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'�. �Y�� <br />� <br /> ����'� ����������, <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> �I s ` ST.1TE OF JV'EBR.qSK.q, �i <br /> � ss. � � � � <br /> �'' �$1►1A L.Johnson & Rf HRll County, Entered in Numerical In- �i <br /> i <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�sister of Deed's ofjEce of said ;i <br /> �a�ranty ' <br /> TO Deed County, the 23 day of j�,y 19 �7, at � <br /> B.J.Qunni ham <br /> n8 i <br /> o'clock and 45 minutes, A..NI. „ <br /> � <br /> �j :; <br /> �"�"��� �'"'�� Re�ister af Deeds, 'i <br /> B� Deputy. �� <br /> �— -- --� — <br /> �, <br /> ,;� <br /> �r�a� ��Z �ea� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: �+ <br /> ,, <br /> ': That �►e,�dwin L.Johnson and 3ena Johnaon,huBband and wife � ;i <br /> ;! <br /> il ;{ <br /> ;3 <br /> of the Coicnty of �T881ep , and State of N6bTei,8k8 , for and in consideration of the sum of ! <br /> �ighty-eight Hundred (.�SSOO.00� DOLL.IRS, !� <br /> �; . <br /> Y <br /> irc hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto B.J.Ounninghsm of arand Island, �i <br /> �� <br /> ;; li�, <br /> �� <br /> of the Countz� of ��11 , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated '.I <br /> ; i <br /> �� in �5�,�, a�e- �� � Courcty, and State of �BbT�LBTLS , to-wit: ll <br /> �� <br /> �e� Oae Hali of tbe Bouth Weet Quarter (IC�' S.W.�) �ectioa P'ourteen {1�4) To*nship Ten (10� ;� <br /> Rs�ge Eleve�t (11) We$t o2 the 6" Hall Oounty,Nebraska. Subjeet to a mort�;age of ��{-OOOiF00 <br /> i <br /> ;� <br /> I �! <br /> � <br /> �j <br /> �' <br /> �t <br /> tl <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> ii <br /> I� <br /> �� <br /> I� <br /> TO H✓!VE .INl� TO �IO.LD the premises above described, to�ether with all the Z`enements, �lereditaments an�.�fppurtenane�s i; <br /> ;i <br /> �, <br /> �i <br /> thereunto belon�ain�, unto the said $.�j.Gunningham �; <br /> ;i ',� <br /> �; and to ' hi 8 heirs and assigns, forever. <br /> �! ii <br /> '� .�2nd Ae do hereb� covenant with the said Grantee ,and with big heirs and assi�ns, that �; <br /> �+ ; <br /> i' <br /> We ST� Zawfully sized of said premises; that thez� are free from encumbrance �xQ�pt g8 B,bOY@ 86t Otiti. �� <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> u that pe have �ood ri�ht and lawful authorit,y to sell tice same; and q�e do hereby covenant I� � <br /> ':; <br /> ".i to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever ;� <br /> �I <br /> ;� <br /> �3 .Ind the said �dtrin L.JOhASOA RYld $6118, JOh2180ri herebz� relinquishes all ii <br /> .; i� <br /> �� Their right Of whatever ABttiTC in and to the above descrtibed premises. �; <br /> '� ii <br /> �i I' . <br /> l�th aa o A ril .�. D. 19 2 <br /> � i ned this , , <br /> s ✓ f P 7 <br /> � � <br /> i' 'i <br />� In the presence of �dW1Y1 j,.SphriBOA � <br /> Ii <br />�� p.A.Perlenfein Sena. Johnsoa � �I <br /> �; <br /> I �� _ <br /> �; State of N@bTa.Bket ''i <br />' � ss. i; <br /> ;: <br /> areeley count�, on th�s l�th aa� of April, �. D., 19 27,;; <br /> ` me '� . <br /> i� before�the undersi�ned Q.A.Per.fienfein ! <br /> '; ;; <br />� i� a Notar� Public, duly commissioned and quali,fied for and residin�in said County, personally � i; <br /> i� cam� Edv►1ri L.Johz�sorl aAd Se11a Johnson,husband atld W1fe ; <br /> ,< <br /> �� - <br /> ,. <br /> 'i <br /> to e known <br /> to be the identical erson whose name a xed to the ore oins 'i <br /> m <br /> P f� f I. <br /> 8 8 � 5 <br /> 8,T <br /> e <br /> � <br /> i� <br /> '' �$�ijL� instrument as �rantorg, and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntar�act and deed. �; <br /> i `; <br /> ��' Witness m� hand and Notarial Seczl the daz� and z�ear Zast aboae written. �j <br /> � <br /> ii �e, <br /> !I ✓17y commission expires the 17th day of M8TC21� 19 � ;� <br /> " C.A.Perlenfein �� <br /> fi <br /> Notar� Public. ii <br /> i? �� <br /> _- --- -=-= -- - -== --- <br />