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f i�'w7� <br /> ., ,.::,�,, : <br />�� D���>> ������ o �� <br /> �_�_�� �_������ <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORD$ <br />_. . �� -3TATE JOURNAL�P � - . ..__ ... . . . ... . _._. .. . _ ..__.._ . . <br />��_..�_,_�_.�.�...A�_��..�_..�..�.._.,�-....�... .. ..� <br /> � _.._ ._�___...._��.._.�..� ST.gTE OF ✓bE13R.gSK.S(, � � <br /> i <br /> „ <br /> John F.�ev�a & �rf SS. <br /> �8.11 County, Entered in Numerical In- � <br /> ii <br /> n <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj"ice of said (� <br /> i1'arranf y ': <br /> TO Deed County, the 1 day of AL1gli8� � 19 �, at �� <br /> � !� <br /> O.A,Pinka�oa �, <br /> - o'clock and minutes, p ✓1T. '� <br /> . �! <br /> �, <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, �� <br /> i; <br /> By Deputy. �� <br />—.�.�,�_�..—�.�—�e--�_-=_:. _. --_,_. _ �__��--.�._._____.-----= --�-�--_ '� <br /> i <br /> !i <br /> i� <br /> �.r�o� �Y� ,�er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: ;' <br /> �, <br /> ''' That J4h1a F Yev�s da �etba Mev�s�hueb81�t1 & �►1fA li <br /> �� <br /> ��, � <br /> of the Count� of �,1�. , and State of �@bl'8�83t8� , for and in consideration of the sum of jj <br /> �ne Dollar aAd othar valusble O011�fd�r8'6�OA DOLL�RS, �� <br /> f, <br /> i <br /> in laand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, ct�nver� and confirrn unto Q.�.piA$B�QA •�! <br /> ;� <br /> �, <br /> ( <br /> of the County of �Sll , dnd St¢te of �ebraeka , the followin� described real estate situated j� <br /> i <br /> in �11 in County, and State of �ebraeka , to-wit: j� <br /> � <br /> Lot �ine �9) in Blook FiQ• (�) ,of H.t�.Olark;e Addit iaa to the Ci�y ot Girsad I�land,�tebraska. !i <br /> Sub�ec� to pre8eat exl8tir�g recorded eaaumbrance. ;i <br /> �� � � ;� <br /> il <br /> �� <br /> E <br /> , <br /> � E � <br /> I <br /> i! _ <br /> i� <br /> N <br /> i� <br /> TO H./1VE .1ND 2'O HOZD the premises above described, tosether with all the 7'efaements, I�erec�itaments and✓�ppurtenanc�s jE <br /> �`s. <br /> � �, <br /> thereunto belongins, unto the said Q.�.Pinlc�boa � <br /> ;E <br /> and to bi4 �� <br /> heirs and assi�ns, forever. j� <br /> � <br /> ; , <br /> �nd *�O do hereby covenant zvith the said Grantee ,and with �i�.• heirs and assisns, that �� <br /> i� <br /> ; lawfullz� sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance SZQQpt A,� i�1498 B�8�i4tS. ;'� <br /> that 116 have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit,� to seZl tice same; and *e do hereb� covenan.t !� <br /> ii <br /> to warra>it and deJend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoeuer `' <br /> I� <br /> � .gnd the said M6'�h8 �IlYQS hereby relinquishes all �� <br /> ii <br /> ' in and to the above described premises. + <br /> �i <br /> Si�nerl this 2}�h day of �11t1�� , �. D., 19 � j� <br />� In the presence of " � <br /> John F.�tevee ii <br /> •.J.t�endel � � f <br /> �tet�ha 1[ev�s �! <br /> � stdte o� �ebraska '� <br /> as. �1 <br />� �,�,], Count�, On this l��h day of • J�ly� .�. D., 19 Qg�I� <br /> befor�e�he undersi�'ned A.�j.G}tiClfldml j� <br /> ,� <br /> a Notary Publie, dulz� commissioned and qualified for and residin� in said Count�, personall� �� <br /> came JOh13 F.1[89�9 8IId I+ie�he, Yevee,hueband & tit� ;� <br /> �� <br /> 9� <br /> � <br /> to me known to be the identical person� whose name � �e af}ixed to the fore�oin� ;! <br /> i <br /> instrument as �rantor 0, and acknowled�ed the same to be tj16ir voluntary act and deed. i� <br /> �s��� Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and z�ear last above written. `{j <br /> Ij <br /> .My eommission expires the l�tb da9 of OQLOber1 19 ��-t 1� <br /> i3 <br /> A. e e t; <br /> J.C�u nd 1 ,� <br /> Notar Public. <br /> I� <br /> � <br /> 3` <br /> ;! <br /> „ <br />—�__= � - _.._ ,.. --_ = <br /> _- , _ __—_ ____ ---- <br /> _- - ---_ ----�,,� __-_= --------_—_-=----=_=—�-_----�-_�v <br /> � �,., �' <br /> _ �� <br /> , <br /> � � <br />