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�_^� �� <br /> ^+_ <br /> �LJf�j'� ��j�J���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> " ST.ITE OF NEBR�SK.1, f <br /> � ss. � <br /> 'i <br /> �.11 County, Entered in Numerical In- � <br /> ;! Herman 5chutt ,wido�ver � <br /> dex and filed for record in the Resister of Deed's ofj'ice of said i;, <br />� �= �arranty � f� <br /> % TO Deed County, the 3 dar� of ?yS2�y 19 27 , at 2 " <br /> I; <br /> �, <br /> Ed & �ary J.Davenport 4� <br /> o'clock and 30 minutes, rY1. (i <br /> � � <br /> i, <br /> !� R�ister o D ee ds, �; <br /> By Deputy. i; <br />_ ----.–�.:��_--..—�-___^—__�__—:�-..---.�__..�._..__--�.— �� _ <br /> i� <br /> 3j <br /> � �.r�o� �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: iE <br /> ;� <br /> i That I ,Herman Schutt ,widower ,of Grand Island �i <br /> �i <br /> � �; <br /> ; <br /> ' of the Count� of �all , an�l St�zte of Nebraeka , for and in consideration of the sum of " <br /> ;� <br /> , f <br />� �' Twelve Hundred and no�100 �oLL.�RS, `� <br /> ;1 <br /> � �� <br /> �I; ira hand paid, do hereUr� �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey and confcr�n unto �d Davenport and Mary J.Davenport as j oint II <br /> tenants,not tenants in common and to the Survivor of them ; <br /> ,I <br />� �I <br /> � <br /> �' of the Countz� of Ha,ll , and State of �'e braska , the followin� described real estate situated j� <br /> �� <br /> � in Gra.nd I sland in Hall count�, and State of Nebraska , to-w�t: �. <br /> � <br /> Lot Thirty-four (34) of Frank P.Barks Sub-Division Number Three (3) Being a part of the i` <br /> Fast Half of the Quarter (E1 NE�) of Section Ten (10) in ToWnship Eleven (11) <br /> North of Range Nine (9) West of the 6�h P.M. in Hall County ,Nebraska, <br /> " ;I <br /> , <br /> ;; . <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> �I <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> : i <br /> ;1 <br /> ii <br /> ,, <br /> ; �j <br /> ;: TO .FI✓!T�'E .-4ND TO HOLD the premises above described, to�%ether with all the 7'enements, Hereditaments and✓lppurtenanees '! <br /> �; <br /> � <br /> _'' Ed aven rt and r .Daven t s ' �! <br />, i thereunto belongin�, unto the said D po Ma y J por ,a �o int t enant s ,not t enant s in , <br /> �i <br /> ,` co;nmon and ta the survivor of them !� <br />� � <br /> and to t he i r hears and assi�ns, forever. '� <br /> � �i <br /> ;� <br /> " Jln,d I do hereby covendnt with the said Grantee B ,and with their heirs and assisns, that �! <br /> ?i <br /> I e,lt1 lawfullr� sized of said preinises; that they dre free from encumbrance 1� <br /> ; � <br /> i' �I <br /> that j have �ood ri,�ht and lawful authorit� to sell the same; and I do herebz� covenan.t <br /> �I <br /> ,. <br /> t, to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever �� <br /> i; I <br /> E� .Ind the said He��1�S1 SChutt hereby relinquishes all �i <br /> claim,right and title I� <br /> in and to the above described premises. �; <br /> ii <br /> k� Sianed this 3��h day of APri1 � , .g. D., 19 27 �� <br /> In the presence of �ermari �Chutt '� <br /> � EI <br /> i�; <br /> B.J. Cunningha� �� <br /> `; <br /> V <br /> �� �St�te o� NEbraska �� <br /> ii <br /> � H8,11 County, 38� On this 30th day of April .1. D., 19 27 � '� <br /> j� <br /> me j� <br /> beforetitTae undersis�ned Benj .J.Cunningham , <br /> :' '{ <br /> ! a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for and residins in said County, personally �; <br /> I <br /> i� came Herman Schutt ,a ti�vidower , i <br /> �,, �� <br /> i� <br /> ;!' �� <br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name ie af�'ixed to the fore�oins � <br /> i � <br /> (SEAL) instrument as srantor , and acknowled�ed the same to be hie voluntary act and deed. il <br /> I� <br /> �; <br /> ; Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. Ij <br /> { <br /> , �! <br /> j! Jt7y commission expires the 5�h da� of Augtist � 19 2j I; <br /> " Benj J. Cunningham ;; <br /> i� <br /> 3 <br /> �' � Notary Public. i� <br /> � <br />— �' --- _-_----__ <br />