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� <br /> 1. �.� � <br /> � D����� ���c������ <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> � -3TATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � � � � � �� <br /> �� ! . .. � ST.qTE OF NEBR.ISK✓1, '! <br /> ,! . .. ss. ' <br /> i H.�T.O�nalrigbua� & �f H811 County, Entered inJ�^umerical In- <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj"zce of said � <br /> ` �arranfy ! <br /> � ° � TO Deed County, the 2(� day of �,j/ 19 27, at� <br /> �. D1�triop Braae <br /> o'clock and minutes, - � <br /> ' _��=��,z_�d ��t�ti-� �i, <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> ; By Deput�. <br /> - —:�--- ..._.___--- — �---- --_ - _ - �,_�_. — -a--- <br /> � . �.r�o� �Y� �en: �p - ��je�e ��re�er�t�: <br /> � <br /> ; That B.J.Ounningh�,m and Mary A.Ounningham,husband and wife,Glrand Island <br /> i <br /> � of the Count� of �11 , and State o} Nebraaka , for and in eonsideration of the sum of �i <br /> � <br /> � �ighteen Hundred (�1�00.00) DOLL.IRS, ,', <br /> i; in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirrn unto Dietrioh Brase Of QTB,At� IB1s,Tfd � <br /> �i ' <br /> ;; <br /> ;j � <br /> ; of the County of I�83,�. , and State of Nebraeka , the following described real estate situated <br /> � in C�rBAd I81811d in j�3,1 County, and State of Nebrasks , to-wit: i <br /> t <br /> �; The Northerly � feet of Lot 8ix (6) and the Northerlp � feet of F'raetiona.i Lot�a Seven <br /> ;; (7) and �ight (g) ,all in Blook �ight ��j of Wiebe� a Addition to the City oi G�raaad Island, ; <br /> RebraBka,ag eurveyed,platted and rseorded. <br /> '; ' <br /> ';� <br /> '� <br /> .� <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> ;�. <br /> l0 H.gVE .1ND 2`O HOLJ� t�ie premises above deseribec�, to�et�ier with a�l the �enements, �Iereditaments dnd.�lppurtenances '� <br /> i� <br /> i� <br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said D�.@tTiCYI HT88O 'i <br /> heirs and assi ns orever. <br /> !; <br /> and to h1 B � � f ; <br /> � <br /> .Ind 1►O do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with 1118 heirs and assi�ns, that il. <br /> ,. <br /> '; <br /> 'i *e gx� lawfully sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance II <br /> i <br /> that Rg have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell tjee same; and 1�8 do hereby cove,nan.t <br /> �;� <br /> '� <br /> to warrant dnd defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of dll persons whomsoever <br /> li <br /> ` <br /> �'' .qnd tfae said B.�j'.punningham and Mary A. QLtY1rilTighBYD hereby relinquishes all �i <br /> C18L�.p1�T�.ght B,IId fir ffii�.� in and to the above described premises. �� <br /> � <br /> Si�ned this 1.7t11 da� of �i�8'S/� , .1. D., 19 27 i! <br /> ii �' i' <br /> � �i In the presence of � � <br /> B.J.Qunningham �' <br /> �! Archie C.O�Br1en � <br /> b�ary A.Ounningham i� <br /> ?i State o� N@bre�.SkB. � � <br /> as. ;� <br /> j�,l], County, On this ],7th day of �A.jt� ✓1. D., 19 27�i; <br /> � before��the undersisned ATpj�1g (�. 1 i' <br /> 4 Briea <br /> � <br /> ii <br /> a Notarz� Publie, duly commissioned and qualified for and residins in said Count�, personally '� <br /> r <br /> came B�J.(?ut1�11ngh�t �11d MBry A.Cunningham,buaband e�td wlfe� <br /> �i <br /> ;; ii <br /> j to me known to be tTie identical person 8 whose name 8 8,r8 af�'ixed to the fore�oin� <br /> ��: <br /> c w d ed the s me t be voluntar act and deed. � <br /> 9 instrument as rantor and a kno Ze a o '; <br /> ',; ( �AL) � � � the�r � i� <br /> I! <br /> i; Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the daz� and year last above written. �i <br /> ij <br /> f:� <br /> ✓1Ty commission expires the ],gth da� of February, 19 33• �; <br /> I Archie � r en . !'� <br /> Q.OBi ;, <br /> Notar Publac, i <br /> � I <br /> ;� il <br /> ' <br />_—.__--�-_=�_—_—__ <br />