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_ � <br /> • �.��;, <br /> ��J�JJJ ������)��� <br /> �_ �� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WOItDS <br />� � <br /> -3TATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LWCOLN,NEB. � -- � ��� � ��- � � -� � � <br /> ��_ _ �_._�_—.__ __.. ST�TE Of' NEBR.lSK.q, <br /> � <br /> �� � ss. � ;; <br /> ;, Me.TthB. E.V�Ad6gTift ,widpW H&,11 County, Entered in Numerzcal In- Jj <br /> ; � <br /> ; <br /> ;� dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's of�lce of'said ii <br /> �i TO ��a�ranty i <br /> €; � Deed County, the 17 � day of �j��gt � 19 2$, at � ;j <br /> , <br /> : <br /> �; l�3/rtl� 11dCC8,1Yi o'clock and 30 minutes, p. �Yl. j, ' <br />' f! �����ti�� ";; <br /> ;:, <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, !; <br /> � By Deputy. ��� <br /> , <br /> _�_.��_ __ _�_ ._--_,______._.��. ,� . �_ <br /> �; <br />��-�-�--�_.___�.._� .__.___._.___��r._ ;' <br /> �, <br /> E� ' ;� <br /> ;; �r�o� �YY �er� �p ��e�e �re�e�t�. �� <br /> " 2hat Martha E.Vandegrift ,a e idow � <br /> ;i <br /> i ;i <br /> ',; <br /> '! of the Cozcnty of �lx , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of �� <br /> ,; ,I <br /> ,; <br /> One Do11ar ,Love and AffeOtiOII DOLL.IRS, ;j <br /> ;; ;� <br /> , ; <br /> ;. ,, <br /> ;� in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto Myrtle ]�CC8,111 ij <br /> �,, � <br /> ;� �� <br /> �I <br /> of the County of L4�� , and State of �ebra�ka , the followin� described real estate situated �� <br /> ii <br /> � <br />�� �` in G}rr8rid ISISAd in . $�tll � County, and State of R�bTa.Ske, , to-wit:�� �� <br /> '! <br /> ; <br /> ; All of Lot 8ia (6) ,in Blook Three (3) ,of Park Place,a� Addition to the 01ty of Gra.nd Island, ±� <br /> �'' Hall Oou�ty ,Nebraska,as the same is surveyed,platted and recorded. `` <br /> i <br /> i� <br /> ij I; <br /> ' �� <br /> i i <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> �� <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> 'si <br /> fi0 H.-4VE .gND 7'O HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the Z'enements, f�ereditaments anc�✓lppurtenances '! � <br /> !� <br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said Myrtle �CC8�11 � <br /> !� <br /> �; and to h6r heirs and assi�ns, forever. �' <br /> �j <br /> 'i 'i <br /> �� ✓Ind I �Zo hereby covenant with the said Grcantee ,and with h�r heirs and assi�'res, tlaat !� <br /> il <br /> I am '` <br /> „ <br /> lawfullz� sized of said premises; tlaat the� dre free from encumbrance �s <br /> 7 that I have sood ri-�ht and Zawful authorit,y to setl tlae sa�ne; and I do hereby covenan.t ,� -. <br /> i� <br /> i� <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of a1,1 persons whomsoever <br /> i, <br /> i' <br /> ! <br /> !• .gnd the said Martha �.YSridE�;T3.f�r hereby relinquishes alZ `� <br /> u <br /> ,' her right ,iaterest and title in and to the above described premises. <br /> ii <br /> Si�'ned this a`th day of �8,�� , �. D., 19 2�. ; <br /> ;� <br /> �� <br /> Ei <br /> In the presence of � ���; <br /> Martha E.Vandegrift ��; <br /> C.E.(�rundy <br /> �; <br /> �i <br /> , <br /> ;� <br /> , ' <br /> ;; state of NebraBka i� <br /> :, <br /> ss. 'i <br /> � H811 Count�, On this F�t t$ day of M8y � .1. D., 19 c���� <br /> ' ; <br /> i' �� <br /> �� befo��the undersi�ned Q.E.GTU11dy i� <br /> i <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissianed and qualified for and residin� in said Coacnty, personallz� i� <br /> came MB.rtha E.VSndegritt �a widow �� <br />� � (i � <br /> II <br /> I; � � <br /> i� <br /> "` to me known to be the identical person zvZaose name is afj"ixed to the fore�soin� '; <br /> i� �� <br /> �g�j,� instrument as 5rantor , and acknowled�ed the same to be j3�= voluntary act and deed: `!;� <br /> �. <br /> �� <br /> Witness mz� hand and Notarial Seal the day and z�ear Zast above written. ?i <br /> ' ii <br /> ,; I{ <br /> d1ly commission expires the l�th day of �TLiAB� 19 32. <br /> �' 0.�.arundy �� <br /> '� �, <br /> �' Not¢ry Public. - <br /> �. �i <br /> � - --- ---- -— --.__ ._---- - --- ---- ------ - -- --- - - — ----- — <br /> -__- _ . ------ ,_-,_ _- -- -- --- --- — -- -- � ---- - --=-- — ---- --- ----- <br /> _� � <br /> --- _._. -- —-- - - _ ._ �.. !, <br /> � , <br /> y ; <br /> i ' <br /> � � <br />