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� K� ,t'�' <br /> _.e..�cl =tl- ' <br /> j�� <br /> ��jL�J� ��1J���'✓� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> -3TAT JOU N � - � � �� � � <br /> �� _ ----- --°—_------ S?'.ITE OF ✓1�'EBR.1SK.q, ( � <br /> ss. <br />� �; '� �� <br /> H811 County, Entered in Numerical In- ,i <br /> John H.Qlausaen & wf 4, . <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's o�j"ice of said �; <br /> " 'N�arrant y '; <br /> TO Deed County, the 2� day of ��,y 19 Q7, at 1], f; <br /> jl <br /> � A88. �.IQOFarlarid o'clock and minutes, AM, j� <br /> �.�-� ,; <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, � " <br /> B9 Deputy. E� <br /> �: � <br /> __. __.�_._� __.__ __..___.. ��� _�.�., <br /> i; <br /> �i <br /> ?i <br /> �' �.r��� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: �� <br /> ,; <br /> ;; <br /> �� That pe ,John H.dlaussen and Anna Claussen ,hu$band and wife, �; <br /> ;; <br /> 'i <br /> of the Count� of H811 , and St�zte of �ebraska , for and in eonsideration of the sum of i <br /> Five Thoussnd Two Hundred Fifty and No/100 (�5 ,250.00) DOLL✓IRS, �; <br /> i� � <br /> :' in hand paid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto Asa O.�dOF'ST18rid� �j � <br /> i� i, � <br /> �� �, � <br /> �'; of the County of I�,tl , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situated '; � <br /> � i� <br /> I� i� � <br /> i; in (�rand Island in H8,11 County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: '( j <br /> z; <br /> i Lot Three (3) ,in Block Ten (10) ,in Ashton Plaae,an addition to the Qity of t�rand Island, �i � <br /> ;� <br /> accordiag to the recorded plat thereof. �� <br /> r <br /> - �: <br /> �, <br /> � �� <br /> � <br /> ;; <br />�I ji <br />� �� - , <br /> " � I;; <br /> :�; �, <br /> ,f <br /> , <br /> ; <br />' '' �j <br /> 2'D H.gVE ✓1ND fi0 HOZD the premises above described, to�ether with all the 7'enements, �ereditaments and.qppurtenances �i <br /> �I �� <br /> �i thereunto belongin�, unto the said /18a, Q.MaFarland i� <br /> ,, <br /> ii and to hi 8 heirs and assi�sns, forever. �` <br /> I �f i� <br /> I , .qna W8 do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,und with h�8 heirs and assi�ns, that ;� <br /> t ;; ± <br />! �� we are ' <br /> i �i lawfully sized of said premises; that ther� are free from encumbrance <br /> ! 'I <br /> �, that W6 have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit� to sell ty�e same; and yye do hereby covenant �� <br /> I; `'� . <br /> �' to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever ��� <br /> !' t <br /> , <br /> ! .gnd the said Anna C1RL188@ri hereby relinquishes all ;I <br /> '+ rights of every na�ure,abeolute and oontingent ,inaluding dower,aourtesy,Homestead and iaheri�'�. <br /> �; �C6 in and to the above described premises. '; - <br />� �: <br /> i� . <br /> �4 Si�ned this 1S`th da� of MSjT� , .1. D., 19 Q'�, i <br />� � ' <br /> '! In tlae resence o <br /> p f John H.Clauesen i�: � <br /> !j ;� <br /> �; �,R.C�uendel Anna Claussen ;; � <br />� <br /> � <br /> ii <br /> State o� Nebraeka " ' <br /> ;� <br /> ss. ii <br /> '' H8.11 County, On.this l�fiih day of MB,y� .1. D., 19 2T�'i} <br /> i! ii <br />� i ; <br /> �i be�r�e the undersi�ned � R (�uendel '! <br /> 11 • • li <br /> �! !� <br /> �, a Notar� Publie, duly eommissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, personally '! <br /> s <br /> �! came John H.Clauasen and Ann�, Claussen,husband and Wife,of the �; <br /> �! Qounty of Ha.11,and State of Nebraska, � . . <br /> ;1 ..:, <br /> ` � � � �i �"' <br /> !; to me known to be the identical person8 whose name 8 8,T8 afJixed to the fore�oins � - <br /> u <br /> �; � ;: <br /> Ei �� +�j,� instrument as srantor8, and ack�towledsed the same to be their voluntary actand deed. ' <br /> �i <br /> �� � <br /> � � <br /> � Witness m hand and JI otarial Seal the daz and ear last above written. <br /> �J J �J <br /> � !; <br /> ; , ✓lly commission expires the 22d day of �dg,p� 19 31. " <br />� I <br /> ' � �.�.C+uendel Notary Pzcblic. i' <br /> I <br /> i, <br /> — — — —— -- -- -- --— —�— <br />---�_------ <br />