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� �_� <br /> ,.. <br /> �. � � [� � � � <br /> ���� �������� <br /> CONTAINS 2S1 PRINTED WORDB <br /> ( ST.qT� OF ✓bEBR�SK✓1, . <br /> ss. <br /> i4 Hall County, Entered an Numertcal In- � <br /> `i Edith E. �chell and I�or�man A. Schell � � � <br /> �', dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ojj"iee of sdid �� <br /> `� �arranty <br /> TO Deed County, the 11 daz� of P;�a,y 19 2�at 3 ;� <br /> '� Est ell e and Paul J.Hart sougil o'clock and minutes, P.�. ! <br /> �; . C��� iIl <br /> � Resister of Deeds, i� <br /> �: <br />'���� E� Br� Deputy. ' <br />��--- —_� , <br /> I' � <br /> ,' <br /> � <br /> �� �.r�oY� ��� e� � �C e�e �e�er�t�: �� <br /> ,, � p � � I� <br /> i' That Edith E. Schell and �,rorman A. Schell ,husb�,nd and wife , �� <br /> I! <br /> li �; <br /> ;; <br /> � <br /> �' II <br /> of the Count� of Hall , and Stcxte of Nebx. , for and in consideration of the sum of i� <br /> �� � <br /> �ne and no/100 and o�ther valuable considexation ( �1.00) DOLL.IRS, ' <br /> i; �I <br /> ;� � <br /> i; : <br /> , in hand paid, do hereb� �rant, bar�ain, sell, conve9 and confcrm acnto Estelle & Paul J.Ha�tsough � <br /> �� � <br /> �' ��; of the Countz� of Hall , and State of Nebr. , the followin� described real estate situated <br /> � <br /> �� in Grand I sland in Ha.11 County, and State of Nebr. , to-wit: i� • <br /> Second I <br /> js Lots One and mwo (1 & 2} Block Tv�enty-six (26) Packex and Barr� sAAddition to Grand Island, � <br /> �,! 1�e�r. i{ <br /> ;' Lot Fifteen ( 1�) F3�ock Ten (10) Ashton Plaee Addition to Grand Island,Nebr. � <br /> I; Lots One and Two (1 & 2) Block One (1) Packer and Barr� � Addition to Grand Island,Nebr. <br /> !! A11 subject to encumbrance of record. <br /> ;i <br /> ,� <br /> ,� � <br /> � <br /> i; <br /> ; � <br /> ' �� <br /> !i <br /> '� � <br /> I� ; <br /> �� �, <br /> " TO H.1�G'E �ND TO HOLD tlie premises above described, to�ether with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and✓Ippurtenanees � <br /> i� " <br /> �� thereunto belongin�, unto the said Paul J.HSTtsOUgh � <br /> i! <br /> and to h18 heirs and assi�ns, orever. �i <br /> f �. <br /> '; .lnd We do hereby eovenant zvith the said Grantee ,and with hl� heirs and assi�ns, that �� <br /> I� <br /> ' t�e are lawfuldz� sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance exeept 38 Sta.ted above. i <br /> ii <br /> , <br /> i' 1 <br /> i� that We have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit� to sell the same; and �e do hereby covenant ! <br /> �j to warrant and de�end the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever I <br /> � <br /> '; .ind tke said Norman A. SC��e11 hereby relinquishes all I, <br /> �; his rights ,title a,nd interest of every kind and nature whatsoever <br /> ;; in and to the above described premises. <br /> j; <br /> � Signed this 7th day of �4ay , .g. D., 19 27 <br /> G � � � <br /> �` In the presence of Edith E.SCh611 �� <br /> ,; <br /> i` I� <br /> � Norman A. Schell <br /> i� Eva �3.Delaney �� <br /> I � i� <br /> �;, <br /> ,: <br /> ; � <br /> j State o�° i�ebr. (� <br /> , ss. � <br /> ,� Ha11 County, On this 11. day of �1'i8,y � ✓1. D., 19 27 � <br /> , <br /> l� be ore he undersisned �� <br /> �� f � Eva B.�elaney <br /> i; a .Notarz� Public, dulJ commissioned and qualified for and residin�irt said County, personally <br /> �i came Edith E. Scnell and Nor.nan A. Scnell ,husb�,nd and c�ife , <br /> ;� I� <br /> �' to me known to be the identical person S whose name s are afjaxed to the fore�oins �� <br /> j;; i <br /> '" ( SEAL) instrument as srantor B, and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. � <br /> �i E <br /> �' Witness m� hand and Notarial,Seal the day and z�eas last dbove writterc. �� <br /> �; � <br /> j� .My commission expires the 17 da� of �IICh 19 �j0 <br /> I <br /> � Eva B.Delaney <br /> �; � <br /> Notary �'ublic. � <br /> i <br /> i � <br /> -__�—__ - ----- -- - ' -- - <br />�----_ --__------_-__ --__-_----_-�--- - � <br /> i <br /> I; <br /> ij <br /> I �) __ _ I _ <br />