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�,`�..�....,v�- <br /> �:',�;; <br /> ������ �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDB <br /> ST.1TE OF JI�"EBR.qSK'.1, � <br /> �� ss. � <br /> B.J. Cunningham & wf Hall County, Entered in Numericccl In- � <br />� `' � � `l <br /> '� dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofJ'ice of said �� <br /> !' - <br /> �arranty �i <br /> Ii TO <br /> Deed County, the 7 daz� of �y 19 2� at 3 �j <br /> i; �i <br /> �y Charles A,Fa�rbanks „ <br /> r <br /> o'clock and minutes, p�� '�° �� <br /> ; � ��� ;� <br /> ;i ;i <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, �; <br /> i� By Deputr�. ;_ <br />� <br /> �� <br />;---- ; —_..___— -- - � <br /> i' <br /> li <br /> ii <br /> �: z� er� � � e�e re�er�t�: �; <br /> �s �.�oi� � � p � � � <br /> �, <br /> ' That we ,B.J.Cunninghaam and �ia.ry A. Cunningha�n,husband and wife,of Grand Island, �� <br /> , <br /> ', i� <br /> ` 'I <br /> � j, <br /> �' of the Cozint� of Ha,ll , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of `, <br /> ` I <br /> �! <br /> Ninety-six Hundred (�96oa.00) and no/100 DOLL�RS, �� <br />� i� , ;i <br /> :'i i� <br /> i; in hand paid, do herebz� srant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confiryn unto Charles A.Fairbanke �� <br /> ; <br /> I <br /> E'' ;j <br /> ;i i: <br /> ;y of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situdted s� <br /> ;, �� <br /> �� �� <br /> li in in Hall County, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: �, <br /> All of the Eaet H�,lf (E�) of the Soutneast Quarter ( SE�) of section Five (5) ,Township Ten �i <br /> �'�� (1p) ,Range Eleven ( Il) �Nest of the 6tt� P.� Hall County ,Nebraska,eontaining �0 acres ,a i� <br /> �, little more or less according ta the government survey thereof.Possession of said premises �I <br /> ' to be given as of the date of this deed and possession of the buildings thereon is given su�- <br /> ject to the lease of John UG.Guy. +r <br /> ,. <br /> '" i <br /> ;� { <br /> i' <br /> 1i <br /> t <br /> ' E� <br /> j; a`. <br /> � �� <br /> ; <br /> ;, �� <br /> i' <br /> ;; TQ .H.1'G'E .1ND 7'O HOLD the premises above described, tosether with all the Tenements, �ereditaments arcd✓lppurtenane2s �I <br /> , ;i <br /> �' thereunto belongin�, unto the said Ch�rles A.Fairbanks j� <br /> �� �i <br /> ;!� � <br /> and to h7.8 heirs and assigns, forever. <br /> r �, <br /> �' �� <br /> �% ,1nd NI@ �Zo hereby covenant uith the said Grantee ,and with hl8 heirs and assi�ns, that �j <br /> i� <br />, . �I <br /> !� pP� 8rg lawfully sized of said premises; tjaat they are free from encumbrance i� <br /> � !� <br /> ; that �Pe have �ood ri5ht and Zawful authorit� to sell tlae same; and W8 do hereby covenan,t p� <br /> i+ <br /> ;; to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoever �; <br /> � M� <br />, �! <br /> �; .5lnd the said B.�T. Cunningham and Mary A.Cunningham hereby relinquishes all �( <br /> 4 <br />� �� claim,ri�ht and title ij � <br /> ; in and to the above described premises. �� <br /> ;i <br /> !� <br /> ` Signed this 7th day of May, , .g. D., 19 27 j <br /> >; <br /> :' fl <br /> In the presence of B.J. Cunni ngha,m �� <br /> � <br /> . � <br />'��� Archie C.O�Brien �ary A. Ounningham +� � <br /> ;� <br /> I� <br /> State o�' Nebraska i� <br /> ,; <br /> ij ss. � )i <br /> Ha.11 County, On this 7th day of �'Sy, .q. D., 19 27 �; <br /> i me 11 <br /> �� <br /> �i beforeAthe undersi�ned Arehie C.O�$ri�ri �+ <br /> ;t <br /> I <br /> ;i a Notarz� Public, duly commissioned and, qualified for and residin�in said Countz�, personally ;� <br /> ;' <br /> came g,J, Cunningham and 2�Ilary A. Cunningham,husband and wife, � <br /> � a <br /> I� �j <br /> ;, <br /> ;; :i <br /> �` to me known to be the identical person 8 whose name s are afj"ixed to the fore�oin�% `� <br /> i� <br /> i; `� <br /> ; �SEAL� instrument as srantor $ and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. ;I <br />' j; ;I <br /> R� I�'itness m� hand and NotariaZ Seal the daz� and year Zast above written. ;y <br /> 3i <br /> ;'' .My commission expires the 1$t�1 day of Februa.ry , 19 33 �+ <br /> '� Archie C.Q'Brien �I <br /> `' Notary Pzcblic, �i <br /> s� ji <br />__. --_ _.—__ �_ _ ___`. ._-__—_—__�_ ._—_—�_'� —V= <br /> _.—--� —.� .—_ �. ' _� <br /> __. <br /> . __ - --- _ �.— �_—_ ._—._ . .--_ � _ I <br /> �' �I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> � � _ . - — --_.. _ . ._. . __. _ . � �; . . . <br />