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� <br />���� �,�..�.�_ <br /> � ������ ��J�'���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> S78B-37A'f6 JOURNAL COb1PANY.LINCQLN.NE9.. � � <br /> !j ST.qTE OF NEBR.ISK.1, �� <br /> ss. <br /> �.11 County, Entered in Numerical In- ;; <br /> 011ie Buell ,wife �, <br /> dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's ofjice of said '; <br /> TO '�arranty <br /> Deed County, tTie � day of DQ&y 19 2�at ],1 " <br /> Frank Bueli ,husband o'clock and minutes, �--'� '1 <br /> �-��:�Q�_�_<_� <br /> , Redister o Deeds, <br /> 5 f <br /> B� De uty. �! <br /> P <br /> -- �_��___ <br /> _.:.-��_=����._--���----=--.� _ _-- __---- <br /> -- - — --_-�--=---- <br /> �, <br /> �.r�o� �YY �Ce� �p �G�je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> That OIIie Buell ,wif� of the grantee herein <br /> . <br /> , <br /> of the County of Ha,ll , and State of Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of <br /> , <br /> One Dollar ,�+od�e and �ffection DOLL.S(RS, ; <br /> , �, <br /> f� <br /> �' in hand paid, do hereb� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convez� and confirrn unto Frank Suell. I'; <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described estate situated <br /> `:• in Grand I sland in Fie„11 county, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> �' <br /> The Northerly Eighty-Two Feet (�2 Feet ) ,of Lot Four (�+) ,Block 8eventy-Five (75) ,Original <br /> Town of Grand Is1and,Nebraska <br /> i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �. <br /> I, <br /> TO H✓1VE .IJV'D 20 HOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the �'enements, .��ereditaments and✓l�purtenances '! <br /> l�� <br /> �, <br /> thereunto belongin�s, unto the said Fr3rik Bt1811 �,� <br /> and to hl g heirs and assi�ns, forever. ' <br /> �; <br /> ✓Ind I clo hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with his heirs and assi�%ns, that ' <br /> �, <br /> I a� lawfully sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance � <br /> �� <br /> il <br /> that j have �%ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell the same; and I do herebz� covenan.t ;. <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of all persons whomsoever � <br /> .Ind the said O121e BLi611 hereb� relinquishes all <br /> her right ,interest and title <br /> in and to the above described premises. <br /> Signed this 7'�h da� of November , , �. D., 19 25 <br /> In the presence af 011ie Buell <br /> ; C.E.Grundy �' � <br /> ,;� <br /> i State o� NebTaska i; <br /> ss. � <br /> ' Hall County, On this 7�h day o� November , �• 17•, �9�5 , <br /> me <br /> be ore the undersi�ned C.E Grund <br /> . <br /> f Y <br /> � '� <br /> a <br /> a Notary Publie, dulr� commissioned and quali.fied for and residin�in said County, personall� <br /> I <br /> came 011ie Buell ,wife::o� the grantee <br /> !i <br /> ; <br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name �8 afJ'ixed to the fore�oins <br /> � 8EAL� instrument as �rantor , and acknowled�ed the same to be hgT voluntary act and deed. �' <br /> � ���i <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the daz� and year last above written. 'i <br /> .My commission expires the 17th da� of Mareh , 19 30 <br /> ij <br /> C.E.Grundy <br /> i; <br /> � <br /> � Notarb Public. i`� <br /> i <br /> --_—_ __�=--_— _-__ —. <br /> -_:= -_=_- �_— <br /> -= =_--------- -_----=__ -- <br /> _---=--_==--__.___ _ _--_ _=___-- -- —_._� r-- <br /> � �I <br /> , � <br />