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� ��� <br /> � D���� � ����� o � � <br /> �_J�� �-�.J� �..��� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> -3TATE OU NA . � � � � � � � <br /> � v ST 4TE OF ✓Y'EBR�SK.q, � <br /> _ ss. ;� <br /> � 'r22�OS188 (�.{3t'L@ 8�11 18 �8�.1 County, Entered inNumerical In- ii <br /> !'; 0 8 <br /> ;; <br /> j; dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's of)"ice of said ,� <br /> �a�ranty ';� <br /> � T� Deed County, the 1( day of �8j1 19 27 at 9 ;j <br /> s <br /> ` a"11a ld.8prague � �� <br /> , o clock and 30 minutes, �: .M'. y; <br /> �� � <br /> ��� ' <br /> ,, <br /> ����. ,� <br /> �! Re�ister of Deeds, �; <br /> �;: l3� Deputz�. ;� <br /> I r i <br /> �r�o� �r� ea� � � e�e ���e�t�: ;i <br /> �� <br /> � p � � <br /> ��, <br />�� i' T�xat Tl�om�,e 4.Ott e�( s1�1g1E3) � � "' <br /> i <br /> �: �, <br /> ; <br /> �� <br /> ;� <br /> !! of the Count� of j,Al1Q8,8�r@r , and St�xte of NBbra,8k8 , for and in consideration of the sum of ;I <br /> '� T�►o Tj�,OLi88,1'ld DOLL.�IRS, '� <br /> �i :i <br /> I <br /> i! <br /> �j in hand ,roaid, do herebz� �rant, bar�ain, sell, conve� and confirrrc unto ��.18 �.Sprague `! <br /> j <br /> li " <br /> of the County of I�8Z1 , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situated <br /> ,; <br /> in �rSAd IBIAYId in H8I1 County, and State of <br /> Nebraeka , to-wit: � <br /> ;i '; <br /> ;; Lot numbered Two (2) ,in H�oek nuraber Z'RO (2:� ,in Koehler plaoe,an addit ion to the aity o� ; <br /> �; arand Ialand,l�obraek�. ,� <br /> ;i <br /> !, <br /> ; <br /> ,� <br /> ;I <br /> '' �I <br /> �. <br /> TO H.-4VE .1ND TO HOLD the ptemises above described, tosether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and✓lppurtenances i! <br /> �' <br /> thereunto belongin�, unto the said �1.18� M.SpTBgtl� '� <br /> ii' <br /> i; <br /> ,; and to he1" heirs and assigns, forever. 'i <br /> � <br /> �; <br /> i:, .Ind I �Zo hereby covenan� with the said Grantee ,and with their heirs and assigns, that ',I <br /> 'i <br /> I � Zawfully sized of said premises; tiaat they are free from encumbrance ,': <br /> ;, <br /> ,� that j have �oo�l ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell t1Le same; and j do hereb� covenan.t '� <br /> ji <br /> ji i�: <br /> ; to warrant and deJend the title to said premises a�airest the lawful claims of a1,1 persons whomsoever +! <br /> i; <br /> " �nd the said 'j'hO�C►Q,B (�.QttB hereby relinquishes all �i <br /> i± �i <br /> �" B,Z.]. Y118 rights of every A�LtL1T8 in and to the above described premises. !i <br /> i� �� <br /> � <br /> '' Signed this 1}�h day of j�,Y , .g. D., 19 27. ;j <br /> i' <br /> fl In the presence of " <br /> , Thoma.e a.Ot�� �� <br /> �� <br /> LuOretia B'.Zook <br /> i�� j� <br /> �� State o� N6br�,Bka �` <br /> r <br /> s, ss. <br />� �; � �ACSI�'�6T County, On this 1}th day of �,� .q. D., X9 Q��� <br /> il 1'�O � <br /> �i befor� the undersi�ned LuOretia F.ZOOk + <br /> ,! ' <br /> i <br /> a Notar� Public, dulz� commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said Coacnty, personally {; <br /> I� came ThomBS ti.Otte ($lrlgle) '; <br /> �� <br /> �, <br /> i' 'i <br /> ;c <br /> ,; <br /> 1, ' <br /> ' to me known to be the identical pn.rson whose name ig af�"'ixed to the fore�oin� �Ii <br />' �j il <br /> rantor and acknowled�ed the same to be }1 8 voluretdr� act and deed. <br /> r9 instrument as f <br /> t �►L� � , � .� �� <br /> yI <br /> �� Witness m� hcand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. 'i <br /> i ' <br /> ,; <br />� €� ✓�1� commission expires the 1�}th dar� of ����� 19 32� ;i <br /> , <br /> ii Lu Oretia F.Zo� �' <br /> � <br /> tary Public. + <br /> � --------- ,___..— --------- ---- -- -_ _-- -- _—-----��- <br /> __`_. <br /> -- - - __ -------- - --- ---- ----- - - <br />�' —- - --- - -__- - --- , <br /> -- i� '; <br /> II ,� <br /> � <br />