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+. ��� <br /> ��J�JJ� 2.51��J� � ��� . <br /> CONTAIN$281 PRINTED WORD <br />. _ ou __ <br /> W� � _� �� ST TE OF NEBR.gSK'.q, --Y^ �� <br /> �' ss. <br /> H811 County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> �� Olara G�rbig,un�a.rried � <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's of�`Ece of said � <br /> TO '�arranf y <br /> Deed County, the 27 day af .11i17/� 19�$ , at3 <br /> o'clock nd � minutes, JI1. <br /> Crete F.Lenons � . <br /> ; <br /> Re�ister of Dee s, <br /> B Deputy. <br /> -._ -- —_ _.� -- -----_- ------ --- - — -_=�- <br /> �r�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je e �re�er�t�: � <br /> r That Olara C�e�big,unEaaarr�ed,, <br /> . ; <br /> � of the Count� of �811 , and State of �m�9Te,8 , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> � 81=#een 8undr�d Qrid 1QO�YOO DOLL.qRS, ; <br /> in hand paid, do hereby srant, bar�sain, sell, convey and confirm unto Qxe�i� �'.Lemone <br /> of the County of �,1,1 , and State of Mebra $3 , the following deseribed real estate sitzcated <br /> in arand isleu�d in �a1.1 Coun y, and State of �sbra�ka, , to-wit: <br /> '' ♦12 of Lo� l�unber B'ir� (5) ,ia Blook Number One (1) .i 8oebl�r Pln:ce,an AQdi�ion to the <br /> Oity of drand I�eiarid,Nebra�I�a,a� aurv�ped,plat�ed an r�c4rded, <br /> i <br /> TO H.qVE .IND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the 2'enements, Hereditaments and.1 ppurtenances <br /> � thereunto belongin�, unto the said ��t1id �:�:..�erilpA� <br /> i <br /> , and to Iil B heirs and assi�ns, foreaer. ' <br /> .Ind j do hereby covenant with the said Grantee , nd with hi� heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> _ � Zawfull�sized of said premises; that they are free fro encumbrance <br /> ! that Z have �ood ri�ht and lawful azcthority to sell tle same; and I do hereb� cove,nan.t <br /> ;; <br /> � to warrant dnd defend the title to s¢id premises against the lawful elaims of all persons whomsoever <br /> � .-4nd the said Olaza GfCTbI$ hereby relinquishes all <br /> ber T1$bfii ��,aCarest and title in and to the above described premises. <br /> � Signed this 1'�'tb day of Jt;lljl� , .g. D., 19 a�. <br /> '' In the presence of 01gr8 aerbig <br /> • 1�n.]i.9to l��s Y.D. <br /> L.B.Pat yy' <br /> state of Io�1a <br /> as. <br /> A8�Q110 County, On this 19�h day of Jlilji'� .q. D., 19 � <br /> ' � <br /> ' before the undersiuned �.R SMST'�Z <br /> �; a Notarz� Public, duly commissioned a d qualifEed for and residina in said County, personally <br /> came plaa��► .a (�erbi�,un�IDBT 1�d <br /> ; <br /> �. <br /> j <br /> to me known to be the identical pers n whose name 3�• af�ixed to the fore�oin�s <br /> ' t$�j+� instrument as grantor , and aeknowl d�ed the same to be �ie! voluntary act and deed. ' <br /> i' li <br /> I' <br /> ! Witness mz� hand and Notarial eal the day and year Zast above written. <br /> Ii <br /> ' .My commission expires the �'� day of �L11�/, 19 3,Q,� <br /> ; <br /> A.R.81►8r�Z Notary Public. <br /> ; <br />,�===----- -----=_-----___=--____ -__ _-_-=_�_----=_ _-_- -_- _------__=----__�--__--_�-____-_ <br /> -�-- <br />