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������� <br /> � �j t�J � �L�JJ�J � �j � <br /> �--J--J� �—J.J���� <br /> CONTAINS 2S1 PRINTED WOItDS <br /> -T <br /> S SB-3TA7E JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN,NEB. <br /> , M� �� �� ._� ST�TE OF NEBR�SK.1, I <br /> {I ss. ;, <br /> �; QreOTg6 I.Lae�er ,S3.n�le Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- ii ' <br /> �' i, <br /> l; dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofJ"iee of said +� <br /> G �arr�anty �( � <br /> T� Deed County, the 2� day of AUgttBt� 19 2$, at 1} i; `� <br /> �� Rob�rt T. �� <br /> Paine o�clock and 15 minutes, p �� <br /> ,� ��� e��' �� <br /> i6 Re�ister of Deeds, I� <br /> �; B� Deputy. �i <br />� _,�._�..._._�._�__-___._..___.�,-__.—+v_ -- , <br /> ,� �.�.�,� _.___,.,..�...��._�__... .w_�.._�...���___ �' - p' <br /> I; � <br /> i 1 <br /> �: �.r�o� �r� ,�e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: ,� <br /> �; ,, <br /> � '� <br /> ' That George I.Laeger,a e�.ngle man, '! <br /> . ,! <br /> „ <br /> ;� <br /> ,� <br /> of the County of Ha,ll , and State of �ebraeka , for and in consideration of the sum of �I i <br /> ' <br /> '.� 1 <br /> ;` NinBty and �10/100 (�90.00) DOLL.�RS, ; <br /> i <br /> � ;, <br /> ' in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, eonve� and eonfirm unto Rober� T .PBj. ri6 � ri <br /> il <br /> , <br /> �{ i <br /> I <br /> �i � <br /> " of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situated !j <br /> ; :i <br /> '�� in in �all CounLy, and State of �ebraska , to-wit: '; <br /> �� l; <br /> ;; Fractional Lot TWV �2) ,in Fractional Blook Fourteen (14) ,in Ashton Place, an addition to tbe � <br /> �! City of �rand Island,aacording to the reQOrded plat thereo�.The �esterly 51. f eet of the Easte ly <br /> I ; 156 feet of Fractional Bloak Tweuty-�n� (�1) of Baker� s Additian to the flity of Grand Island;�, <br />' " being a tract of �round whieh ,taken with ractional Lot Three (3) in Blook Fourteen (1�+) of � <br /> ; Ashtan Plave , an addition to the City of Girand Island,would make a reotangular traet of groun, <br /> `i havin� a frontage of 51 f eet� on Second Stxeet and eatending in a Southeaeterly direetion 140 ( <br /> feet. �i - <br /> ,! �f <br /> ; <br /> ' '� <br />� ,, � �� , � <br /> 4I <br /> {i <br /> �'I . li . . .. <br />, i ' � � <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> e 'ses bove described to�ether with all the Z`enements Ilereditaments anc�✓1 urtenar e s <br /> ,j TO H.gVE �ND TO �fOLD th prema a , � , pp i e � <br /> �� �t . <br /> thereunto belongin�, unto tlze said Robert T.P8it1� �I - <br /> �! I� <br /> , <br /> jf � and to h18 heirs and assigns, forever. � � � <br /> ,� � <br /> ;`; .Ind I do hereb� covenant with the said Grantee ,and with �3.8 heirs and assisns, tlaat �� <br /> ,� <br /> �` I � lawfull� sized of said pTemises; that they ¢re free from encumbrance � <br /> ;, <br /> �� <br /> that I Tiave sood ri�ht and laavfacl authorit,� to sell the same; and ; do hereby covenan.t j� <br /> 4' �� <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of dZl persons whomsoever i <br /> i; <br /> 1� <br /> �4nd the said hereby relinquisyaes all �! <br /> ;; rights of every nature,absolute and conting;ent ,including dower ,00urtesy,Homestead and inher�t�.noe <br /> in and to the above described premises. ;� <br /> , _ i; <br /> '� Si�n:ed this �th day of AL1�,7',L18t � , �1. D., 19 �6 i <br /> ; <br />� ��� � jj � <br /> In the presence of aeorge I.Laeger , <br />� 2 <br /> �i : Chas F.Dryer �_ ` : <br /> � ;� <br /> s: ;� <br /> �! <br /> t'; State of N�braska ;� � <br /> ;� ss. Ei . <br /> '; H861I County, On this ��b day of AL1gtiB'� � .1. D., 19 26 !� . ,,,:_. <br /> ' C11e Ci _ _ <br />' before�the undersi�ned Ohe�,s.I�'.DTy�T <br /> �' <br /> ' a Notarz� Public, dulz� commissioned and qualified for aiad residin�in said County, personally � <br /> �' �� <br /> � came �EOrge I .Lae�er ,a single man , ,, <br /> i� �7 � <br /> ` i, � <br /> ;: �� �� <br /> '� to me known to be the identical person whose nanze 18 affixed to the fore�oin� �� . <br /> � y instrument as 5rantor , and acknowledsed the same to be h,ig aoluntary act and deed �� <br /> ,E (sEA�,) {; . <br /> I� Witness my hdnd and Notarial Seal the day and year Zast above written. ;� <br /> � <br /> !; <br /> �i <br /> j .My commission expires the 23rd d��J of �T8ri1i8T�� 19 2$ ;� <br /> (� � <br /> Chas.F.Dr�ye�r ;� <br /> o ary Public. } <br /> � <br /> ;� ,� <br /> � _ _ --- - - - -_- _-- -- --_ -- � -- <br /> --- --- - _ __,_--- <br />=.—_ _ -- -- - --- �_ --- <br /> —.— _ - - -- --- --- - -- --- -- — --- <br /> ----- ------ -- - ----- ---- <br /> ; �^<«,_ �. <br /> Ii � f <br />' I� � . <br />� i <br />