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__ � <br /> �_ �.I� <br /> ������ �������� <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTED WORDS ' <br /> C1 S -3TATE 10URNAL COmPANY,LINCOLN.NEB. � � � - � - - ������ - <br /> i <br /> �� ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK'.q, I! <br /> ss. <br /> �� Martin �.Lorensen,Cairo ,Nebraska Ha.11 count�, Entered inNumerical In- <br /> . dex and filed for record in the Re�ister of Deed's of�ce of said �!, <br /> TO �arranty ;, <br /> Deed County, the 2 day of May 19 27 , at � <br /> Aichard A.Luhn Cairo Nebras�ka. '' <br /> � o'clock and minutes, � .M. � �' <br /> � Resister of�, <br /> Bz� Depzcty. ;; <br /> ��._.��:_���_—.,��_.�__ _ __ _ A---= ---- - — � <br /> �r�a� �Y� �e� �ip ��je�e �re�er�t�: �� <br /> ,� <br /> ' That Martin �.Larensen ,a widower �', <br /> � <br /> � � ;I <br /> '� of the Count� of H&ZI , and State of Nebraska , for and in considerdtion of the sum of <br /> Fourteen hundred � DoLL.�RS, " <br /> :� <br /> , <br /> ii <br /> ! in hand paid, do hereby �rant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto Richard A.Luhn <br /> ii <br /> ; <br /> �.. <br /> i <br /> of the County of HB.lI , and State of Nebraska , the followin� deseribed real estate situated <br /> ,� <br /> in Ce�,�TO in Ha.11 Countr�, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> All of Iote numbered four (�+) and five (5) ,in block number two (2) of the Ori�ina3 Town ! <br /> of Cairo ,Nebraska,as shown by the recorded plat thereof. " <br /> �; <br /> �, <br /> ; ,. <br /> , <br /> ;�: <br /> � i' <br /> ,, <br /> � <br /> TO H�VE .1ND 2'O HOLb the premises above described, to�ether with all the �enements, Hereditaments and✓lppurtenanc2s i; <br /> i� <br /> thereunto belon�in�, unto the said RiChd,Td A.Luh1'1 "' <br /> ;� <br /> and to hi 6 heirs and assi�ns, forever. �� <br /> ! .Ind I do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with h18 heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> I 3iT1 lawfully sized of said premises; that ther� are free from encumbr�nce whatsoever. '' <br /> �' <br /> i� <br /> that I have �ood ri�ht and Zawful duthorit� to sell the same; and I do herebz� covenant ; <br /> ; <br /> ;i <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises d�ainst the lawful claims of aZl persons whomsoever � <br /> i <br /> .Ind the said �art in M.Lorensen hereby relinquishes alL �' <br /> ;, <br /> his rights !I <br /> in and to the above deseribed premises. i' <br /> �! <br /> ;! <br /> p <br /> Signed this 2rid day of �day , , �. D., 19 27 �; <br /> In the presence of <br /> I� <br /> I�art in �.Lorensen '! <br /> B.H.P�lmer � <br /> ,�. <br /> � � S.R.Benton '' <br /> State of Nebraska ii <br /> HaZI Count�, 83� On this 2nd day of �Y o .q. D., 19 �7 � �' <br /> before�the undersi�ned $.R.Bgritflri �i <br /> ; <br /> a Notary Pzcblie, duly commissioned and qualified for and residin�s in said County, personally �; <br /> came �artin M .Lorensen <br /> � l; <br /> to me known to be the identical person zvhose name i8 affixed to the fore�oin� <br /> (SEAL� instrument as �rantor , and acicnowled�ed the same to be h18 voluntary act and deed. �I <br /> �i <br /> i <br /> Witness mz� hand and Notarial Seal the dar� and �ear last aboze written. <br /> i; <br /> i� <br /> .A1y commission expires the 18'� da� of February, 19 29 ii <br /> S.R.Benton <br /> Notary Pzcblic. il <br /> I� <br /> j', <br />'n-----__�—.'�=—_---- <br /> - -_-- ------ --__=_-=- .__ -_=__--_—__ _ ___ --.——.-_--__--------_-- --_— -' <br /> - __-- ii <br /> , <br /> 'I �{ <br /> E ___ _--- -- <br />