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f ti'S ' <br /> ...4._Q��;� . <br /> ����'� ��J����� <br /> I CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> � -3TATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � � � � � � ��- <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.qSKJI, � <br /> � <br /> ' ss. �� <br /> '�' Ha.11 County, i' <br /> I; Richard Goehring Jr. �a,rid wiPe E�ttered inNumerical In_ �� <br /> '' dex and fcled for record in the Re�sister of Deed's o}�'ice of said I� <br /> i, �,� �arranty I <br /> I <br /> " ed County, the 1� day of g 19 2 at �I <br /> �; De �Tun � 9 � <br /> ! Paulina (�oehring ii <br /> ' o'clocTc and �}5 minutes, A. J�l. , <br /> �������/����-�-� i, <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, i� <br /> B De ut � <br /> �! A �J• <br /> ii <br /> ;�— - � _� i� <br /> ,; � <br /> i� ,� <br /> il <br /> ,� ��o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: <br /> �, � <br /> , <br /> i; That Richard Cioehri3�g Jr. ,and Ina Goehrin�,husband and wife �� <br /> i; <br /> ;i '� <br /> �; � <br /> �� <br /> i� of the County of H811 , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of �� <br /> 'i � <br /> ;� One Dollar and other valuable considerationB DOLL.�RS, 'I <br /> ;� � <br /> �' ii <br /> ' in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Paulina aoehring �I <br /> ;; <br /> ;I I� <br /> �' Hal l I <br /> ;� of the County of , and Stdte of �ebraska , the followin� described real estate situated I� <br /> �� II <br /> 'I in (�rand Island in �jgl], County, and State of Nebras]�, , to-wit: �i <br /> ;± A11 of the Southerly Fifty-six (56) ,feet ,of L t Fifteen (15) ,and also all of the Southerly <br /> �j Fifty-six (56) feet of the �asterly one/half �E�r) of Lot Fourteen {1�+) of the County Sub- ( <br /> '' Division of Lots Thirteen (1 ) and 3ixteen (16) and part of Lots Eight (�) Eleven (I1) , ; <br /> i� Twelve (12) and Fourteen (1�� of the (7ounty Sub-divieion of the Southeast Qua,rter of tl�s � <br />� !; 3outhwest Quarter (3�,�-S�P ) of �eation 83xteen ( 16) ,in Township Eleven (11) North,of Ra.uge <br /> !' Nine (9) �est of the 6th � Ha,ll Oounty,Nebraeka. ,The �ame being a reotangular traat of <br /> �,; ground having a frontage of Fifty-six (56) feet on Washington Stree� and bounded on the South ' <br /> by the alley bet�ween Diviaion a.nd Koenig Btreets ,in the City of C�rand Ieland,Nebraeka. � <br /> '' (This Warran�y eed ia execu:�ed �or the purpose of ma�;,ing correction of the desoriptioa of `i <br /> ;; the real eetate -conveyed by Warranty �eed dated Auguet 26,1 19 ,and reaorded in Book 5S, ;i <br /> � of Deed,at Page 127 ,of the reoords of Hall Qoun�ty,htebraska.� �� <br /> 'i.� �� <br /> I� �I <br /> jj TO I�.1VE ./1ND TO HOLD the premises above described, �o�ether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and✓�ppurtenances �� <br /> i iI <br /> ;i <br /> �� thereunto belongin�, unto the said Paulina� i��ehring II <br /> , <br /> i'; and to h6r heirs and assi�sns, forever. �i <br /> jl ��� <br /> .qnd �E cla hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with her heirs and assi�sns, thcct <br /> �; i <br /> ;i . We 8,�8 lawfull� sized of said premises; tjaat tTiey are free from encumbrance �i <br /> i! I� <br /> �� <br /> � �� that y�rg have �`ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell tTae same; and We do hereb� covenan.t i� <br /> u <br /> '� to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawfwl claims of dZl persons whomsoeUer � <br /> I� � <br /> '� .qnd the said Ina Goeiiring I! <br /> ;; hereby relinquishes all ;� <br /> II� righte of every nqture,abe�lute and contingent ,including dower,courtesy,Homestead and inherit-�+� <br />� '' gnCg irL and to the above described premises. i <br /> �i <br /> �� �� <br /> !! Signed this 2�d day of JLtrie � „g. D., 19 27 � <br /> '' �. <br /> �i In the presence of !� <br /> � Richard Goehring Jr. i; <br /> il 0.E.Grundy I; <br /> �� I�� ��ehring (I <br /> I, � <br /> !G State of NebTaeka � i� <br /> '! ss. �I <br /> i� �.11 County, On this 2IId da9 of �T11ri6 � R. D., 19 27� �� <br /> ii me ii <br /> ;; before�the undersi�ned 0.E.q�rundy � <br /> ;; i� <br /> ; a NotaTy Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said Count�, personaZly �� <br /> �� came Richard (3oehring,Jr. ,and I�a Goehring ,husba,nd and wife �' <br /> ; i� <br /> �� I� <br /> „ <br /> 'I I <br /> �� <br /> I� to me known to be the identical person8 whose name e Sr6 af�ixed to the fore�oin� II <br /> ,� <br /> i� i' <br /> 'i (BEAL� instrument as �rantorB , and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. ' <br /> � <br /> i <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the daz� and year last dbove written. � <br /> !I � <br /> �� .My commission expires the 1$'th day of June , 19 32 � <br /> �j � <br /> �� 0.E.Grundy Notar� Public. <br /> '� i, <br /> i� Ij <br /> __ --_�- —_�._-_—_--__.--_ <br />