thc cxpiratlon of thts period, I.ender may invok�tmy remedics
<br /> permitted by thia Securiry lastrument without Nrther notice or demand on Bonower. .
<br /> 18. Borrower's R!ght to Relnstete. If Borsower meets certala condittons, Bonower sliall have the right ta hAVe
<br /> .�� � enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontiaued at any time prior to the eariier of: (a) S days(or such other period ns �
<br /> � � spplicable law may specify for reinstatement) bcfore sale of thc Propeny pursuan[ to any gowea of sale contained in this
<br /> Security In�trument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Securlty lnstrument.Those conditions are that Bonower:(a)pays „
<br /> Lender all sums wiilcli then would bo duc under thls Security Instrument and the Note as if no acrelerntion had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other caven�nts or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforctng this Security lnstrument, , ..j
<br /> including, but not limlted to, reasonable attomeys' fees; und (d) takes such action as Lendet muy reasonably require to assan , •
<br /> that the tien of this Security Instnunent, Lender's rights in the Properry and 8orrower's obli ation to pay the sums secured by ,..��•i�'-„�'`"
<br /> �.._.z-°-
<br /> this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Bonower, is Secudty Instrument and the .� _
<br /> �� obllgations secured hereby shall rema�n fully effective as if no acceleration had occuned. Ho�;ever, this nght co reinstate shull • ��,�..,
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleratton under paragraph 17. _�._
<br /> , 14. Sale oP Note; Change of Loan Servtcer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (togeeher with this Security ,�::;_
<br /> '� Instrument)may be sold one or more cimes withoui prior iiotice to Borrawer. A sale nnay result in a chan�e in the enciry(kno�vn �:,•-
<br /> as the "Loan Servicsr")[hat collecta monthly paymenu due under the Note and this Security Insuument. Tdcn also mau be one 'sr:vx`;
<br /> �� � or more changes of the I.oan Serviar unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there ts a chanBe of the Loaa Servicer.Borro�'uer wiU be ��� `'
<br /> � given wdtteA notice of the change In accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the nazae and �•;=l��-.
<br /> �S address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The uotice will also wntain any other _
<br /> ' � information rcquired by applicable law. �—�
<br /> . � �.c m�cra—�-—
<br /> 20. Harardous Substances. Borrower shall not c;ause or permlt the presence, use, dlsposal. storage, or release of any .r,��,.:
<br /> ' Hazardous Subs[ances on or in the Property. Borrower ahall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, an thin8 affeccinB th�
<br /> Properry that is in violation of any Environm H�aous Subs ances that are generally recognized to be a prop A e to nornaal ___
<br /> atorage on the Ptoperty Qf small qwwtldes of
<br /> resldential uses aad w maintenance of the Praperty.
<br /> �orrower shall promptly give Lender wdtten notice of any investigation,claim. demand.lawsuit or o[her actton by any _
<br /> t�overaa�ental or r�gulatory agency or private party involving the Pmperry and any Hazardous Substance or Eavironmental Law
<br /> of which Borcower has actu�!lmowteage. if borcower teams,or in uvil iett tfy a�sY basex�'•.ut^!uI r"o?latnTy authorltv. chat
<br /> aay removal or other remedlation of any Haza�ous Substance affceting the Property Is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take
<br /> all nooessary remcdial actions in accordance wich En�vironmental 1.aw• _
<br />:, " As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous S�smstances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substanc,�s by
<br /> Environmental Law aacl the following substances: gasollae, kerosene, other flamYnable or toxic pecroleum praiucts, toaic
<br /> pestici�es and hert►icides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radloacdve materials.As used in
<br /> . this paragraph Z0. "Environmental Law' means federal laws and laws of the jurlsdiction where the Property is locateG that
<br />�,••,�. - relate to heaililth.safety or envleonmental protcetion.
<br /> . r.��:•, NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowet and Lender further coyeaant and agnc as follows:
<br /> , ., 21. Aceeleratton;RemedIes.Lender sh�ll give notice to Borrower prlor to accderatlon followtng Boeroweri�b��
<br />-- �^ of any covenant or agrcemeot in tWs Secarity L�strumeat (but not pr[or to acccleration under pprasraph
<br />- • - appltcabYe law provtdes otherwise).The notice shs�q specttq: io)tde default; (b)the oction requlred to cure We default;
<br /> •;,;r� _�;R ' (c)a dnte, Qot less thAn 30 days Erom the date tdc not�ce is given to Borrower�b�whic� s�he detault must be cured;and
<br />= -��„y, (d)thnt fatlun to cure the default on or betore the date specified In the aoHce may resnit in acceler�tion of the sums
<br /> '��,;,�-,�►. secured by this Securtty Ltst�ument and sale o[the Property. '1�e notice shall further inform Bormwer ot the dg1�t to ��P
<br />=�`�:y,:�a:: Klnatate atiter Aocclexatlon and the i�ght to bring a couri action to assett the noa-eadstence of a cleYault or pny otha
<br />_;.�.-�.4•�, d�tatse of Borrower to accelaatlon and sale.�f the defautt is not cured on or beton tLe date spec�'fial in t6e n+�tic�►
<br />--_.►.�t. .� I.eader� at Its opdon,may reqWre immedia�te psyment in[u11 ot aU sums secured by thls 3ecuc[ty Instrument witlaut
<br />�t4���`:'., iwther demaad and may invoke the powa at sale and any other nmalles Perm[ttal by s�PWlcAble law.I.en�u s'hull be
<br />-��-_'>•�-.•�•::.: entitled to collect QU expenses inc�rred In pursu(ng the remalles provtded tn thiv parag��pT�21.Induding►but not pmited
<br /> ��`''''�r=+�," - to,reawnable attorneys'[c�nnd ao�ts of title evidence. � —
<br />��r.,�.;� If the power of sale Is tavoked, Truttee s:e$Il record o notic�of defaalt in cach county te whlcl�+wY W►t oi the
<br /> =-�-��=-• Prope�ty Is located aad shatl maq coptcs of such noNce in the manner prescribed bY pPp�lcablc law to Borrowar and to
<br /> �'�''�''�':' the other pe�song prescribed by appllcable la�v.A[ter the ttme requtred by applicAble Ipw,Tntstx nha11 gtve public noHce
<br />;"'�r�"••.. . of sale to the persoa4 and in the marmer pn�cribed by appilcable daw. T�+utee, witt�out dempnd an Bomowtr,shall sdl
<br />-•,;�•M:+>-• the Fmpeaty at publlc auction to the Wgliest 6ldder at We time an�i place and under the terms desiguated in¢6e nottce o[ _ __
<br />-"'••�"';:.'� sale in one or mon parcels an�f In any ordea�'IYustce dctermines.Trustee may postPone sale ot all or any pnrcel of the
<br />_`i"'�^.".-" Propaty by public s►naounccment at the time a�nd place of any prevloucly scheduled sale. Lender or its destgnee may �_—
<br />�.... � purchasc the Properd3�rai any saEe. _. --
<br /> : �` _
<br /> - .�_::-
<br /> - � Form 3028 9/90 f•- -
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