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. c_��,. <br /> . ������ ����'���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WOItI�1S <br /> �� ST./1TE OF NEBR.qSX'✓1, �i <br /> i: <br /> ss. �'� <br /> _ HR�.l County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> �� <br /> .TaBT88 H.E2ledge,single dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj'ice of said <br /> �arranty �� <br /> Tp � <br /> Deed County, the 13 da� of Atlg'LiBt 19 2� , at 10 '� <br />,� ' ' �. _ � <br /> i'' <br /> ' Pauline Connolly o clock and manutes, A�_ �!!�Q f! r ��«y '; <br /> �l �lJ <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, i; <br /> ' B� Deputy. <br /> -- - -- - — <br /> i <br /> ,I <br /> i <br /> �.r�o� �Y� ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: ;; <br /> .� <br /> ' That James .H.E1lecigea,A single man, <br /> '' of the Count� of �OL1�18� . , and State o� Nsbraska , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> , <br /> il <br /> ' One Doilar and oth�r valuable eonsideratior�e, DOLL.IRS, �� <br /> �� <br /> i <br /> � in hand puid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confcrm unto ' P81il�ri� COAAOl11/ ',' <br /> ;I <br />_ , ii <br /> i of the Count� of DOLI�;ZSB , and State of . Nebra�ka , the followin� described real estate situated i� <br /> ;; <br /> i' in (�raad Island, in 8�11 County, and State of Nebrae� , to-wit: ;! <br /> , <br /> ' Lot e numbered (231� ,{232� ��233� ,('34� ��235� ,� ��36) ,i;n B�lrnont addit ion to the eity of ,' <br /> arand Teland,NebraBl�a ,', <br /> , <br /> ;' , <br /> ; <br /> �i <br /> ,' <br /> � i� ! <br /> � 2'O H.�1VE .qND 2'D HOL1� the premises above described, to�ether with'all the Z'enements, Hereditaments and�ppurtenances <br /> '� thereunto belongin�, unto tlae said P8L11iT1C QOriIi0�.�3/ I� <br />� and to' heT heirs and assi�ns, forever. !� <br />, .lnd I do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with Y1Qr heirs and assians, that <br /> , <br /> I � Zawfully sized of said prenaises; tTidt they are free from. encumbrance B7COBpt t8]C!!B Of TeQOTd '� <br /> r aimat 1 6 .26 'I <br /> > gPPo eY � 7 <br /> that I r . have �ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell the,same; and I do hereb� covenant � <br /> ,, <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the Zawfa�l claims of all persons zvhomsoever <br /> i <br /> dlnd the said �di�'!8d �I.�.7.e�`� hereby relinquishes all 'j <br /> � 'i <br /> aonting�at rights inaluding dower e,t3d homt�tea,d� in and to the above deseribed premises. � <br /> Signed this 2Y1d day of ALl ,�'t, 18t , „ .1. D., 19 2ffi ;i <br /> i <br /> In the presence of <br /> Je,Q1@ B H.E1.19 dg!! <br /> Aoy H.�Yalk�r �, <br />_ , ;; <br /> � <br /> State o� Nebr�.eka <br /> ss. ' `i <br /> ~ 1�OUg18,e County, On this 2Ad day of ALlFi',L18� � .1. D., 19 2�� !; <br /> �: <br /> �� <br /> befor��he undersi�'ned Y ' . _ �� <br /> n <br /> , jj <br /> � ' a Notarz� Public, duly commissioned arcd qualifted for and residin�in said County, personally ii <br /> � �ame Jar�ee H.�Iledge,a isingle man, �� <br />� ',i <br /> :s II <br />� " to me known to be the identical person whose name �! afj"'ixed to the fore�oin� 'i <br /> t$$AI,� instrument as grantor , and acknowled�ed the same to be 1�1fi voluntary act and deed. ' <br /> Witness m� hand and Notarial Seal the day and year Zast above written. <br /> .My commission expires the 23 '' da� of JLL238� 19 3O <br /> Roy H.Aalkmr <br /> Ik Notar� Public. �i <br /> � i <br /> ;� <br /> ___--_- - -- _— --- -- — --- - _- _ - _--------i�- <br /> il <br /> , I�I <br /> , il � <br />