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- <br /> i <br /> �;.'� <br /> . ._ t _ � J�jJJ L51��J ����J�I <br /> �?��1� ��—J�� �.��� <br /> _.� ..._�.V, <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINT�D WORDS <br />�� -3TATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. �� <br /> I <br /> i� ST.1TE OF NEBR�SX'.1, <br /> ,� 0�t0 .j.M�yer 8e 1rf �8,11 County, S3. Entered in Numerical In- 'j <br /> I <br /> ;; dex and filed for record in the .I�e�ister of Deed's ofj"ice of said i <br /> ��; TO �arranty i� <br /> Deed County, the 1.3 day of ALigLtBt � 192g , at ].� i? <br /> Will�rd S.DukO �� <br /> ; . o'clocic and 30 minutes, A..M. <br /> �� C��� � � . <br /> ;j ti��,�' i <br /> ReSister of Deeds, !t <br /> B� Deput�. ji <br /> i ii <br />_��________ ____,—_____.._..�.__.__-.__._.,,__._.__..�___._._� �, <br /> .. _.�_____..�.._... --..�_______ �. — <br /> `I ii` <br /> !.1 ;1 <br /> ; �.�o� �YY �e�c �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: �i <br /> f; �� <br /> ;, That �tto J.�eyer aud Helen L.�deyer (Huel�,nd and Wife) „ <br /> F, <br /> i' ;, <br /> I'! <br /> of the County of HS�.�. , and State of �ebraeka , for and in consideration of the sum of �I <br /> p �� <br /> Twentq TRO Hundred F�fty B.AEL NO/lOO DOLL✓IRS, ;� <br /> i <br /> ,r <br /> ;! <br /> in hand paid, do fierebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, eonvey and confirm unto ��118.Tf� $.�G! ii <br /> il <br /> Fi <br /> ;; ,� <br /> { <br /> '; ;i <br /> �!, of the County of DOLi�;1�.8 , and State of I�Qbr881� , the followin�s described real estate situated i� <br />� �4 <br /> �` in C+rand �eland in H811 County, and State of �ebrae&s , to-wit: ?� <br /> r, <br /> ,, <br /> Lot S�ve� ('�) in Bloek eightyfiv�(P�5 in �Vheel�r and Benne�t� a �4�h. addi�ion to araad Isla�d, �� <br /> �t�br. � � � !j <br /> ' 3ubject to Bal due tbe David Qit� Building and loan Qo.In the a�mouiat of �90�.+44 and 8eoond ;, <br /> Mortgage to A. a.Mayer in the Amaunt of �21'j.05 and Ba.l of Se�er ta�ces amounting to �50.00 ;; <br /> az�d (�e�eral Ta�ce+� ia the amount .�f �31. 5. <br /> �_ <br /> � ;� <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> . �� � <br /> �, <br /> ;I <br /> ;i <br /> ;; <br /> �� <br /> �i <br /> i <br /> TO H.gVE .IND 20 HOLD the premises above described, toSether with aZl the 2"enements, �Iereditaments and�ppu7•tenanees � <br /> � <br /> ' thereunto belongin�s, unto the said �ill�,rd 3.Shike �� <br /> 'i <br /> � �, <br /> cznd to his heirs and assi�ns, forever. f� <br /> i <br /> ✓�nd 1P8 do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with heirs and assi�ns, tTaat i� <br /> ;� <br /> 9f� �,r� lawfully sized of said premises; that tjiey are free from encumbrance OZCBpt 6�8 8�b�4B atated. ; <br /> ;; <br /> If <br /> that 110 have �ood ri-dht and lawful authority to sell tT�e same; and «'� do hereby covenan.t ij <br /> to warrdnt and de�end the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful ela�ms of d7,1 persons whomsoever j; <br /> i� <br /> �f <br /> ' .�2nd the said HEl16A Is.�9�eT hereby relinquishes all 'I� <br /> rights of every natur�,abeolt��e and contin�en't ,inc2uding dcWer,aourtesp,Homesteed and inher— �� <br /> �t AI10 8 <br /> in and to the above described prerrcises. '� <br /> f <br /> Signed this c'�th d¢y of June, , .fl. D.,�Z9 2� i� <br /> ,; <br /> :� <br /> In the presence of OttO J.�eyer i� <br /> L.Ci.Shehein I9 <br /> Heien L.Meyer �' <br /> �� <br /> ;� <br />� = State o}' Nebrt�.ek8. �� � <br /> ss. <br /> ,1 <br /> �ELlI Count�, On this 2�th day of JLiri�� .q. D:, 19 2�� ii <br /> befor� he undersi�ned L.(�,gbehein �� <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> I, <br /> a .1�'otar Public dzclz commissioned and uali ed or and residin. an said Count ersonall i' <br /> �J , 9 9' � f � � �, A �J � <br /> F came ��t� �..�eyer an d He2 en L.Meper {Hueband and �fi f s) !{ <br /> � <br /> ,i <br /> ;� <br /> to me known to be the identicul person i wTiose name 8 8,T• afJixed to the fore�oins {i <br /> E� <br /> i` <br /> �$�;/jL� instrument ae•��a+ter , and acknowled�ed the same to be 'j'h@�T voluntaryact and deed. E� ' <br /> �} <br /> Witness my hctnd and Notarial Seal the da� and �ear last above written. ;� <br /> ! <br /> � Jtly commission expires the 12 day of YRp� 19 �, "� <br /> �� 3 �i <br /> � �.4.�3h6h01A Notary Pzcblic. ;f <br /> i� �� <br /> ___ ' __ __- --- _ _ ___ __ -- ---- -- - _____- -- -- - ----- -- -- -- -- - <br />-- --+�- - -- ___ - --_ _ _ _ _ ..._._ _ - _..__. ==— �-... --_------- --- - - <br /> �--� - --- <br /> �i <br /> � <br /> ii . l , <br />