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�_ �_,v <br /> a. <br /> ������ ��J����� <br /> CAI�iTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> ___ __.. __._. _- ---��� - - - <br /> -..�.TAT TTST37_...SAX�}INY.�� __._ .__"' '_ . -'__' - _ '_'. _"_ ' <br />' �;�. <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR.gSK.q, I! <br /> ss. <br /> �attle Nelson a.nd husbaxld Ha.11 County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's office of said <br /> Z,� �arranty <br /> Deed County, the 9 day of Pd3y 19 2�at � <br /> �tartha J.�Il Ie 3 o'clock and 5�minutes, j� � <br /> �--�'(._.������-��� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, <br /> � � Bz� Deputz�. �>> <br /> -��- -----_ <br /> �.—��__--.-__—�_ __�_._..__._..—___�_.__ - - - - — <br /> . _�. __ �___�._...___���..._.�_-�_.__.-____ T <br /> � <br /> ��o� �r� �er� �p �C�je�e �re�er�t�. <br /> That Mattie Nelson and Jonn B.Nelson ,wife and husband <br /> ' of the Count� of Hall , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> One Dollar and Exchan�e of Property DOLL.�RS, �i <br /> D� rth .Pdiles <br /> � in hand paid, �o heTeby �rant, bar�sain, sell, eonv�r� and confirm unto � � J 'i <br /> ''� <br /> �, <br /> ! of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situated <br /> i,' <br /> in Grand Zsland in Ha,ll_' County, and State of Nebraska , to-zvit: ��' <br /> All of Lat Six ( 6) ,in Block Faurteen (1�+) ,H.G. Clark� s Addition to the City of p�rand Island, ' <br /> Hall County ,Nebraska, <br /> v f rand sl nd Lo n Trust om- <br /> Sub 'ect t m t f 2 0 0� n w of rec rd 'n fa or o G I �, a & C <br /> 0 or a e o 2 0 . o o i <br /> � � g � <br /> pany ,and un-paid taxes ,which �rantee assu:nes and agrees to pay. and also subject to a <br /> • second mortgage of �123.00 in favor of Jame� A.Pdichelson which grantee assumea and agrees �� <br /> t a <br /> 0 <br /> P Y• <br /> � <br /> + ;I� <br /> ';� . <br /> �� ii <br /> t'! <br /> . <br /> 1'O $.fl�'E .INI� 1'O I�OL15 the premises above described, Lo�ether with all the Terzements, Hereditaments anc�.-4ppurtenanc¢s �' <br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said Martha J.Mil -e8 ;i' <br /> and to her heirs and assigns, forever. <br /> .Ind W8 do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with her heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> We are lawfully sized of said premises; t3aat they are free from encumbrance exeept a,8 above Sta,�Bd <br /> �� � � <br /> that �e have �ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell tjae same; and W8 do hereby covenan.t <br />� <br /> � to warrant and de�end the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever � <br /> ;; .lnd the said �Iattie Nelson and Jo:�n B.Nelson ,wife and husband hereby relinquishes aaZ ;; <br /> " rights of every nature ,absolute and cn�tin�ent ,includi�cr d yye co r eg o. es a and inher- ! <br /> '' itanee a-it'anc�to �tKe a�ov� c�esYe�^�e� pr�rgias�s. <br /> ;j �, <br /> 'i Si�sned this 9th day of Pda,y , ✓1. D., 19 �7 i� <br /> '' In the presenee of � i�� <br /> � Mattie Nelson <br /> C.E.�rundy John B.Nelson '' <br />� �' Nebraska ��� <br /> i` State of <br /> �, <br /> ss. ;' <br /> � Ha.Il Count�, On this 9th day of �,�ja,y � .q. D., 19 2� � �; <br /> befor A he undersi�ned C.E.GTUndy ll <br /> a Notarr� Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, personally ii <br /> came �g�,�tie Nelson and John B.Nelson,wife and husband !! <br /> 'i <br /> ;� <br /> ; <br /> to me known to be the identical person 8 whose name s are afy'ixed to the fore5oins <br /> (�EAL) instrument as �santor8 , and acknowled�ed the same to be �h@lr voluntary act and deed. 'I <br /> Witness mr� hand and Notarial Seal the day and z�ear last above written. <br /> i <br /> I, <br /> .My commission expires the 18th da� of June , 1� 32 i <br /> C.E.Cirundy �+' <br /> - Notdry Public. ! <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> ;i <br /> - _ — --=--=-1! <br /> i� <br /> ; ,� <br /> � <br /> 6 <br />