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r "°' <br />. �_�� � <br />� ��,�j� ��J����� <br /> . � <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> - _ . <br /> -- SB-3TATE JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB. � ���� � <br />� ST.gTE OI+' NEBR�SK'.q, I <br /> �� � � f <br /> ; ss. � <br /> � Ha.11 Count Entered in Numerical In- �i <br /> ;; �'red H.Laeger & wf �� ,; <br /> _ � i� <br /> i dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj'ice of said � <br /> ; 7,� '�arranty II <br /> '? Deed County, the 2�j day of M8,3/ 19 27 at 11 i� <br /> `{ �nos F. �iansr �' <br /> I! & I'ulu J. o'clock and �5 minutes, _�«M. � i <br /> . y �ti��t��� �-/�/-u-�� � <br /> ' �� Resister of Deeds, �� <br /> ii B� Deput�. �' <br /> � - - — -- <br /> �, <br /> �� <br /> il ♦ li <br /> �� ��ok� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�. ; <br /> �� � <br /> ;j That �rred H.Laeger and Ma.ggie Laeger,hie wife, � <br /> jl <br /> ,� <br /> i; ;i <br /> !� of the County of H8,11 , and State of Nebraaka , for and in consideration of the sum of 'I <br /> ii �I <br /> �i pae hundr ed f i ft e en and No/100 DOLL�RS, , <br /> � <br /> 'i il <br /> �,1 in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto �riOB F.Linner 811d LL11Lt J.Linner,e�e �01IIt i <br /> i tenanta not tenanta in com.mon, ; <br /> �� i;i of the County of H811. , and State of Nebraaka , the followin� described reul estaEe situ¢ted � <br /> . !� <br /> �� in CZrS811d I818�1d in HBII County, and State of N@bT88I� , to-wit: � <br /> �; � <br /> �i Fraational Lot One (1) ,in Fraational Bloak Fourteen (1�) ,in Ashton Place ,an addition to � <br /> �� the Oity of Grand Island,�'ebraska. � <br /> !; All of Fractional Bloak Twenty-one (21) ,ia Baker!s Addition to the Oity of arand Island, �) <br /> !� Nebraeka. - <br /> ;r <br /> �I li <br /> � :� � i� � <br /> � , <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> i� <br /> I ' �� '' <br /> � <br />, <br /> ,, _ <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ;; <br />� :! TD H.IVE .qND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with al� the Z'enements, Hereditaments and.lppurtenanees <br />� �; � . <br /> i� thereunto belon�in�, unto the said �O8 F.Linner and Lulu J.Linner � <br /> ; <br /> �� �� <br /> th r <br /> ei <br /> and to heirs and assi ns orever, <br /> !,{ � , f I . <br /> ;� .Ind th8y' do hereby covenant with the said Grantee g ,and wit1a their heirs and assisns, that I� <br /> il �, <br /> + ii <br /> �i � t$ep aTe lawfully sized of said premises; that ther� are free from encumbrance �` <br /> I <br /> j� that they have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit,� to sell tlie same; and �hey do hereb� covenan.t 'I <br /> _ !; <br /> '� to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever I <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ;� �nd the said Fxed H.Laeger 8,tld Ma,gg16 Laeger hereby relinquishes aZZ ! <br /> '! rights of every nature ,abaolute,and contingent ,inc2uding dower,courtesy ,I�omestead and inher <br /> �� 1t8,riCe in and to the above described premises. <br /> I <br /> '� Signed this ;2�} day of �a,j/� , �. D., 19 2� �� � <br /> . � <br />.� �� ��i In the presenee of � <br /> � Fred H.Laeger <br /> � �' O.A.Vieregg ie Lae er - ' <br /> �6� S <br /> , <br /> ii,' � <br /> : - !,� State o� Nebraska I <br /> ;, ,� <br /> ss. <br /> : ii H8.11 County, On this 2�F day of M8y� .q. D., 19 2?� ii <br /> I; nte <br /> �! before�the undersi�'ned 0.A.V18T@gg I� <br /> !i i <br /> a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said Coicnty, personall� I <br /> i; <br /> - came �red H.Laeger and �aggie Laeger,husband and �vife, <br /> ;! �I <br /> � �i <br />�N�' , <br />�� <br /> , � II <br /> �; to me known to be the identical person 8 whose name 8 �,T@ afJixed to the fore�oins i <br /> � <br /> ,� �$�AL� instrument as �rantor g and acknowled�ed the same to be th�ir voluntary act and deed. ii <br /> i <br /> �`; Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. � <br /> i� � I <br /> � ;i � � <br /> ,� _ J�Iy commission expires the 1 day of 3ep� , 19 3�� <br /> • ;� O.A.Viere � <br /> � [� gg Notary Public. <br /> j <br /> n <br /> ---_�-_—__—_-=_—___=- <br />