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vi <br /> ���Y . <br /> ������ ��J����� <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.1SK.q, <br /> ss. <br /> ' Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- ' <br /> Ernest C. Schultz � wf <br />� - dex and filed fot record in the Re�ister of Deed's o�j"ice of said <br /> TO <br /> `C'arrant <br /> � <br /> Deed County, the 18` day of rjuly � 19 2S' , at 2 <br /> John F.-'+�@V@8 A o'clock and 30 minutes, p J11. <br /> 'r�� Q <br /> � <br /> . <br /> 'L`_�=� <br /> Re�aster of Deeds, <br /> B� Deputy. <br /> -_�-- --____�__�._� _�.._-- - -. -- _ _--� v___—.. -__ <br /> �.�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> . <br /> : That Ernest C. 3chultz and Bertha Schultz,husband and wife , <br /> of the Count� of He.Il , , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of , <br /> D�"'� <br /> 4ne Dollar and^vaZuable consideration DOLL.IRS, <br /> in hdnd paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, conver� and confirm unto Jonn F.P,g6Ve8 <br /> I of the County of H�.11 , and State of Nebra ska , the followin�s described real estate situ¢ted <br /> N <br /> �n Hall ebra.ska to-wit: <br /> in Count and State o <br /> , <br /> �, f <br /> i The Ea.sterly 66 ft . of Lot num�ered Five (5) in Block Numbered Two (2) in Hann� s Second <br /> � Addition to the City of Grand Isla,nd�Nebraska,as per the recorded plat thereof. , <br /> I ' <br /> i� <br /> 2'O H�`�'E �ND �'O HOLD the premises above described, tosether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and✓Ippurtenances <br />' thereunto belongin�, unto the said John F.�ieves <br />� ! and to hi 8 heirs and assi�ns, forever. <br /> �nd WC' do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with his heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> We are lawfully sized of said premises; that the� are free from encumbrance <br /> that �e have �ood right and Zawful authority to sell the same; and w� do hereby covenan.t <br /> ' to warrant and defend the title to said premises agadnst Lhe lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> .gnd the said Bertha SChLtlt2 hereby relinquishes all <br /> ;; rights of everp nature.,absolute and contingent ,includin�a���o ��h�a�5o e$�es���dB�S�e�s�nd inher— <br /> ' itance <br /> Signed this l�th day of April , , �1. D., 1927 <br /> In the presence of <br /> Ernest C. Schultz <br /> O.A.Vieregg <br /> Bertha Schultz <br /> state of NebraBka ' <br /> ss. <br /> H8,11 County, On this la'th day of ;����;.� � .q. D., 19 ?�'� <br /> before��e undersisned O.A, VieTe�g <br /> a Notdry Publie, duly cammissioned and qualified for and residin�in said Coacntz�, personallz� <br /> ' came Eraest C. Schultz and Bertha Schultz,husband and wife , <br /> , <br /> i to me known to be the identical person e whose name s are afJExed to the foreboin� <br /> � �SEAL� instrument as �ranto�g �,;�znd acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> ; Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year Last above written. <br /> .My commissiorc expires the First da� of Sept ember , 19 32 <br /> • O.A.Vieregg Notary Public. <br /> - --- ----- --- --- --_ ----- <br /> �f ------ --- -----� \. ------- --I ----- <br /> i' . <br />