<br /> �,��
<br /> D������ ��������� _
<br />� i; i � ST.�TE��OF NE13R.�SIL'.I, � �
<br /> � ss.
<br /> $gll County, Entered in Numerical In- '
<br /> ; 11ard $.8nigh� aad Alice I.Bnight
<br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofjice of said
<br /> �,� �at�ranty
<br /> Deed County, the 2 day of Au��t 19 �g, at �
<br /> Johrt P.ZamzaR Girand Island,Nebramks�,
<br /> o'clock cand 3� minutes, p• JbI.
<br /> C���i�
<br />� Resister of Deeds,
<br /> By Deputy. ,
<br /> --�--- - - - -- -- - _._��-�__.��_-��_—�_ _ — - __
<br /> �r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�:
<br /> That 1�e�,Td F.Kulghli and Ai�oe I.$A16ht►�hLt8batld 8r1d w1Se
<br />� ' of the Count� of �11 , and State of �Abrasks , for and in consideration of Lhe sum of
<br /> ' ]riv• Hundrec! t��4t?•00) dol]�a,rs and e�a�isnge ot propertp DOLL.qRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto ' JOh1 p.Z8fl1g0*
<br /> ' of the County of j�l], , and State of �4bT�.8$a , the followin� described real estate situated
<br /> in f�raad I�18�l1t� in �ll County, and State of aebraska , to-wit:
<br />� '; L�t,a s�umbera� Tweltre (12) ,Thirt�en (13� ,�'ourte�n {1�) ,8'iiteea (15) aad 8lxteen (16) ,all ia
<br /> ; B 0 ve e � aae 8old sub ect t s mort e of T�rent �RO hundred
<br /> look number Ten 1 Uni r i P1 p ga$ Y
<br /> � � , Y �
<br /> t�2200.00)
<br /> TO H.qVE d1ND 2'O HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the 7'enements, I�ereditaments dnd.�lppurtenances
<br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said Jphtl p.'�ig�i8011
<br /> and to h�g heirs and assigns, forever.
<br /> .Ind �e do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with heirs and assi$ns, that '
<br /> i�' iM a1'O Zawfullr� sized of said premises; that tfae� dre free from encumbrance !R]LQept �,d dbo�e iti6�Cl'�
<br /> r
<br /> that 1►• have �ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell tjee same; and wl? do laereb� covenant
<br />, ( to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims ,of all persons whomsoever
<br /> w d �. i ht aad Alio• I.K i ht
<br /> 8�T �It A
<br /> . g 8" hereb relin uishes all
<br /> .Ind Lhe saaul y q
<br /> j� rights of svery ra�ure,sbsolute ana ooatingent ,inol.udi�ag doxer,00urte�y,Hoame�teaci snd fahes� '
<br /> 1tiAQe in and to the above described premises.
<br /> ,
<br /> ' Si�sned this 26'�xl i day of Je�nuary, , ✓1. D., 19 2�
<br /> .
<br /> In the pTesence of ���[ s�l��light =
<br /> H.T.Brown Alias I.Knight
<br /> state of �Obraekit. '�
<br /> �� sa.
<br /> �glj County, On this 2(th� day o� Janu�ry, .�. D., 19 QEj�
<br /> n�e;
<br /> before�he undersi�ned $.`i'.$rpwi"1
<br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, personallz�
<br /> came �j�,=d �,�ight atid'' AliCe I.E�ttigh� huBbWd 8,t1d 1�11e
<br /> to me known to be the identical person a whose name � afy'ixed to the fore�'oin�
<br /> � ��jjs instrument as �rantor S, and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness mr� hand and Notarial Seal the day and year Zast above written. �
<br /> i .My commission expires the 26i''p da� of �T�V � 19 3� ,
<br /> ' " $.T.BrOwl'! Notary Public.
<br /> I
<br /> �� '
<br /> -= ---=_�__-_= -=-- _-__--_-_=---__-_-—
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