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c�y���� <br /> . � ���� � ��I � � � � <br /> �_J_J� �.�_J����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> � -3TA7E JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � �� � <br /> �' ST.1 TE OF NEBR.gSK.q, i <br /> Detlef H.�2eves & wf H8.11 County, S3�Entered in Numerical In- I! <br /> i� <br /> � dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's of/'ice of said ;� <br /> TD �arranty � �( <br /> Deed County, the 16 d¢z� of �Ttlly 19 28° at 3 <br /> crOhil F.MeV 68 o'clock and minutes, PM. �i <br /> � �I <br /> Resister of Dee s, �� <br /> B� Deputy. �� <br /> i I <br />�-_.�_------_=__-__—_�>_��_�_.. �.. � _._-------- ---=-�--= � <br /> -- - ...:-___:_�_-+.._____,_�___�_�__�__._ <br /> —,�---- <br /> i; <br /> i� <br />� �r�ob� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: '; <br /> 3 <br /> That Detlef H.ideves and �Iargaret K.�eves ,husband & wife ;� <br /> ,, <br /> ;i <br /> � �{ <br /> Nebr�.ska �� <br /> o the Count� o Hall and State o or and in consideration o the sum o `� <br /> , � <br /> ��, f .� f , f f f f , <br /> �, <br /> One Dollar and other valuable considerat ion DOLL.lRS, f� <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, eonvey and confirrri unto JohnF.Meves ;j <br /> , <br /> ;; <br /> ( <br /> � !i <br /> of the County of H311 , and State of� Nebraska , the followin� described reaZ estate situated j� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> in in Ha,ll Countz�, and State of �Tebraska , to-wit: I� <br /> ;j <br /> : Lot Nine (9) ,in Bloek Five (5) ,of H.a.Clark� s Addition to the City of Grand Is1a� d,Nebxaska, ; <br /> Subject to present existing recorded encumbrance. " <br /> ;i <br /> �j <br /> ,� <br /> � �; <br /> ;; <br /> [� <br /> ;� <br /> i� <br /> i, <br /> � `{ � <br /> i <br /> !I <br /> i <br /> ji <br /> TO H�VE �IND TO I�OLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the Tenements, f�ereditaments and.gppurtenanc�� ±! <br /> ;: <br /> thereunto belongins, unto the said John F.�leves :; <br /> � ,� <br /> hi s �� <br /> and to heirs and assi�ns, forever. <br /> ; <br /> ';+. <br /> .�Ind We c�o hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with h3.8 heirs and assi�ns, that �i <br /> ,i <br />, he f,8 lt�wfully sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrdnce exeept 38 B.bOV� stated. ; <br /> � r <br /> 'i <br /> that W@ have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell tice same; and W2 do hereby covenan.t �i <br /> sl <br /> to warrant dnd defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever 'f <br /> I! <br /> `„ <br /> ,; <br /> ' .Ind the said ��argaret K.�eV88 hereby relinquishes all MI <br /> ,, <br /> ji <br /> in and to the above described premises. �� <br /> I <br /> i; <br /> ; SiSraed this 29th day of June , , �. D., 19 28` ii <br /> ; <br /> ;� <br /> ':; <br /> 'i <br /> In the presence of Detlef H.M6VG'8 `� <br />, ii i <br />'� � A.J.Guendel � � �� <br /> �targaret K.Meves �E <br /> '� <br /> State of Nebra.8ka �� � <br /> � l; <br /> ss. `C <br /> , <br /> Count On this 16�h da o Lll .1. D. 19 <br /> ,� <br /> Hall �, �✓ f J , 28 i' <br /> Y� <br /> ,. <br /> ! <br /> befo��the undersisned A.J.Guendel '� <br /> a Notary Public, dul� commissioned and qualified for and residing in said Count�, personallz� ,� <br /> came Detlef H.'�eves & Mar aret K.Meves husband & wife <br /> g � <br /> ,� <br /> +; <br /> , <br /> to me known to be the identical person g whose name g a,Tg af/'ixed to the fore�oind �' <br /> ?; <br /> +i <br /> � ( SEAL) instrument as �rantong , and acknowledsed the same to be tne1T voluntar�act and deed. � <br /> ;I <br /> ;s <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year Zast above written. i <br /> ;; <br /> � ✓l1y commission expires the l�th day of Oetober , 193Q •, ;� <br /> ,� <br /> A.�T.Guendel�,otary Public. ;� <br /> __. n _ __ -- ___---_-_ —---_--_— ---__— -_-- <br />