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- <br /> � <br /> �� � �. � <br /> LJJ LJJ � ��J J � � � � <br /> �_J�� ��_J���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br />.� � �IS�IS —3TAT&dOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB.- � � � � � � � � � �� � <br /> I �� ST.qTE OF NEBR.qSK.q, �; <br /> `'? ss. <br /> ' Barney J.HBriri �LUd wife Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> ;j dex and filed for reeord in the Re�ister of Deed's ofj"ice of said ,' <br /> 'i Z,� �arranty ;�i <br /> Deed County, the l�• day of �,�/ 19 2� , at 3 <br /> , <br /> � H.p.�g118�ri � o'elock and 15 minutes, �.JI2. ' <br /> �����,� ���v�� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, ;; <br /> By Deputz�. <br /> �__ ,_.._— - — _ _._�._._�_— - - _ , _� - ��- �; <br /> ; <br /> '� <br /> �.r�o� ��� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: �� <br /> �,; <br /> �; That H�rae� J.�attn snd �a Hann,husband a�td orife ;; <br /> ;� <br /> �:� <br /> ; of the County of �811 , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of �; <br /> $eVOII Fivadred 8,rid I�0��00 DOLL.IIZS, ii <br /> ;i � <br /> . <br /> , I� <br /> �; in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confirm unto H.P.H8,ri8e21 jj <br /> '" �i <br /> �: <br /> �� of the County of $81x , and State of Rebraska , the followin� described real estate situated I <br /> � iJ <br /> ' in in �,11 County, arcd State of Aebraslea , ta-wit: <br /> Th� Nor�h Hslf of Blook Number Thirteen (1 ) ,tn P1easant Home Sub-Division of part of the <br /> � �a�t Ha,lf of the 8outhea$t Quarter (F�-�SE�'� of 8ection Twenty-one (21)-,'Rownehip �leven (11) <br /> Nor�h ot Ra e.Nine West <br /> �f the 6€h . i a t <br /> , �6 ��) , ! u. x H 11 t�un y,N�hrasYa. <br /> ' <br /> �,� <br /> ii <br /> ,� <br /> , <br /> '; <br /> � �, <br /> ,, <br /> TO S✓1VE .IND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�sether with alr the fienements, �Iereditaments and.�ppurtenanees ' <br /> �� <br /> '' thereunto belongin�, unto the said H.p.FI8xi8@A <br /> i' <br /> and to h18 heirs and assi�ns, forever. <br /> I ' .lnd IIe do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with h�a heirs and assi�sns, that <br /> ,--�,....:. <br /> i i�' <br /> Zaw ull sized o said remises• that thei are ree rom encumbrance <br /> se are f y f � ./ f f <br /> P <br /> that 1I� have �ood risht and Zawful azcthority to sell the same; and 1r0 do hereby covenant �ij <br /> � to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons wh.omsoever i'� <br />, �; <br /> ' .gnd the said $Cq�1lg I'�8�121 hereby relinquishes all ' <br /> �:.� righte of e very nature,ab�olute and oontlrlgent ,inoluding dower,courtesy,Homestead and. inher- ' <br />� itgnQe in and to the above described premises. ; <br /> �i Signed this l��i$ - day of �J(� , .1. D., 19 �� �'� <br /> !I <br /> + In the presence o� Barney J.�'IBIIII ;; <br /> ' Ii <br /> 0.�.�ruridp � � �mma Hann ;� � <br /> ; <br /> �,� <br /> ' State of �ebraska i! <br /> �13. y ss. On this ZOt�I day of �8J/� .g. D., 19 '27 ;I <br /> Count , � ;i <br /> IDQ �i <br /> ' beforeAthe undersi�ned �.�.�i2'L1X1C13f !I <br /> � <br /> '' a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, petsonally ;� <br /> ;! ; <br /> ;, came garney J.Hann and F�ma Hann,husband and wife I; <br /> i! <br /> i, <br /> ;� <br /> ,i <br /> to me known to be the identical persong whose name B a,T� af�'ixed to the fore�soing i'i <br /> ,� � � <br /> �S�AL� instrument as �ra�ztor8, and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. � <br /> ,� <br /> !' Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the da9 and z�ear last aboae written. j <br /> iI' <br /> .My commission expires the lg�h da� of Jtu�e, 19 32 ii <br /> 0.&.t�xundy ' <br /> Notdry Public. � <br /> � <br />—==_— �-_:— ___ — <br />