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r <br /> 1 �;.�� <br /> . ,_R_�W...9.f+',s.i+ <br /> � <br /> � LIJZJJ � ��J� � LUL9�� <br /> �_J�J� � �� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br />��� '1 T —>TATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NE4. � � � ������— <br />— '� .. — <br />�� ;� ST.ITE OF NEBR�SK'.q, ;� <br /> ss. <br /> Jo�eph Hah1�n� I3a11 County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> dex and fcled for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj"ice of said '�, <br /> Z,� �arranty <br /> i <br /> Deed County, the 23 day of M8Y 19 27, at 3 !I <br /> '; Louise H8,h13.Ylg , o'cZock and 40 minutes, P. ✓K. <br /> �//��.��L U,�e-22-�y Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> !i <br /> By Deputy. <br /> .�.�_. _._��._.�_��._. __.._�_�.._._.___....� �___���� �__._W-----=.----�__.__�.�.^�___ __.__��_ _.__ __ —._ <br /> �.r�o�a �YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: �' <br /> �;. <br /> ; That Jo�aeph Hahlin�,oY arand Island,hueband of the gra.ntee herein, <br /> I; <br /> ,; <br /> � <br /> of the Count� of j�,l], , and State of Nebra�ka , for and in consideration of the sum of �; <br /> i� <br /> ,, <br />; � One Dollar and other good and auffiQisnt COri81d�Tat�OA DOLL.IRS, <br />, ; i�a hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto Louise Hshling,wife of gra.ntor,herein, I�i <br /> ; <br />� <br /> �� ; <br /> � ; <br /> � o � the Count o �11 �� � <br /> f z� f , and Stdte of Nebraaka , the followin� described real estate situated " <br /> f in GFTeI,rid I8I8tld in HS11 County, and State of Rebraelra , to-wit: �� <br /> � <br /> � Lot l�ight (�) ,in Blook Five (5) ,in Boggs and Hill� s Addition to �he oity of Grand I�land, '! <br /> � in Hall Oounty,Nebraska,being number 235 West 8ohourup Street in t�rand Teland. !j <br /> ;, <br /> �; <br />� <br /> � <br /> �; <br /> i <br /> !� <br /> TO Sd2T�'E .IND 7'O HOLD the premises above describec�, to�ether with al� the 1'enements, Hereditaments and.Rppurtenances �' <br /> i <br /> ' thereunto belon�in�, unto the said Louise Ha,hling <br /> and to h8T heirs and assi�ns, forever. ';', <br /> '� �nd Z �Zo hereby covendnt with the said Grantee ,and with �18T heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> 'E ,I <br /> j gm lawfully sized of said premises; tjaat ther�are free from eneumbrance il <br /> . <br /> � � that I have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit,� to sell tlae same; and I do hereby covenant <br /> !i <br /> '; to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoever '� <br /> � �nd the said hereby relinquishes all �; <br />� ���� in and to the aboae described premises. ;��I <br /> �, <br /> "' Signed this ZC�►h ddy of �Tovember , .�1. D., 19 2�6. '� <br /> � <br /> I, <br /> In the presence of Joseph Hahling �' <br /> i; <br /> Ar�hur a.Abbott �i <br /> i! <br /> � �i State o� N6bra8ke� � �j <br /> � <br /> i ss. ! <br /> ' H�11 Count�, On this 16tb day of Nrnr ember, ,1, D., 19 2��� ��' <br /> T�l@ <br /> � ; before the undersi�ned Ar�hur. G.AbbOtt ;i <br /> ;; R ��� <br /> i' <br /> i a Notarz� Publie, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, personally '� <br /> � came " <br /> Joseph Hahling,huaband oP Louise Fiahling,grantee <br /> i <br /> !J <br /> _ to me known to be the identical person whose name j,g afJExed to the fore�oin� ii <br />, � <br /> � �$�L� instrument a�-�S�r�er , and c�eknowled�ed the same to be �]�B voluntary act and deed. �� <br /> � �� ji <br />� <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the da� and year Zast above written. � <br /> i' <br /> +1�• ,I <br /> � <br /> , - , .M commission ex ires the ]. �h da o Rovember 19 0. �!, <br /> 1 f <br /> � � <br /> n � 3 <br /> � <br /> i <br /> Arthur t�.Abbott <br /> ���i <br /> Notar Pzcblic. � <br /> � <br /> b 1 <br />— <br />