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<br /> . �D �C�C�� ��C�D�d �Oo �O � ��,�� �Oo ��� �:
<br /> �� �� 9 �l
<br /> FROM ��� ��Mt� 11� �P���',���,
<br /> Earl V.Kelly and V�ra �.gelly hie Rif� ��. ,
<br /> , �Htt�i Cnn�ri��.
<br /> � I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> TO and itled for record this 22 da JUlY 19 29,
<br /> ; J.F;.Df 11. «t 9 o'cloch A, M. �
<br /> , Register of De ds.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, $ I.10
<br /> �rt�a�vr .�.1X ��ert br� #I��e��e ������t��:
<br />� a
<br /> � THAT Sa,rl V.Relly and Vera M.Kelly husband and wife of Douglas Couaty,Aebraska
<br /> , �OTt21CTly of x€iIl Couniy, and State of �ebraska
<br /> in consideration of the sum of �WO �t1i1C1T8d DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand �aid by J.�:.1�j.11
<br /> of ���1 County, and Siate of �gbTSBkB, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, conoey,
<br /> and con,firm unto the said J.$.Dill
<br /> ;
<br /> thc following described premises, situated in the County of Hall, and Stafe of Nebrasl�a, to-wif:
<br /> ' Lo'�� One ,( 1) ,TRO (2) ,Nine t9) and Ten (IO) in Blook Sixteen ( 16) in �fe�t View Additioa,to the
<br /> aity of arand Ielaad,Nebra,ska . ,as surveyed,platted ar�d r�corded,8ub�eat to the mortgage af
<br /> �600.00 now on reoord againat said property.9ubject to taz�s.
<br /> Together wifh all the tenemenfs, hereditamenis, and appurtenances io the same belonging, and all the Estate, Righi, Title, Interest, Claim, or
<br /> Demand whatsoever; including Dower, Curiesy and Homestead Righis, of the said �t,Tl v.K�1131 8IId Vl:TS �.�e�.ly
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part fhereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aboue described premises, with the appurtenances, unfo ihe said �j.$.D�1],
<br /> and to h�S
<br /> heirs and assigns forever. And �e hereby covenanf wilh the said J.�.Dill
<br /> thaf li! hold said premises by good and
<br /> �erfecf title; that 1��" ha yd good righi and lawful authority to sell and convey.il�s same; that they are free and clear of
<br /> all liens and incumbrances whatsoeoer. ,eaoept a8 B,bOV@ 8�8tiCC1.
<br /> And We coa�enant to warrant and defend the said premises against fhe lawful claims of all persons whomsoeuer.
<br /> SIGNED this t1�@A�i e�h day of J�],y , A. D. �9 29,
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF ; Earl V.g�lly
<br /> 3d�s J.M.�agner Vera M.�lly
<br /> ' Th�o McCray
<br /> ��P ��M�P i�� �P��M��2�C, ss.
<br /> D011g1.$8 Couniy, On this 20 day of J1�ly� �r$-19 � �
<br /> before me, fihC undersigned , a Notary Publie within and for said
<br /> Couniy, �ersonally came �arl V.�elly and Vera M.��lly 3�usband and mife
<br /> �,;w
<br /> fo me �ersonally I�nown to be the identical person B whose name 8 gr@ a,�xed to the above insirumeni as grantor g and severally
<br /> ` � acJ�nowledged the execution of the same to bet1��1T voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> �It �1fItP,�.� ��PxPlt�, I haue hereunio subscribed my name and a,�"ixed my o,�cial seal, at Omaha,Nebr.
<br /> .
<br /> on the date lasf above written. � sj�j��
<br /> George W.Aagner
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My commission expires August �1th �932
<br /> � �
<br /> i _-
<br />