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� � � <br /> ti, <br /> ��'��� ��J����� <br /> CANTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> I;�. � -3TATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LTNCOLN,IC �. �� � � � � � ��� � � � � � --' <br /> i� i ii� <br /> ;� ST✓ITE OF NEBR.ISK'.q, <br /> , �� <br /> ss. <br /> ��lle F.King & husb Ha,ll County, Entered in Numerical In- !: <br /> i <br /> dex and filed for recoTd in the Register of Deed's ofj`8ce of said ,; <br /> � TO �C�arranty ':� <br /> ' Deed County, the 13 day of '�,y 19 27 at 9 �'� <br />� ' Tl�elvi2l G.LynCh o'cloek and 30 minutes, A J�I. <br /> ;� <br /> � � <br /> Re�ister of D e se d <br /> By Deputz�. '' <br /> — � _ _.— -- — ��- -- <br /> i! <br /> �.�o�� ��Y ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: ;�'�� <br /> �� <br /> ;, <br /> That Belle F.King ,and William King ,wife and husband '' <br /> il <br /> ;!, <br /> '; <br /> ,I <br /> of the Count� of Hall , and St�xte of l�ebraska, , for and in consideration of the sum of �i <br /> ' � <br /> ,, , <br /> Three Hundred Thirty Tnree and 32/100 DOLL.IRS, '! <br /> � ' <br /> ,; <br /> • '! in hand paid, do herebr� �Srant, bar�ain, sell, convey and eonfirm unto Melvin G.Lynch �'� <br /> �' <br /> � <br /> ii <br /> i of the County of Hd,Il , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situdted ';�I <br /> �! �! <br /> ii in Wood River , in �Ia,ll County, and State of Nebrasl�. , to-wit: i: <br /> � ;, <br /> ! Our undivided two thirds interest in Lot One ,Block nineteen,in the original tovm of Wood ;; <br /> ' River ,Hall County ,Ylebr. '; <br /> j� <br /> � � ;; ,; <br /> � <br /> �, <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> i; I� <br /> ,i <br /> jl i; <br /> ',I <br /> fi <br /> i! <br /> I! <br /> �i <br /> � 'i <br /> i; <br /> '' 2'O H.fl�'E ✓�ND 1'O HOLb the premises above descri�ied, to�et�er with all the �enements, �erec�itaments and.gppurtendnc�s 'i <br /> thereunto belongin�, unto the said �Ielvin G.LynCh �' <br /> and to hl S heirs and assi�ns, forever. ! <br /> h <br /> �f <br /> ; dlnd w e do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with hi8 heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> !; 'i <br /> i! <br /> . are Zawfully sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance qphc�,t 80eV6T 'I' <br /> i! <br /> �': that W@ have �ood ri.5ht and lawful authority to sell the same; and qpe do hereby coUenan.t 'I <br /> i; <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever !; <br /> i: <br /> < .�nd the said Be11E F.King,and GVilliam King,husband and wife ' hereby relinquishes att 'j <br /> '� right and title �' <br /> in and to the above described premises. �'� <br /> �j <br /> Signed tyiis 12t'tl day of $dgy� , .fl. D., 19 �7� 'I <br /> � �; <br /> � In the presence of BelIL i� <br /> 'i i� <br /> � VPilliam Kin !' " <br /> ��! C.S.Ho ek st ra g �� <br /> ',�. <br /> 'i I� <br /> �� State o� Nebra.ska �� <br /> �; <br /> � <br /> � ' Hall County, 8$� On this 12th day op Ma,y .1. D., 19 �7 , i� <br /> �! before�t�e undersisned C. S.Hoekstra '' <br /> u <br /> '; q <br /> �: <br /> a Notary Public, duZy commissioned and quaZified for and residin� in said County, personally ii <br /> ' came Belle F.King and William King ,wife and hubband, '� <br /> �:� <br /> ,'i <br /> I� <br /> to me known to be the identical person 8 whose name s are afj"exed to the fore�oin� �j <br /> , �i <br /> (SEAL) instrument as rantor and acknowled ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> ' ' Witness my .hand and Notarial Seal the day and year Zast above written. ;�I <br /> � (� <br /> ' .My commission expires the $`�h da� of Atlg. � 19 27, ' <br /> I <br /> ' C. S.Hoekatrallotary Public. �I <br /> � <br /> ; II <br />'�___ -_-- - -___,_—_ -- - __.._�. _ <br /> --- -- - --------- -----_----— - __ - - ---- ._._..:_ i. <br /> '�---_- I' — <br /> ' � <br /> ,; <br />� ! <br />