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<br /> ����1 �c��o��l �oo ��
<br /> _ ._. _ . _ _ _ _______�� .---___ _
<br /> __ _ . _
<br /> _ _�—:_�_-_ -_ -__�--J_!_____
<br /> -�1'i77_U_-$Iopp Frinting Co.,Omal�a
<br />_ . - _ --_=-°. . _. __ . - -_- ----- -
<br /> -- - _°- -_� -v__ .—�-._: . _---_-- - -
<br /> ; Olar�. Pri.oe,vrife ot Henry Q.Priae;A'illiam F.PriAe aad Be21e Prime h�sb�ad amd wiP�,t�e�►rge F,Frica�
<br /> I
<br /> ,
<br /> �d L�op Prioe,hu�bsu�d and s3fe�;Johr� �C.Priae and Ma,y priQe,hus'�and a�d wife;Abbie A.Hac� s�d �ar-
<br /> vey Ha�t,�rife a.�d huab�i,ad;l��.l��r J�ak�oa,sin�le s�d Fanni.e J�vksva,�ingle t4 me k�ow� �so Dm the
<br /> identica2 pmr�or�s whmao na��s �re aifiaed t4 ��e fore��i� iastr�men� �,a grant�re sad ad��4�rle �,
<br /> th� sa�am t� be their ealw�►�e�ry act aad dsecl. .
<br /> ( Xitness my hand a�d ATotar ial S�al the day ar�d _pear ls�t �,bove �rritte�.
<br /> 4 L.�.Burk�� l�ata�rp .Publia. . f.
<br /> (S�AL) Ro�ery Public ,Sts�rk Ctoun�y ,Illinoi� !
<br /> I�y Qommiesf on expire� �aQ.1 ,1931 �
<br /> State ot I4ws ) _
<br /> aa.
<br />� K�s+�uth Go�antq � Orl this 2nd day of February,A.�.1928,b�fore me,�he under$igra�d H.L,4�ilmora
<br />�� s No�ary P�blia,duly commissis�ed �.nd qualified for a�d re�iding in s�id Oaunty ,per�Q�allp asma �
<br /> li $gte MoQc�rkle �d 1�lbert B.MaGcrkle,wife �,nd hu�beaad ta me ku@in �� bea the the i3entiQal persaae
<br />!,
<br /> I �►hose n�.mes are aftixed �o th� foreg�i�g ir�$tr�m�At sA gra�tora and ack�owled�ed t�e sa�• ta b•
<br /> t�aeir v�lun�ary ae� aiad dm�el.
<br /> �
<br /> r a 8ea1 the da and ear 1�,ffit abc►ve written.
<br /> �'itness my hand and Nota i 1 Y y
<br /> t 9EAL) Fi.L.G iimo rm ,
<br /> ��tarp P�blio.
<br />�
<br /> �'i.l.ed for reac�rr� this 7 d�,y of Maroh 1�2�,at lSt34 �►�clooh A.ld. .
<br /> �
<br /> � s�er Q D�e s
<br /> g
<br /> w4-0--0-E}-�-0-0--0-0-0-fl-0-0=4-0-0-0-4-0-0-4-0--Q-0-4-4-0-0-0-0-0-4-4=�-4-0-0--4-0-4-fl�=0-0-�-t?-O-E?-0 0
<br />� _
<br /> ��RR��1T�1 D�D-GORPQRA?I0� � •
<br />� r b A. . 1 28 1�etxeen �[eianer 8t4�e Bank f Bhelt � e `;
<br /> D R a d e t h 3 s 6 t h d a. o f Y a a D o 0 1� i�
<br /> T H I S I N E A T U E I� 9 ,
<br /> � Y , a � ..
<br /> ra�k�. former3y Meieners Bank,9helton,Nebrss�.�;a��aorporatio� organizsd and e x3e�ing �nder aad l�y
<br /> virtue of tbe Ia�r� of the St�te of �tebra$ka party o! th� fi.rs� part,:;�d Jacab P.Keldae� of t�e (
<br /> �
<br /> Qounty of Hos�.rd,and 3tate of DTebra�ka,party of tbe eecond pa.rt. }
<br /> �
<br /> �tITN�SSETH,Th�.t the �id party of tbe �irs� p�rt ,for and in consideration of the sum of �iglat
<br /> �'ive H�ndred Doll�r� ia h,�nd paid,reeeipt whereof is hereby aokno�vledged,h�.� eold and by tbe se
<br /> presents does grant ,00nrey arid ooafire� unto t heeaid partq o� the aecond p�rt ,the fcllo�ing de�- �
<br /> z
<br /> eribed pr��aises,situ�,ted in H�.11 County,snd;S���e of �ebra.ska,to-wit Z _ �
<br /> Al2 Qi The F�.st �ia.lf of the ���the�.s� Q�iarter (����r�� of 8ec�ioa T�enty �ight (2�) ,Township �
<br /> �Ieven (11) Ra.n e TRelve (22) �e�t oP tbe 6t� Prir�oipal �[eridian aad c3on�ait�ing ei hty araiea �
<br /> � g , 8
<br /> �
<br /> morc or les� according to the United �tate8 {3overament S�rvep.
<br /> TO HAVE AI�D TO H01,D the premieea al�ove de�aribed,togetber with all the Tenements,Hesediltament
<br /> and Appurtenances thereto bei Qnging u�to the �aid Jacob F.Seldsen �
<br /> �
<br /> And th� �aid Meisuer 9tate Bank of Shelton,�iebrask�,,formerly ld�i�nera Bank,Sbelton,�e�r�.sga 4
<br /> for it,�e2f or it+� +auco�saors,do hereby coven� t �d agree tv and wlth the s�f.d p�r��r of �he seoQ�d
<br /> ;
<br /> partand hieheirs and a.�eign�,�h�.t a� the ti�e of th� eae��tion a�d de�ivery of thet�e pre��a�� �
<br /> . ;
<br /> it is la.wfully �eized af said pr�miee�;tha� it ha�� good righ� aind I�,wful suthority to ccar�ey �he �
<br /> a�me;that they are Pree from encumbrance e,nd I�eisner State Ba�k of �eltora,Nebraska, doe� �ereby
<br /> �oven�.a� to R�.rrant �d defeAd the s�id premises a�gainet �he la�rful e2�.im� of aII pereona whom-
<br /> soever. .
<br /> IN �fIT1�E88 t�H�CR�OF,the said �eisner 3ta�i�e Bank of Shelton,Nebr�.�ka ?�ae hereun�o ctaueed its �
<br /> corporate seai to �e a,ffi�ted aad the,�e pre�ents to be si�ed l�y ita� 8peaisl dgeat.tha day and
<br /> pe�r fir�t Abave orritten.
<br /> 8igned,eealed snd deliYered ln preeenoe a�
<br /> ]�,rtin SlatLery �(eisner ��ate Bank of 9helton,�ebrasks (
<br /> Bp Ray F.Q�f rin l
<br /> Speci�l Agent , �
<br /> f
<br />