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_ � 1 <br /> ���.I <br /> ����j� ����,���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDs <br /> i' ST.1TE OF NEBR✓1SK.I, <br /> ,� <br /> ss. <br /> '' J'Oh�i �'.j[eyl1S �itll County, Entered inNumerical In- <br /> dex and fEled for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofJEce of said , <br /> 7,0 N�arranty <br /> Deed County, the � day of Jtlly 19 2�, at � <br /> 0*er► J.a�ene � Jase►phine 0�►�ns <br /> o'clock and minutes, P. �M. <br /> I �M <br /> � «���C ����..�� <br /> � <br />� � <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> By Deputy. <br /> �-- _._- _— - -�_ _�__. __ — _�__� -- - ---;�--- <br /> ;! <br /> � �.r�o� �YY ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> ''' That Jo�n P'.I�ieves and li��k�a Yeves,hi� wii� <br /> ��. � � �� <br /> � of the County of Hall , and State of Dtsbra+�l�i , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> QAe Daliar and otber �a,luabi� coaeidera�ion voLL.�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and conftrm unto ',(r►QII .T.Qwren� ax�d Josepbine ��@S��OT ' <br /> t2ae sc�rvivnr of either ot' the�a <br /> I of the County of �8�11 , and State of �ebraekt , the following described real estate situated <br /> in in �11 County, and State of �ebrasYa , to-wit: <br />. <br /> �a,sLeriy Si�cty-rl= teet ct Lot Fiv• (5) ,Biook tXe (2� ia �►nn�• ��aoad �dditiea to the Ci�ty <br /> af ar�►nd I+�land,�ebsaslca,. ' <br /> �`O H.g�G`E .-4N1� fi0 HbLD t�ie premises above descri�ied, to�ether with'all the �`erzements, 11"ereditaments and✓Ippurte�2an��s <br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said (�►em J,(�►��� �d Js�s�ph3ne 4we�to�4r �l1li BLIZTIY�T Gf Qi�h�= Of <br /> them <br /> and to theis heirs and a8signs, forever. <br /> .Ind *!! do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with �beir Iceirs and assigns, that <br /> ; Zawfully sized of said premises; ticat they are free from encumbrance , <br /> ;! that we have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit� to sell tice same; and *'t do hereb� covenan.t <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�sainst the lawful claims ,of all persons whom.soever <br /> .lnd the said YefiihB� 1LltPSa hereby relinquishes all <br /> in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this 2'�j�h day of �T111y , �. D., 19 � <br /> In the presence of �pj1A ]'.1ds�es <br /> A.J.t'�uead�l Yethe Y�vea <br /> ; State of �TebrB«k�. <br /> � as. <br /> �,],1 Count�, Otc this 2��r1� day of ,T1i�.y� .q. D., 19 �$ ;�, <br /> �' <br /> i' befor���he undersi$ned A.J.�Andel <br /> a Notary Publie, duly commiasioned and qualified for and residin�s in said County, personally <br />, ' came �ohn !'.l�evss aad Ye#h� l�te�ve�,hia wifs, <br /> �::: <br /> to me known to be the identical person4 whose name � �� afy'ixed to the foregoin� <br /> �$�j�� instrument as �rantor�, and acknowled�ed the same to be theis voluntary act and deed. <br /> W itness mz� hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last dbove written. <br /> • ;; <br /> . .M� commission expires the l��b daz� of QOtOI�m=� 19 3Q <br /> '' A.J.Oueadei Notary Public. <br /> ;�� � <br />_—___ __._ <br /> —:�___--_:_-_ . -_--- �--_-- <br /> -,__--__- >>------- -_---- -�--__--- <br /> --___—___ __--- ----__---_--- <br /> ' � <br /> ; ' <br /> �. � „ <br />