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. � <br /> � � <br /> _ _ ��� ��� <br /> � <br /> ������ ��J�'���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTE}D WORDS ' <br />.....� � -3TA7E.JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. � � � � � � � ��"�-'- <br /> ST.1 TE OF ✓1�EBR.ISIt'.q, �j �I <br /> ss. <br /> ' John �dullen & wf Hall County, Entered in Numerioal In- ' <br /> i dex and filed fot record in the Resister of Deed's ofj`tce of said I��' <br /> 4 <br /> TO �arrunty � <br /> Deed Countr�, the 6 ddy of MB,y 19 27, at 1� I! <br /> b�.H.VGeaver <br /> , �,: <br /> o clock and minutes, A..M. � ;�, <br /> ��� ����� �; <br /> Re�ister of Deeds, il <br /> Bz� Deputy. '' <br />�----- _----�._�--�_--. .�.�...��_._.._-__-__.__�_�.._._,._____. __�. .�.�_ _____.�._.�--._------ -_-_ -- -- --- _ --�-- <br /> �r�a� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�er�t�: ;: <br />'i �; <br /> ' That John �iullen and Sarah �ullen,husband and wife '�� <br />� �, <br />' �ii <br /> of the Count� of H�,lI , and State of Nebra$ka , for and in coresideration of the sum of <br /> j; <br /> Four Thousand Four Hundred (��-�+00.00� DOLL.IRS, �; <br /> � �I <br /> f <br /> I; <br /> in hand paid, do hereb� �rant, bar�ain, sell, conve and confcrfn unto M.H.�eaver 'i <br /> � � <br /> �, <br /> i, <br />, �I <br /> of the County of Buffalo , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated ! <br /> �� <br /> in in �li County, and State of Nebra.sk8. , to-wit: �I <br /> f , <br /> The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (56V�3E�) of Sectf.on Thirty—one (31) To�nehip „! <br /> ' Ten (�0) North,Ra,nge T�velve (12) �eat of ths 6th P.I�.containing forty (�+0) acres more or less�� <br /> ;, according to the government survey,but subject to the Union Pacific Railroad Co� e right of wa�. <br /> I , <br /> 'i <br /> ,�� <br /> �! <br /> I, <br /> , <br /> i <br /> ;! <br /> TO H.qVE .qND TO SOLb the remises above described tosether with all the Tene�nents 1�ereditaments and.�2 zcrtenances '; <br /> : , , AP <br /> n 5 <br /> � , <br /> ; thereunto belonginb, unto the said �.$.�eave� '! <br /> �', <br /> �; I' <br /> 1f � and to hi B heirs and assi�ns, foreaer. �i <br /> ,� <br /> ! .lnd We do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with hi8 heirs and assi�ns, that �! <br />, We Zawfull� sized of said premises; tjaat the9 are free from encumbrance <br /> ;� <br /> , <br /> that w have ood ri ht and law ul authorit, to sell tTae same• and do hereb covenan.t ��� <br /> e we <br /> � � f y , �J <br /> �i <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�dinst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever <br /> ' <br /> And the said Sarah Mullen and John Mullen hereby relinquishes all ;� <br />� their right ,title and �nterest � <br /> in and to the above described premises. �! <br />� i' <br /> Si�ned this 3rd day of M3y , .g. D., 19 27 <br /> i�� <br /> In the presence of ._. John �L1��.6ri �' <br /> Wm P.�ullen Sarah Mullen ;i <br /> i; <br />� i'�; <br />� `: State o�' Nebraska �''i <br /> ss. j! <br /> H�,I1 County, On this 3 day of �8.y � .1. D., 19 2T � i!i <br /> me <br /> �i <br /> ': before �he undersisned �{ftri P.I�ul18ri ;I <br /> a Notarz� Publie, duly commissioned and qzcalified for and residin�in said Count�, personally i�� <br /> �, <br />, came John �ullen and Sarah �ullen ,husband and wife , i� <br /> �i <br /> �� <br /> I �I <br /> to me known to be the identical person a whose name are afj�'ixed to the fore�oin� ;! <br /> ,� <br /> ;; <br /> ( SEAL) instrument�cs�s�#,�er , and acknowled�ed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. 'i <br /> h <br /> Witness m� hand and Notarial Seal the da� and year last above written. jI <br /> Jliy commission expires the 2$`th day of June , 19 2$` li <br /> '�� p.�ul�,�n '� <br /> otary Pzcblic. ;i <br /> � � 'i� <br /> ` _ -__ __-_ -__-_= -=__ --- -_—_ <br />