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�"�� <br /> � ���t_,_� � � � J ] � � �� <br /> ��L�� ��J����� <br /> � � <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINT�D WORDB <br /> — �— ---- ----- — <br /> � -37ATE JOURNAL COMPANY,L(NCOLN,NEB. � � � � � - �� � � ��� � - � � <br /> - — _ _��..___. __,�___._._— - ST.1TE OF ✓bEBR.gSK.I, � <br /> � <br /> ;i � <br /> ss. <br /> A.B. Con�rove � wife Cairo ,Nebr. Hall count�, Entered in Numerical In- ;! <br /> , <br />, dex and fcled for record in t�e Re�ister of Deed s ofj"ice of said �; <br />� nt f� <br /> �arra <br /> Y <br />' T� Deed County, the 1� day of July , 19 2� at 9 ; <br /> 'I <br /> , <br />� i; <br /> Frank �uTie o'clock and 30 minutes, A.�__��/l��� � ,� <br /> ,� <br /> \Jr ��-�,_�, s; <br /> Register of Deeds, j� <br />� � � B� Deputy. ;1 <br /> „ <br />�=- __��_�_r_-=_�.—_.��-__ ,; <br /> ;� <br /> �; <br /> �.r��o� �Y� �e� � ��je�e re�e�t�: ' <br /> p � <br /> ; <br /> : That A.B. Congrove and Cora Con�;rove ,husband and wife , <br /> ;1 <br /> ;; <br /> o� the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of "' <br /> �i <br />� �; ;� <br /> Fifteen � DOLL�RS, ;� <br /> ;, <br /> ,� <br /> in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, conver� and corifcrrn unto Frank Murie �,� . <br /> 'i <br /> ��� �I <br /> ii <br /> of the Countz� of Hc�.11 , and State of 1�Tebraska , the followin� described real estate situated �! <br /> . ;� <br /> �, <br /> in in Hall Countr�, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: ' <br /> The North fifteen (15) feet of Lot Number Four (4) Block Plumber thirty two (32) ,in I��ount ;� <br /> Pleasant Cemetery Association of Cairo ,Hall County ,Nebra�aka. ;� <br /> �i <br /> � <br /> � �. . <br /> ;� <br /> �; <br /> ��� �� <br /> i: <br /> '� <br /> ,,� <br /> , ,� <br /> '! TO S.1VE .IND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with dll the Tenements, I�er�ditaments dnc�.�ppurtenanc�s ;; <br /> . <br /> !.i <br /> thereunto belon�sin�, unto the said A.B. Congrove and Cora Congrove ,husband and wife. '' <br /> „ <br /> and to his heirs and assigns, forever. ' <br /> ;i <br /> ✓Ind they do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with hie heirs and assi�ns, tyaat E <br />� � (� <br /> !i <br /> lawfully sized of said premises; that the� are free from encumbrance ;� <br /> � <br /> that ��y have �ood ri�ht and Zazvful duthority to sell the sanae; and th� do hereb� covenan.t <br /> � to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoever " <br /> .�nd the said A.B. �ongrov e and Cora Congrove husband & wi fe hereby relinquishes all ``�� <br /> rights Of whatsOeVeT nature �n and to the above described premises. !� <br /> ;; <br /> Si�ned this 7th• day of �TUly , , �4. D., 19 28` " <br /> ;I <br /> In the presence of A.B. COAg�OV @ ;� <br /> ', <br /> M. F. Thompson Cora Cong�ove `! <br /> 'I <br /> State o� Nebraska � <br /> ,: <br /> ss. <br /> Ha.II County, On this 7th day of JLily , .1. D., 19 2$ ;i <br /> ;, <br />, me <br /> before the undersisned �1I. F. Tho�npsorl � <br /> ; <br /> n <br /> ;i <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�s in said Count�, personally <br /> came A.B. Congrove and Cora Congrove ,Husband and wife <br /> `I <br /> _, <br /> �i <br /> to me known to be the identical person g whose name g af�'ixed to the fore�oin� ;� <br /> ,,` <br /> instrument as srantor 8, and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> ( SEAL) ';} <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the daz� and year last above written. ;; <br /> �'; ✓12y commission expires the 27'ti: dcc� of January , 1933 '� <br /> ' �I. F.Thompson '" <br /> Notary Pzcblic. :� <br /> _'_—xt . _--__ E - <br /> _ ._,.__., —__— I <br /> ,. —_- _=_— -- -__ �._ <br /> -- ——=--_=--_----_ — _ _—_. �_--- <br />