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<br />� _„ paymcn�y may na longcr bc m,�uieccl,ut Q►c option uf l.cndcr,if mortgage insuruncc covcrugc(in thc nmount und fur U�c period
<br /> �liat Lcndcr rcNuires)prnvidcd hy tm insurcr iipptovc,�1 by l.cndcr uguin bcc:omcs uvuiluhle und is obuiinul. 9orrowcr tihall pay Qic ,.
<br /> pnmiums requiro.ci to mninwin mortgngc insunmcc in cffu:t, or to providc a loss rescrvc, unul thc rcquircmcnt for ntt�rtgn�c
<br /> insurancC cnds in accordanc c ivith;iny�vriltcn n�;rc��ment hctwu:n Bnrrnwcr nnd I,�ndcr cu��pplicablc Isiw. �
<br /> 1.Inspectiun. I.c:ndcr or i�ti ubcnt m�►y m�lcc rcasonublc cntrics upon;►nd inspu:uc�nx ul� thc Property. L,cndcr shull givu ,
<br /> Bonowcr noucc ut thc ume of or prinr to im ins�;ec;pon spcc:ifying ru�sonubl�s c:tusc for�lic inspu;uon.
<br /> w�,,� lil.Cnndemnntiun. Thc procu:cts uf imy i�wurd or cluim for dumagcs, dirc;c:t or consequcntiul, in connu:tic�n with i►ny
<br /> .r ,,,�,;,,�. condcmnation or athcr tnking of imy piut ot'thc Property, or for convcyunce in licu of concicmnauon,arc hcrcby,issigncd and :
<br /> " shall bc paid to L.endcr.
<br /> I��thc evcnt of a totnl v�king of tha Properry,thc pn�cculs shull bc uppliccl to thc sums sccurc,�i by�his Scc:urity Instrumcnt, .�.
<br /> whether or not then due,�vith any excess puid to Borrower.In tho event af u parual wking of the Properry in which die fuir miuket ;;;
<br /> valuc of thc Property immedintely before thc taking is equul tn or greuter thnn the a�nount of the tiums secum,d by this Security __
<br /> , Instrument immediately hefore the taking, unlcss Bonower and Lendcr othcrwisc ngrec in writing, thc sums �ccum�i by this +��
<br /> `"� Security Insuument shall be rcduccd by d�e umount of the proceeds multiplied by thc following fracuon: (u)the total wnount of � -
<br /> " � the sums secured irnmediately beforc thc t�king, dividcd by (b) the fair markct value oF Ihe Properry imrncdiatcly befora Ihe -__
<br /> takinb.Any balunce shall be paid u�Bonowcr.In Ihe event af u parual taking of the Property in which tho fair market value of thc
<br /> ��;; Property immcdiately bcforc d�e wki�ig i. l�,ss Q�s�i Are amount of the sums scc�red immcdiatciy bcforc thc taking, unlcss ��:�:°_
<br /> Boaower and Lender othcrwise agrce in writing or unlcss applic;able law otherwise providcs,the procer.ds shall be appGed to the "s•'t-
<br /> ��� sums secured by this Security Ins�umcnt wherher or not the sums are then duc. **r:�
<br /> If the Properry is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after nouce by Lender to Sorrawer thut the condemnor offers to make an _ --
<br /> �' award or setile a daim for dama�es,Bonowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,Lender �•x
<br /> , is authorized to collect and apply the pracecds,At its opqon,ei[her to restornrion or repair of the Property or to the sums secured �;�'`'""
<br /> by this Security Instrument,whcther or not then due. �-
<br /> �'"���� Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in wridng,any application of procecds to principul shall not extend or postpone r�-�-'
<br /> �,:, the dae date of the monthly payments refcacd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc the amount of such payments. 6�
<br /> i 11.13orrower Not Iteleased;Forbearance By Lender Not u Walver. Extension of the dme for payment or moditicaaon F,
<br /> of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> e • � ....,.,.... t .two °
<br />., _ -- ItUI U�1GIGIG LV 1GIG"atJG �ic Iia�iljll'j%ui i�'iC uIthitia,B:,rrricr Lr E:.i::,'.;'Cf. ,SO�ii1 I..w...., .�;.iit�:., �hal2 na. Z.:ytiL�LC -
<br /> commence proceedings against any succassor in interest or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify atnorti•r.adon uf
<br />-' . � die sums secured by this Security Instrument by rcason of any dcmand made by the original Borrowcr or Boaower's successors �
<br /> .. • in intetesG Any forbearnnce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not bc a waiver of or precludc the cxerciso af any -
<br /> ' '��• ` rlght or remedy.
<br /> w ��.:.���,..
<br /> •,.�..,,.�:`';: ; � 12.Snccessora and Asslga9 Bound;Joint and Several Lia61ltty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> -:,fn.��;;,i5: . Security Instrument shall bind and bene�� the successors and assigns of Lender and Bonower, subject ta the provisions of
<br /> j+•�:�,:�,,. '"��- parugraph 17. Baaower's c:ovenant9 and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bonawer who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> • '� ' Instnunent hut does not execute the Nate: (u) is co-signing this Secnrity Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> ,.�°���^�� Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of�his Security Inslrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay Ihe sums
<br /> �_..,,;•�;•a�� secutecl by thls Security Instrument;and(c)agrecs that Lender and any ouher Bonowar may agree to extend,nn�dify.fori�ear or
<br /> __ ,;;"_:_�� make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Insuument or the Note without that Boaower's consent,
<br /> .._..,:,��!�, 13.Loan Cuarges. If Ihe loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a luw which sets maaimum loan char�es,
<br /> �-����'°-� end that law is finally interpreted so that Ihe interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected u�connection with tho loan -..
<br /> �='� exceed tha permitted limlts.then:(a)any such loan chazge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the -
<br /> � permitLed limit;und(b)any sur_ts alre�ldy collected fmm Boaower which exceeded permitied limits will be rcfunded to Borrower.
<br /> =-��,_'.;?� Lender may choosc [o make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to
<br /> - _•„�y Borrower. If a refund ccduces principal,thc reduction will be treated as a partiul prepayment without any prepayment charge —
<br /> =_— under die Note.
<br /> = 14.Notices. Any nodco to Bonower provided for in this Security Insttument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it ,
<br />