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� � <br /> .�� <br /> ������ �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br />�. _ __. _. � - --Y- � _ - _-- <br /> I', ST.gTE OF NEBR.gSK.1, Ij <br /> ��� � � � �ss. �' <br /> Harrie A�.QOZ'�TStle BTit� �.T�T �.QOZtT H8].1 County, Entered in Numerical In- ii <br /> b � <br /> dex and fcled for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj'ice of sdid ; <br /> l; <br /> �r nt �'� <br /> �u a y <br /> �� Deed County, the l� dar� of Ag��t 19 2� at � <br /> '; <br /> i; <br /> � , ,; <br />, � AridT6W F.Phillipt► o'e�ock and 30 minutes, P. �I <br /> � �.� <br /> � <br /> �,�� �� <br /> � <br /> �� �, <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> By Deputy. �l <br /> -- -- - — � -- � I <br /> i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> i II <br /> �� �.�o� �YY ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: ,� <br /> � <br /> ; �; <br /> , �� <br /> That Harris M.Ooltraae and �ary E.Coltrane,his Rife , �: <br /> �, <br /> � ;; <br /> i <br /> i !i <br /> �' of the County of �eld , and State of QOIOrSt�O , for and in consideration of Lhe sum of �!j <br /> i One Dollar and other �ood and valuable Qonside�ation �.���,�;-- ii <br /> , , <br /> ; <br /> �� �i <br /> in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto ' AIIdrtl► P'.Pgillip4 ;', <br /> �i <br /> ;. <br /> , � <br /> ''� <br /> 'i of the County of C+i���er , and State of Nebra�ka , the followin�s described real estate situated ':i <br /> ; � �i <br />, ii in QrTBIId I�28Ad in �all County, and State of NGbT881Qi. , to-wit: j� <br /> ;; <br /> � Lot One Hundred Eighty Seven (1�7) ,in West Larm in (3r�,nd Island,N�braaka,aacorc� ng to the <br /> j, recorded plat thereof. ' '' <br /> ��, <br /> � <br /> !i <br /> ; ;; <br /> _ �, <br /> . <br /> �� <br /> �i <br /> !i <br /> 'i <br /> il <br /> TO H�VE .gND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�ether wit� all tlze Tenements, Ilereditaments and.-4ppurtenances �I <br /> �� �thereunto belonging, unto the said A32dTl1I F.Phi111p8 �� � I�� <br /> ii ;I <br /> and to, hi 8 heirs and assi�ns, forever. !i <br />, ;� I <br /> .Ind �►� c�o hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with h1B heirs and dssi�ns, that !� <br /> '` 11►8 8,r8 Zawfully sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance <br /> !i <br /> . that 1P8 have �ood risht and lawful authorit� to sell tTae same; and 1►@ do herebr� covenan.t j� <br /> I <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever �� <br /> ii <br /> ' � the said 11$ST31 .00ZtrBA hereby relinquishes all !; <br /> o�her right ,t it7.e an� a1 y ola�m what�oves ;� <br /> . in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this thirteenth day of ALt�118�i� , ✓1. D., 19 2� <br /> In the resence of !I <br /> P T e O <br /> H�r i M. oltran• <br /> � <br /> Robert E.Hanna ' Mary E.Qoltrane ;; <br /> � � Laura T��.ler � ����� �! <br /> ,� <br /> ' state o� Coloxado , ;� <br /> 9P81d� County, 83� On this 13 th day of Att,�,LiB�i � .q. D., 19 2�� !I <br /> li <br /> �� <br /> befoi��the undersi�ned Aobert �.H82'iriS. , ; <br /> a Notary Publics, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said Count�, personally <br /> came �rris 3�.Qoltran� and �ary E. Ool�rane,his wife <br /> �! <br /> !� <br /> li <br /> to me known to be t�ie identical persone whose ndme g af)ixed to the fore�oin� ;i <br /> �,� <br /> �9�AL� instrument as �rantors, and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. i, <br /> �i <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial S�eal the day and year last above written. ;i <br /> .M.y commission expires the 18�i day of September, 19 3],. �i <br /> Robert E.Hanna �'� <br /> �� Notarb Public. '��I <br /> ;I <br /> ,� <br /> -- - ^ ._-------------------- ----- ------- ---- -- - --- <br /> ------__--- --- -- - ----------- —--- --------- -_- --�------- i -- <br /> � <br />, (I <br />,� I i� <br />