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� ",� • r . , • ..,,, ;•.;- :::..... � ., <br /> "WK"�' .:4, '1'�:1f�\',� .'r',�'/t:'•.,6.1.l_....�.. .. <br /> l,y.,,��1��".r <br /> +f9!� . , . �1,'` .' . . )s�: „ <br /> .. �n . . . . :.�;, . .• . <br /> ..tY+w_:�� .. ,+ . . . " '. . . .. .. ,.. <br /> . . . C... '_ . .. >T .' . .. .. . �� - � •�:'�'. ...... -� - <br /> - - .. ,- ,- r , - • . . '�_-_.---� <br /> - .. . _ . �r ,, - --- . _ . � l�r <br /> .. <br /> . -� . , <br /> . , . .. <br /> __ . _ . . . . .. . �, <br /> 97� ����►�� - <br /> , 17. '1'rnnsPcr oY ftte Prupe�•ty or u 1lencf'iclni Intcrest In Rorrower.If all ur any part cif thc F'roperry or any intcrest in it � <br /> i,,ald ur u•an,lirrrd lur il'u hcnrliciiil in�cre,t in Hurrmvcr i� wld or trun+fcrred �ind Bc�rrawcr is no[a natural person)without <br /> ..� l.cndcr'ti prior wriltcn run,rm, Inndcr mny, i�t it.r uptiun, rcquirc imnmdiate p:�yment in full of all sums secured by this <br /> �•j Scrurity In+U•umenl Ili��vcvrr,Il�i+n��Unti tihidl nut he excrciscd by Lender if excrcise is pr��hibited by Icderul laiw as of the date <br /> �,I'thi.tirruriiv In�irumrm <br /> lf l.cndci•cxcrri+c+ihi�.upti�+n, I.cndrr tihull�,ivc lii�rruwcr noticc c�f acccicration. Thc noticc tihull providc u period of not <br /> � � Ictis than 30 duy� I'rum Ilic ilalc thc nulirc i, dclir���cd ur mailed within which Borzowcr must puy all tiums secured by this ' <br /> :��.-�� Scc�n�it�� Insn�umcnt. If Ilurr��wur tiulti w p;ry ihr,c�um�priar to thc cxpiration of this perioJ. Lendcr may invoke any remedics . <br /> ; pcnniucd hy this Sccurity liitiinunrnt �viihuui luithcr no�ir�ur dcmand un Borrnwcr. <br /> ' IH. linrrowcr'y Itl{�h� ln !!clntitnle. It Burruwcr ntects ccitain condilions, Borrower shall have the right to have <br /> ' entiirrement uf tfiiti Securily� Intitrumcnt disr��niinuc�i nl iiny time prior to the eurlicr c�t`. (u) 5 days (or such uther perioJ ati <br /> 1� applirublu luw may ,prril'y I��r nin.i�nrmenil hcli,re �ale „f thr Prc�rcny pursuant tc� any power of sule contained in this � <br /> sr.•,: <br /> Securiry fntitrumrnr,or(b)uinry ul a judHmrnt rntin•cing thi4 Sccurity Instrument. Those cmidi�ions ure that Borrower:(a) pays :��� <br /> , Lcnder all sutnti which thcn a•ould hc du� unilcr Ihiti Srruiiry Intitrument and the Note u�if no acceleration hxd occurred: (b} - <br /> cures uny dethult uf any athrr ruvcnani� �n u�:rrcment,; Ir) pay� idl expenses incurred in enforcing thix Sccuriry (nstrument, <br /> including, but nut limitcd tu,rcu�imiiR�lc�Uturncy��' Icc�; �md Id)t.�kcti tiud�u�tion as I.ender may rcusonubly requirc to ussure � <br /> thnt the li�n i�f this Scruriry Intitrutnent, I.endcr',richl+ in ihc I'ra�mrry anJ Borrowcr's obli�ation to pay the sttms secured hy <br /> thi+ Sccurity Instrumrnt tih.dl cuntinuc unrhiin�;c�l, Up,m rcin�aacmcm by Borrower, this Sccurity [nstrument and the <br /> obligations securcd hereby tihall remiiin I'ully rlfcriivr,iti il�n��iiccrlcrntiun hud i�ccurred. However, this right to reinstate shAll '�`,..F=`� <br /> not upply in thc cu,c uf ucccicratian undcr�r,�r.i�;r:iph 17. .' .:�- <br /> 19, tii�le oF N��te; Chnu�e nf Lui�n ticrvlccr. 'I'hr Nutr or u puriiul interest in the Not� (togethcr with this Security � ,'. .��u��. <br /> InstrumenU muy b�,uld onc or mom►imeti withuut prior n�uicr tu Horruwer. A sale muy result in u ch•rnge in the entity(known - <br /> us the "Laan Scrvirer") that rollects nu�nthl��puynrentti duc w�drr Iho Nute and�his Securiry Instrument. T'here ulso may be one � <br /> or more rhanges of'the Laan Scrvic�r unrelule�l tu u.alc ut'thc Notc. !I thcre iti a chunge of the Loau Servicer, Borrower will be -- <br /> �`"„ given written notice of th�changc in urcor�unre�ti�iih ��arc��:rnph la nhuve �md applicuble luw. The notice will state the name and . --_==- <br /> adJress of thc ncw Luan S��r�•irrr and thc addre��t�i ahi�h ��nymcm,4hould bc madc. Thc notirc will also contain uny othcr <br /> informution rcquircd by applicahlc law. <br /> 20. Hura�rdouw Subrtumes. Hurr��wrr,hull n��t cuuu ur permii the pre,cnce, usc, disposal, stora�;e, or release of any <br /> ' H;u.ardous Sub�tanceti on ��r in thc Prnprrty. Ilurn�wer ,h��ll nut du. nur ulluw anyc�ne el�c to da anything affectin� the <br /> , Property thut is in viulution uf any [:nviro�umntal La+v. 'I'lic prcceding tµ•a tirntences shull not upply tu the presence, use,or '- <br /> , storage on thc Praperry ul',mall yuantiticti of Huiarcluu+ tiuhrt;mrrs lhiu arc gcnerally recognired tn bc appropriatc to normal `= <br /> residentiul u�es cuid tu maintcnancc uf'the Property. - <br /> " g^rr::::�..• �•a:: �°.::^t!. .i�c:�:nd::r ..���...����..���. ,;i ��i�• ���•.c,�� u��«ii,��uini. uc�uuuu. iaw,uii ur oiircr uctiun o any _ <br /> _.. Y �'-_ <br /> � ., govcrnmcntul or rcgulutory:�gciry ar privtuc pw•ty invulving tlic I'ruperty r,n�i imy Hur.ardous Substancc nr Environmental Law <br /> . of which Borrowcr hus uctuul knuwlcdgc. If Hurrow�r let�rn+, ur i,nutiticd hy nny guvcrmr�cntul or rcgulatory authority, Ihat ��:'K`.y� <br /> nny rcmuval or�nher renmdiutiun of uny Huxurd��us Subsuu�ce idtcclin�thc Pruperty iti ncccssary, E3orrowcr shall prompdy take �` <br /> - . . ull neccssury rcmcdial uctions in iucnrduncc with�nvitti,nmm�tul I.u�a. [,'• <br /> - Ati used in this parugruph 30, "H;v.u•duus Suh�timceti" nre tlw,c suh�innrc+ d�:tiucd us tuxic or ha;eurdous substances by F"" <br /> __ . . Environmcntnl Law and thc fnlluwing ,ubtiuuires: H�n�,linc, kcr���cnc, othcr Oiunmublc ur toxic petroleum products, toxic �^'�� <br /> o-!•�: , pesticidcs and hcrbicides,vc�latilc solvcnts. nnUCrialti cuntninin�ashcslus ur lin•imd�lclrydc, und radioactivc matcrials.As used in �:�- <br />_��'''"''" ' ' this paragraph 2U, "Envirunnuntid L.�w" mciins Pcdcrd liiwti ;wd lii�vti �d Ihc juri+dirlic+n whcrc dic Property is located that �,: <br />- •• •.'' relatc to hcalth,safcry or cnvirnnmcntal priitcctiun. �!`'�. <br /> - �� , NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. H��rruwcr amd IAndcr furihrr covarn;mt imd ��grec iiti follows: [� <br /> "� � ' Z1. Accelerallon; liemedl�w.Le�►der sh��ll�;I�•e n��Uce lo I{urroti�er prlor to�tcceleratton followinfi Borrower's brcuch �'W---� <br /> _`��'•' �' of�ny covenunt or i►�nrrnent In thls ti�YUrlty l�esh•untcnt lbut not prlor 1i► nccclerutlon under parugrr.�ph 17 unless " <br />-'"`°'="•''� . uppl[cuble Imv provldes otherwise). '1'he notlre shnll!+�xtilfy: (u►Ihe olefnull; (1�)the ncNun required to cure the defuuit; P, <br />'r'"'�`'�`� (c)u di�te, not Ies�;than 30 dnyr; frnm the d��te the nntlee Is�;Iven In Nnrnntic�•, hy whlch the default must be cured; and F�- <br /> ,rcr; <br />:„,:i�," �_,_ (d) thut fuflure to cure the dcfuult un or bcYorc the dntc s�acclficd h� Ih�� �ioUce mi►y result In acceleration of the sums =� <br />