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<br /> � ��� �' ST.qTE OF ✓1�'EBR.gSK.q, `�
<br /> �' ss. �
<br /> Richard Guendel ,widower H8.11 County, Entered inNumerzcal In-
<br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj"ice of said
<br /> TO �arranty
<br /> Deed County, the 26 day of September[� 27, at �
<br /> A.J.Guendel ;&E.R.Guendel o'cloe7c and 15 minutes, P,
<br /> ��� ���-�� ��-�
<br /> Resister of Deeds,
<br /> B� Deput�.
<br />_�____:�._�._:_� ::_ ._:_.m:.�__ ._.� _
<br /> _ ,.,�.- � _. - --__�_.:_� _-F_ .__:_.._:_.__.�__:_:_,�__ �,,_.__.._� -_--__�.:,___��—�--__��_�._._� - =_�.:.—��--�.M_._.�_.�_.�
<br /> �.r�o� �YY �e� �p �C�je�e ��re�e�.t�:
<br /> That Richard Guendel,a widower,of Grand Island
<br /> of the County of Hall , and State of I�ebraeka , for and in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Five Thousand Dollara {�S �OOO� DOLL.gRS, '
<br /> in ha�zd paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, conver� and confcrm unto A•J.Guendel 8rid �.R.Gt18IIdE1
<br /> of the County of F��11 , and State of .Nebraska , the foZlowin� described real estate situated
<br /> in in Hall Count and State of Nebraska , to-wit• ±
<br /> The Nortberly one third of the Southerly half (N of S�� of Lo� One {1) and of the �a$terly or�e
<br /> < third (�� af Lot Two (2) in B1ock Forty-two (42� of the Original to�rn,now Oity of Grand Isla�jd,
<br /> Nebraska,being a rectangular pieoe of ground havtng an �a,ster7.y fronta,ge of 22 �eet ,on Pine '�
<br /> Street ,a depth of �� feet and bounded on the North by a line parallel �to Fourth Street and di�(-
<br /> tant Siaty-six (66) feet southerly therefrom; sub�eet however,to a right of �ray over the �ests�lly
<br /> �welve ( 12) feet of the txact hereby conve ed,the intention being to have a private driveway �2
<br /> .' feet in width over the �esterly Twelve (12� feet of the �a.sterly one third (E�j of said Lot 2 '
<br /> ' extending from Fourth street to the alley in said Block for the free and unobetruated use anc�
<br /> ` benefit of the lot o�vners bordering on,ox abutting on said driveway,or owning the ground cove�l-
<br /> ed by eame;with the right to lay pipes for G�ae ,Water ,Heat ,and Sewer ,etc. ,under the same,but td
<br /> ! place no obstructions on the surface thereof;and an easem�n#�: '. for such purposes is hereby
<br /> gra.nted over the entire length and breadth of sueh driveway to the grantees hereia,reserving ;
<br /> however,for the bther owners ,or future owners the same eaeement over that par� of said drive- ;
<br /> ,
<br /> way hereby conveyed to the grantees herein. ( In future aonveyances-(including mortga�es of '
<br /> above de�cribed p�oper�tg�,the word;.,�ppurtenance�;ehal•l be -eor�etrued to c�v.er ;all aandi� one,
<br /> ease�en�s and obligationa to said driveway. � !
<br /> :; _ T� FiAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described,together with all the Tenements ,Heredita�- ;
<br /> ment� and appurtenances thereunto belongin�,unto the said A.J.Guendel and E.R.Guendel and to ?
<br /> ' theix heirs and assigns forever. � . . � - .� _
<br /> .Ind T �Zo hereby covenant with the said Gran�ee ,and with th@iT heirs and assi�sns, that
<br /> I 8.t�1 lawfullz� sized of said premises; tliat they are free from encumbrance
<br /> that j have �ood risht and lawful authorit� to sell the same; and I do herebr� covenan.t;
<br /> �1
<br /> to warrant and deJend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br /> .lnd the said hereby relinquishes all +
<br /> in and to the above described premises. "
<br /> Signed this 5 day of October , , ✓1. D., 19 21
<br /> In the presence of
<br /> :�
<br /> _ ___
<br /> -
<br /> ___..____ __ �_____ Richard Guendel
<br /> Ohas.F.Dryer �5.00 I.R. ;::
<br /> _ �Stam�,e Cancelled �
<br /> State o� Nebr ` . {
<br /> ss. �
<br /> HSll Count�, On this 5 day of �ctober, .q. D., 19 2�� � '
<br /> ri1@ '
<br /> before�the undetsiened Cj1&,8.F.DTyeT
<br />,
<br /> ' � a Notary Publie, duly commissioned and qualified for and residins in said County, personally
<br /> came Rf ChaTd L�1lendel
<br /> � � �;
<br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name 18 af�lxed to the foregoins
<br /> � d this
<br /> instrument as rantor,� , and a knowle ed the same to be voluntar act and deed.
<br /> A
<br /> �
<br /> SE L � �
<br /> t
<br /> )
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the daz� and z�ear last aboae written. �
<br /> .�1y commission expires �k�J'aII 22�1922 day of 19
<br /> Chas.F.Dr er
<br /> p
<br /> Notar Public.
<br /> � �
<br /> ;
<br />� _. _ . - -_ __ -- - - -- _ _ _,, . .._. __- -_ =__-_—_ �_�--__--_-_-_____--=— _------__
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