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<br /> �-�.' .___.. .' �-sv� ''�ha�f.k--' - -�_aaw�e -�"��. Lx tX - -' --- -- '--. ..----` --- � - � _ =-
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<br /> �° Zf�l11dC!l�pQWtrd RIOItj��G IOS11t�DOt ft i C�odt1011 O�IDiklOj!k���bY����t• '�`��:
<br /> -� � . HO[[C7Fi!S��1ji t�IC pPE41i11ID5 LEQitf[+Oa t0�IAifm tbC I�11TwO0C 1f1�!��YGti�E{IC�1 t101C�S f�IC lOfjlllfllllQli�G[t�1G . • ';�',�-
<br /> ":- -- - -a . lIISllp�ltQtRlOii�SitliCGO(�OG�I1t�l�IiO�PEf'SiOd�RfidCtS�Yf11td1�f0E[�1t0�aQQUC�WCIiN ;�`,` -
<br /> . . - 9
<br /> '. �. I�qecWa�, taod�r or its asept may mai�e t+�d�ulb�e att�ies upon and inapectio�of t6e Propaty.t�ender � r
<br /> �
<br /> r;. b���VCH01'iOXlif10t10Eitt�lCtl�ICOfOtQflOftOf�l�OCdIQl�a�On1�Cq1�SE�0ithtIDSpOCttOt1- n�o-� .
<br /> ! Co�ie�o�. The pcncaeds of any awud or ci�im for dam�es.diroct or atnseqneutial.in oonaection�rith �`,,:
<br /> _ :,. . ,;:
<br /> = any Qondemnation w dttrer tatring otany put of the Propacty,or for ooareyaaca ia iieu:of�nnatio».ut henebY --_ ---- ---
<br /> assi�aeds�d shali b�pnid to I.eader.
<br /> "��^�'� ��� In t6e evmt of a tdt[takia�of tiu Fmperty.the Proceeds sha116�apptiod to ttsG sums securod by this Secuety :�"" '
<br /> ��° tn�ramast,�rT�ether oc nui d�due.wita anyF acoas paid to Barmwec in t1�e ereat uf a putiat tWcLtg of the.Prop�tY+ - -:. _ , -
<br /> ,:,: anlas Botrowet and L�aiRt�et+�tlse�ee ia writin�tbe sums sacurod by N1us Secnrity Ins�ttnent sh�lt be reduoed by �� _- : '
<br />:��� �?� ebc an�ount of the bsc tb�e fdto�rina fractiaa:(s�the tota�aa�ovat a�f_.tlie sums secu�ed immadiatetY . °t-
<br /> , ' Ptocee.'��ipLed:
<br /> f �',�. , b�fore the tatung.d i v i d e d b�£��:��r m u i�e t v a iue d t L e P r o p e r e y i i n m e d i a t d g 6 e f a i�c t i�t a f f�i n&M y b a l�a o e s l u�i t b e ' .
<br /> � � . , . e • , ,
<br /> � • .�,, p�idtoBorro�rer. �: - - . , �,
<br /> :y�.-.y'.,G`�`� ., If tho Pr+opert�ts aihot�ed bg Baatd�ert�rif>aftes aotice by I,eqtle�t to'B�o�x 4t�at the condemnor oR'ers W ''',�� y;' < `,�:_
<br /> , ��r,,:�•.�;,.�� m�keaaa�ar�dorseateact�im�'ordainip�es:8�'fa�storespondtoLeodtr:r�thu�30ti��SaftathcdmtLenoticeis ,k���%- Yf�"'' �
<br /> .i:s' ,.`` u, � �<``
<br /> �?t .�,r', , r� , vm.Le�d'iec�s autborized to ooitect�app��ti�e.pcaoeod�at its optiop.dtLei to restnc�3iaa or repair dtlu PropertY or• � ��;�;���`'�
<br /> � `� 34 � ` t�othesuqa�smeuredbytfisSocaritgl�aq4�rb�Lerortioi.theie"dua � � . :�;-� � �� �., �:� . , `�.,: � �,�� = "�s--
<br /> • ;��� ",'.r����� � � �uksa"i.eiideranaBormvoaat�ieiir�sea�i�wrritia8.ai►l►aPPliatiaaofPrucaMs�tQ�inctiPaisb�Jt ex��'�+�: �. . ,,,` =-
<br /> r ider ��"
<br /> ' "`� •- postpOnetheduediteafE'oLeawnthiypsynkn�s�iE�dtoit�pangapbsian�2otdiangetDt'amnant�i"Seulip�Ya�ats. • `{`_'- �r -
<br /> l' 4 �'°i' �-t
<br /> r �c ;'�- 1Q` Bornlw�_�1iiK E�Fq�beanelte�j►L�er Not s Wsiies EuteaslOU of[be`tiule f0t p�yr�t� . �.':. ' : ._�_
<br /> - �F�€ ' modiSptiNa�,�of the sums socurad by tUis Security Itutnunent gEaated 6g L`tnder to any sucaessor in ` �
<br /> °°'``}•��,�1�� iaterest af Bocracei's��,[�1,'t uot ope�al��o release the liability of tbe originai Borroweior Batu�ds sucrarots in intaest- r i��> �
<br /> . f'�. � (�`\`'{'i -
<br /> ac���r�,:'`Yk��, Lende�sbal!not ti'r.i�tb�rnce proceedings against any suceessor.in iatea�st�or.cefuse to eatend timc€�r :l, �",�,Y�,..�.� .
<br /> � _ P1Yment arerth��o�f'y awortizatio�+oithesu�savrod by thisSerurity Yn�ua�by;�on otany dea�aad rir�de._ �... �. ,.._�_�`'=t�+�`=-
<br /> � �`�� ,��°� � Y, bytheoriginalBon.�M�ez'vtBorrower'ssuccesw;sininterest.Myfor6�r�ranoebyYxndecaae�erci�ingan rigl�to� ; ' <<�. .�����
<br /> r ;. -c y �. �.���,'.
<br /> . '"� �abal�notbeawaiveF�i�precludetheaerciseofaayrightas�emody. ' ��•:: �, :� � �, ,`F'�,{� �'�-
<br /> _ . ` 'a - la:'.Saeea�brs s�d Asci�s Bw��oi�t sua Serecal Isa�ility' �ra ��. �°"�
<br /> ua ,Co�i ��:nants and agroaneats:c€' '�f� �
<br /> � _ . .c�����(._' tJusSoe���sStrumeaishall6indandbrne6ttheatcea�o�san�a�ignsofLmdKand�subjecttothepro�is�pe���� �,. �'ji�:.��,���:�,.-
<br /> � � ,, , - -',-�r".,• ;>: -, ofpusg�Sii�.Borrower'scovrnantsandagreE�a'o�'s;sti�b�j�tandseveral.AnyBot��s��soco-signsthisSecutity �' . r he.. � ..__
<br /> � r �
<br /> ' ;�j_��;'. '�';;�;�;'<:1 lnsuument but daes isoo�eaocute the Notr.(a}i`s.ao�n$this'Serurity Instrument adS�'t�+A+t�"�grant and convey ��t< ���._
<br /> ' ,��4�;L!` �� '.-' that Borrowu's in1�c�•ia the PrapeAy under i'�ret�s of tlus S�ecuriry lnstrumet�t;(b)is ii,is�r�iecsona![yr bbliga[ed to pay ,�F:� s}�� �
<br /> ecu
<br />'_ . <;�;'�'; . �'' ,.,�, � the sums saured b�`�rs5ecurity ialsaumrn�and(c)agroes that Lender and any ot1►v"r�s�rcr may agree ta estend. ';k'o`"f�.;i°;{����'``r-
<br />. : ;: �. 'f=,�SV�Ei.'� modify.fotbear or mi�ai►y acaau,itaadations witA regatd to tl�e tertns af this Secccf�y'�srt�vi�nent or ehe Note withoat j�:?',7 }y�,4w�r•"; '
<br /> �;;-��'' thatBorrowasconse�t. _ ��:, � :� �.:'�`'£�r^���y�• " � °
<br /> ,�,;
<br /> ' •;: �rt. 12. LO�u�. Ii the Ioan secured by this Security Instrnmceit i�,s�.i�!.�,�ds.�which sets maximum toan �� �1,` � ? ��
<br /> c
<br /> .���',., ._A� -
<br />-- — - cIt�s�x attd that�tr;.�fiaally inter�r'teA ca that ihe iaterest-or other;l���--ti�lected or to be coAocted in . �_-��;'_`__,..�'.-- --�,._.. �_=
<br />�j . • • � '`'� ' connoction with th�4�n eacad the permitted limits,thrn:(a)any sncb'�ocs���tge s.+aU be redaced by the amount ',:��:'r�"-^�•.
<br />:��?,; . �ecessary.,to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)an�sums already collect�f�Cum Barrower which eacceded . �� �� • • '
<br /> �, .,: � �
<br /> _ , �• . permitt e d l imi ts wi l l b e re fun d e d t o B o a o w e r.L e n d e r m a y c h o o s e t o m a k e t h i.c r e f u n�C:b g�d u c i n t h e ri n c i 1 o t�e d� ' �< ';:�i�`�� "�°'-
<br /> � 8 P P a �r• •. ti�;c��,t..:
<br />:.:�;1�`��� • ' ' nnder i he Note or by ma king a direct payment to H onower.I fa re fu n d r e d u c e s p ri n c i p a t,i F r x:x+�u c t i o n w i l l 6 e t r e a t e d a s� ,,;,� , .•';j�� � ' -;:
<br />�.r'� • " �{•'�r �� - i'� partial prepayment v�ithout any prepayment eharg:under the Note. ' �• 'if, � �,'• � �`
<br />• .5:� ' , .. � . �•
<br /> �•k�t )� � �� ' � I 3. I.e g ls i�t t o� A f�ecting l.e a d er's R i�b i s. I f ena c tmen t o r e a p i s a t i n n o f a p p l i c a b l e t��"�t h e e f f o c t o f �;,. C. , , � ,
<br /> �.,t �1S���J�,l'Y�.iJ-1�l.%Yir(:�..';� ' ' . f� �::�.�}S �� �'!:1�'-..
<br /> . ;.. ,,:. .,�.;,: t:;.; rmdtringanyprovi�ionoftheNoteortbi�Security1nctsumeatunenforCeaDleaceordingt��Shte��.��dec'.alitsoption. , . ,z�:.i,��4;��`rt,:.,
<br /> '•�t-�� .�•,�i. y4it�. . • - �ci'�;��s'�d?.,,..,'�^
<br /> � may require immediate payment�,full o f a l l sums secure d by this Secunty Instrumrtit aui��ca Y Mvoke any remedies •
<br /> " � ``t���; '� permitted by paragraph 19.i�I.�`�eaercises this aption,l.ender shali take theste(►c spc�;�irl the second paragraph oi 4:`• << t��?�J°�`�` � -.
<br /> ��s.. � . - parag►aph17. ' :; .:•�' � • ". .�:. ;.���. t4rP�:�,afr
<br /> .'• ,, ,<<<', },:,�: .. .
<br />� ± 'h��.:ri; , . : � : !4. �otloes„.x�trY notey�':�Harrower ptavided fot in thi�Security��s�tcumeAx si�a3x!�zC''i�en by delivering it ar by -.�.�:'. •- ' . . •.� , - .��
<br /> �; maiGng it by fiL�t�:�aiail ue►tc�a app1icable law requires uce of anothet r•.re�hod:�;���;�r�i��hai!be directed to the �;-;+' ' ,. '�•�.�,.,•.�•;�;:
<br /> �� • ' . Property Address or��ty other 2,3z}k�.cc Borrower designates by,aotice to l.endor.Any��,����-��Lettder shall be given by : • r.'�1��tir,< < ��;
<br />'a.+ '� ���'`"- ° ' � gtstrLa�.ci�aiytol.enda'saddress,s�icedhereinorany.aiher.��ssLenderdecignatc�6���►i'v�tpBorrowet.AnyAatirt ` '�;srtiu d ;`
<br /> '`�`^�'� . , �qto��f�r in thts Secu�ty tnsirur�ient shali be.�°.PCrted tof���l�r:n gi�•en la 8or�pwerF�6.��;�tvhe�3iven as proY�t� Yi���.� ,,,�°
<br />. " �' " �,�,fi�+ €ta ra h. �.� ; " • `,::' ";'' ; .; � , ,
<br /> ,,., .
<br /> - ; .� 8 P �.r-.,�: t .
<br />� - ', ._• � _ ,:.,•1S. Goreroing Lae;SeTerability. 'G'hi�S�u�iy��d'��:nent shall he gavemcd b��i"��ral iax'aitd the laa vf the ;
<br /> .. ' • H;'�:jwi+�3a,v^tion in which the Pr�perty is tocated.iiL'cfii-�.��m tl�;,;!.,.s:�y pr�vision or clause of t�iT.rs Secunty Iqstrumem or ihe i, � •
<br /> ' � �t�'`''� '`•��t�,,'``�uo�flicts with applicable law�si�.ch conAict�hall not at�s�t.-.�thcr provi.ionc af th�s Sa:n.:ity In.rtrument ar thc Nmte �.
<br /> �'%ifi�=.�-'i/1'-/ ..�}.'.,`•;••�,' . .
<br /> ��'�� �S ;-�;�`;;�ij,�r,�`can be gicen effect withuut�1-�wnflirting provisian.Tn ih�s end the pretivisions.zti Y;.��ecurity lnslrument and the �"'
<br /> L ,,��,. �!��t.'�'� ��� : �•.;ti•:'„"v�tearedeclaredtabeseverabte. ..; ' -� .
<br /> f
<br />� ?�z±;'�� , ' 16. 8arro�rer's Copy. [�&arrower shall[�e giYen onc ranf�rmed c.�p�, o£thn 1��;aL,ai�d af'thic Security Inctrumenl. '.
<br />�: � �,�;,;� , , ; 17. Traaster ot tbe Prupe�ty or a geeeflcial tnterest in Borro�:��'if aJi ur any par�o!'�he Prupe►ty or any : -�;.'' • .
<br />;.;; ,'�� . • � ' ,intergst in it is sold or��an�err�.i hur iia benefiaal intcrc+t in�.tirrnwer�s�ulii��ir trans���3 and 8arraw•er ir no1 a natural ;". �-:�:;�` � .` Y.� ; .
<br /> . `,,�,f::2 i
<br /> pecsnal.without Let��'w p�cor:+�r,�[txa consenl.l.ender mayr.at itc.opt►nn.reyuirG i y ra+�3�ate paymrnt�n f r)ul'all s�ct�i�� ,:,;, � ...,:`,;,:�.,...w:;.:>
<br /> f � sertum� �chis Sec��rep�;�,:t Hawever.this apiiu»�i;all�not be cxe�ci�ed A: �r.if eae�cc�e i� ruhibit�Y L�w ,, r� r�,,�-: ;
<br /> T�-� e�?n�t ; ..,, _ . �� l�,{,7 .
<br /> ,r, � ;;. . ,,,;.� , , : � ,,� : ,, .,.� s�:
<br /> r. .. • �fedrtallaw as otthe3�e+�tfus�ce�ty lnstrur�;;�r... ' ' •..t �.l,�rn,;. .; ;!;;
<br /> ;.4�;,:� �� li'Lend�►eaes�is�s eii►s uptuxr.Exnder"si��aJ9'���e Burcour►noltce c+f 1�x:rletati���c:`T'ls4 natue tihall pruvidr a�ri�kl c:.; !,:;,t,,:� ��:.
<br /> . , ofnatlessthan30daysfn�mche�fii}rect»notcceisd'el�verednrma�Rrdwuhiaa��hich&�rr�wermu�tp•ry:�ll�umssecuredby •;'•if.►��.:��;%;"'•��� .;'�;��
<br />. • ;��. ,•. thi5 5tcutity lt�.+�rttmrnt.If Borr�:tiv�r fails to p'ay'theve sum�pnor to Ihr erpiis�i�zn n F e his peru+d.Lcn der may im•o kc An '``, '��`;�?''�f�t`' ' ' `
<br /> .. -.,:�,. . Y :•`,''i1;•,•' .'. ...,,, .
<br /> ' k» �=:�'f�.. . temediespermittedbythis5a:wifgl'i�sttumentHithoutfutthetnuticcordemaadc,nFiorsia�ker. � �,ti4�''�',�:Y•�"' .
<br /> , .'�`�tl.�. . . . ��. .. (�tty,��;�.,.j;
<br /> 18.Ba►roKer's Rigbt to 1�einst�ta 1P Bnnoaer mats certam rnndit�ons.BixF�c�er�hall ha�•e ihr t�ght t.�h��e ;:, ;�•f';�`,�;�'t
<br /> � ' enforcemen�of thi�Secnrit lmlrument discontinued at an•time tior ti.the eartier cef(sl�5 da•s(��r such ofher eri�xi:+s - " � �':-j� ��'
<br /> ' y } A > P �,,, .. i:i,..
<br /> . .�� .. appt+cable iav�may specify fnr reinstatementl befare sale nf the Pmpeny pur�uant tuany t►nwer�f�le containai in ihis {�
<br /> ' Security tnctrnmrnt;or Ib)erttry nf a judgment enforcing�his Seeunry Instrumenc TEc�ne rondition.are�hat Hnrro�rr. I•
<br /> t (a)pays Lendet a11 swns ahieh then woWd Me due under tbis S�urity instroment am3lhc:tiat�h:�nu accr:sr.�Cion '
<br /> . �` accurred�(b)cures any default of any other wvenants or agrerment�;(c)�+ay��li e�peaseti�ncuncd tn cnf�r,.-u►g this i ,
<br /> `;�. ' _u-� Seeutity 1»sftumtnt,ineluding.L�ut noi IimitM tu.rrasonuble attornrys fees;and(d)t:�ice+auch sctiun:iv Lender�y �.
<br /> = teasc+m�bty reqt�re tn.ataurr�1wt thr tien nf t�ds'5eceirity ta;trument,.�.etid�s tip,ht5;�tt the 1'a��rty and_Hnttower's ;.
<br /> _::. . �_
<br /> obligatirm tn pay the aums secuted by this 5e+curity instrument sfi�il runtinue tutrhangcd. lfpon rernstatemeni by ���- �`-��� "�
<br /> ` f .� Borro+ver.this 5ecurity In�Irunxnt and tire obllgptians secutcd hereby shall rem�in fu11y etTective as it tutacreYrratlnn h�d `_ . _ `
<br /> �°! at�tlnetl.Howtver.thigtiat►tt(rrtinst�teshyllttotappl}ldthecaseaY3cceltration undetpa�graphs 13 or 17.
<br /> . , t.
<br /> �y � . ._ - --- - __ �. __
<br /> i�r.. - --- --
<br />