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<br /> D����� ���� � ���
<br /> � � ��
<br /> �� ST.qTE OF NEBR.qSX'.q,
<br /> ��
<br /> ss.
<br /> �' FTSxtCiB E.Latham 8� wf Hall County, Entered inNumerical In- �';
<br /> I
<br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj"ice of said �!
<br /> Td '�Warrxnty ��
<br /> Deed County, the 16 ddy of Atip;tist 19 27, at 1,0 ;�
<br /> Paul J.� Est elle FIart sough �
<br /> o'clock and 30 minutes, . � �
<br /> � ���
<br /> ReSister of De� 'I
<br /> B� Deputy. i�
<br /> �
<br /> --�------ i - � —�
<br /> (
<br /> ;
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> � �.Zr�ob� �YY ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: ,�
<br /> ' That P'raneis �.�,atha,m and Jennie �.Latham,hu�band and Wife, 'j
<br /> �
<br /> ��
<br /> ;i
<br /> � i
<br /> ; of the Count� of H8�1 , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of ��
<br /> !I
<br /> �' 4ne {�1.00) Dollar and eachan�e oY properties DoLL.�RS, 'i�
<br /> i� �I
<br /> ; in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�'ain, sell, convey and confirrn unto Paul J.H8rt601�h aad Estelle Hartsough I�
<br /> ;; �,
<br /> il II
<br /> I�
<br /> ;� of the County of �lI , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estdte situQted ;
<br /> '' '�
<br /> ;! in f�rand Island in �,11 County, and State of �ebra�ka , to-wit: ��
<br /> �
<br /> The �es� One Hundred F�et of the East One Hundr�d and Thirty-si�c Fee� of the North S�aty- ';�
<br /> � Qiv� Feet of Lo'� sEVenteen (15) of the County Sub-division of �h� �est Hal� of the So�thwest �
<br /> " uarter of �eotion Fif��en (1 ) ,Township �leven (11) North,of Range l�ine (9) ��et of the �,I
<br /> 6th P.I�. ,said oounty Subdivision plat being �eaorded in Book G of Deeda a� Page �37 ,of ,�
<br /> `; �all Qounty records. The trac� above conveyed,being a reatangular pei'�e of ground havi�g !!
<br /> ; � wid�h of 65 feet and a d�p�h �as� and ��s� of 100 feet fronting on Pine 8treet in Gra,ad i
<br /> 'i 81and,Ha11 County,Nebraeka '
<br /> �! Sub�ect to a mortgage in the eum of One Thousand Fie�e Hundred (�1500.00) Dollars. ��
<br /> ii, �
<br /> ; i
<br />. ,,! i�
<br /> '� �i
<br /> ;; ;�
<br /> � 2"O H✓1VE .1Nn 7'O HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the 1'enements, Hereditaments and.�Ippurtenances li
<br /> � I�
<br /> thereunto belongin�, unto the said PauZ J.Hart sough &�id ESfi�11e Hart sough �
<br /> !; i�
<br /> and to their heirs and assi�ns, forever. ,!
<br /> �;
<br /> ;; .Ind o►B c�o hereby eovenant zvith the said Grantee B ,and with their heirs and assi�ns, that �I
<br /> '! ii
<br /> WE; ST� Zawfully sized of said premises; that thez� are free from encumbrance esceept a mor�ga.g� in fBYOT ,!,
<br /> ; of ?�iss �'erguson in the amount of �1500.00 ;�
<br /> ' that �� have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell tlae same; and p8 do hereby covenant 'I
<br /> !J
<br /> !1 I�
<br /> `! to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever ;�
<br /> ;
<br /> " .qnd the said Franci� E.LB,thStll and Jennie �.Lgthe,�ri hereby relinquishes all
<br /> their right ,title and in�eres� I;
<br /> in and to the above described premises. 'i
<br /> ��� �I
<br /> Si�ned this 15th day of ALi�1',LiB� � , ✓1. D., 19 �7 ,�f
<br /> i
<br /> ' In the presence of Fran��.� �.I+B.thSl�t '�
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> � i Jennie M.Latham ji
<br /> ; i�m P.Mullen ;i
<br /> ��
<br /> ��
<br /> i
<br /> ; State o� Nebraska �I
<br /> ss.
<br /> Hall County, On this 15th day of J�1uguSfi � .g. D., 19 �7� '',�
<br /> �
<br /> before t�heeundersigned liPm P.MtiI1CII ��
<br /> �;
<br /> '' a Notarz� Publie, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, personally !I
<br /> ' came Francis �.Latham and Jennie �.Latham,husband and �rife j�
<br /> ,
<br /> ' to me known to be the identical person 8 whose name 8 BT�d afJ"cxed to the fore�oin� ��
<br /> f ��
<br /> �S�AL� instrument as�mm�er , and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. ��
<br /> I' I'
<br /> �
<br /> Witness mz� hand and Notarial Seal the daz� and year last above written. �
<br /> �i
<br /> � ✓l1y commission expires the ery�'�Yi day of JL1A6� -19 Q� i�
<br /> ii .
<br /> I
<br /> �! ` �t'G P.���zcblic. il
<br /> !I
<br /> – `---- ---- ' �
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