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p ° <br /> N r� � } <br />' ��� <br /> ������ ��J����� <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> �� � � ST.qTE OF NEBR.qSK.q, � 'i <br /> �� il <br /> , ss. ' <br /> �, HLtgh 0.V6O8r 8e 1f� � �'ll County, Entered in NumericaZ In- i <br /> �i <br /> � dex and filed for record in the ReSister of Deed's o�j"ice of said j� <br /> �.,� �arranty i� <br /> Deed County, the 1� day of �ALtgt18� 19 2�, at � j; <br /> �, <br /> �1 BOWtriSA j� <br /> Hi�TT �. o'clock and ZO minutes, p .M. ,i <br /> . ; � � - ��� �; <br /> ,' - <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, ' <br /> �, ii <br /> By De ut �� <br /> P �J• <br /> _ —_ - - — --- - — ---� -- '�---- <br /> i� <br />� LV Qll � � Q Q LQ�QiIL�• <br /> �.�o �r� � � �' <br /> i <br /> p � � <br /> , <br /> �' That HuBh 0.DeveT sAd Viola L.blYeT Htlaba,Ad 811d w1f� <br /> . <br />� i`�� � �'�� ��i <br /> , <br /> of the County of HSll , and State of ��b�SSkB , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> One Dollar aud �cha.nge oP Prop�rty DoLL.�RS, ; <br /> ; q <br /> " Harr B '' <br /> � in hand paid, do hereb� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto y �. OA131a,ri i, <br /> ;i <br /> i <br /> r i'� <br /> of the County of AdSIDB , and State of �61�?8ik8, , the followin� described real estate situated <br /> �, <br /> ' in �allt'� IB1811d in �11 Counity, and State of �ebr. , to-wit: I <br /> ; <br /> ' Lot (3) three Bloek (25) Twenty Five Paaker and Barr�$ 8�eeond Additlon ae eurv�yed pl��t�d arlid <br /> �' Recorded,�n (�rand I�land Nebr. � ;; <br /> r� � �� <br /> ;' ' �; <br /> ;! ,� <br /> � � ''I <br /> 'j <br /> � � �� <br /> � <br /> , <br /> ; ,; <br /> ;: - TO H�?VE ✓I.N'D TO HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and.lppurtenanees ',� <br /> i <br /> thereunto belon�ing, unto the said HLt�i 0.�BY6r ' '� <br /> ; <br /> and to thBT� heirs dnd assi�ns, forever. i; <br /> �.. <br /> .Ind W6 do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with there heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> we lawfully sized of said premises; that tliey dre free from encumbrance � <br /> i� <br /> � that A� have �ood ri�ht and lawful authorit,y to sell tlaa same; and we do hereby covenan.t <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the Zawful claims of a1,1 persons whomsoever <br /> ' ii <br /> .Ind the said VfOlt�, 1,.�lYl�T hereby relinquishes all i! <br /> , of her Rite$ of every kind & nature ;; <br /> in and to the above described premises. �� <br /> ;, <br /> Signed this 2�"jth day of �TL111C� I, ✓1. D., 19 26 i� <br /> , <br /> In the presence of ', HLtgh 0.�BYeT <br /> J.T.Steward ' !i <br /> ;' <br /> Viola L.Dev�r <br /> ,� <br /> � �� �ebraska � ' <br /> i state of <br /> ; � ss. '; <br /> �,�1 Countr�, On this 2rj�h day of J1111� � .q. D., 19 26t� <br /> , <br /> � befor�eAthe undersisned J.T.8tew8.rd u <br /> � <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned a�d qualified for and residin�in said County, personally <br /> � c¢me Hugh O.Lever and Vidla L.�'!Ve= Hu�bBrid BT�d W1fe ; <br /> � ���� � . �; <br /> to me known to be the identical person� whose name g , afjixed to the fore�oin�% <br /> �B�AL} instrument as �rantor0 , and acknowledged the same to be '�hO�T aoluntary act and deed. �� <br /> , �!i <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial �'eal the day and year last aboae written. <br /> !�� .My commission expires �e/�pT�.l T.�1'�Yl��.g2� day of 19 ;! <br /> , ,� <br /> , �T.T.Stewar�otary Public. '' <br /> ;' ii <br /> ;' , <br />--===_=_—�_-_�----___—__------ —_—____------ -- ---___ _—.—�._-- �i <br /> , —� —_--- -- — <br /> I� <br /> �� �i <br /> � <br />� �. . �I-. <br />