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�,���J . <br />���'��, �. <br />� � ����'� ����' ������ <br /> CONTAINS 281 PI�INTED WORDS <br /> � ST.qTE OF NEBR.-4SK'.I, <br /> � A.M.Ga e & wf S3. : <br /> g Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- � <br /> 'j dex and filed for record in the Register of Deed's ofj"ace of said �i <br /> �, <br /> �'� TO �arranty ,' � <br /> ' Deed County, the 30 day of April 19 27 at 3 ! <br /> �� David D.O�Kane �,, <br /> �`; o'clocic and� minutes, .M. � �� <br /> i; � �-�-�-e.�� �I <br /> �; Re�ister of Deeds, � <br /> �, B� Deputy. �; <br /> i: <br />� _ ________:_.,_____�_--_.�_�.__. -- — — <br /> ;� �� <br /> ; �i <br /> ;� �r�Qi� �Y� ,�er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: �� <br /> ;� <br /> �� That A.�I.q�age and Florence B.Gage (Husband and �Gife) � �1 � <br /> ;� <br /> �4 <br /> i� <br /> `; � <br /> �� of the Cozcnt� of Keith , and State of Nebxaska , for and in consideration af the sum of i <br /> ,; <br /> E! One and no/100 Dollar and other valuable considerations -���s;-- ( <br /> li <br /> �' 'j <br /> :� <br /> ?' in hand paid, do heTeb� �rant, bargain, sell, convez� and confcrrn unto David D.OKa,ri�' � <br /> ��� <br /> �� i� <br /> � I� <br /> �i �> <br /> .` of the Countz� of Hd.11 , and State of Nebraska , the followin� described real estate situated iE <br /> ' �I <br /> '' in �tood River , in �'ll County, and State of Nebraska. , to-wit: �� <br /> `� Lots Eleven (11) and Twelve ( 12) ,in Block Three (3) of Clark� s Addition of �Good River,Hall �j <br /> ;� County ,Nebra.ska,according to plat of said Clark� s Addition to �food River on file in the Offi c� <br /> �', of the Register of Deeds of Hall County ,Nebraska. �� <br /> ! �� <br /> ; <br /> ----------------- � <br /> ;! � <br /> ,j (�.50 I.R.Stamps �i <br /> �' (Oancelled �� <br /> I� !; <br /> �: �� <br /> �; �i <br /> i; <br /> il i� _ <br /> 1'� Ii <br /> �i TO H✓1VE .IND 1'O .IIOLD the premises above described, to�ether with all the 7'enements, Hereditaments and�ppurtenanees i= <br /> ;� �_ �� <br /> � thereunto belon�in�, unto the said David D.O.Kane �� <br /> ;� ;; <br /> �'� and to H�,S heirs and assi�sns, forever. '; <br /> I': �; <br /> !i .�2nd �6 �Zo hereby covenant with the said Grantee 8 ,and with hi8 heirs and assi�ns, that �' <br /> i� �` <br /> ii W@ are lawfully sized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance !1 <br /> ;i <br /> ti that qpg have �ood risht and lawfud authorit,y to sell the same; and y�g do hereb� covenan.t ; <br /> I <br /> !' f <br /> ?� to warrant and defend the title to said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of dZl persons whomsoever � <br /> i' !� <br /> �i �lnd the said Florenee B.Ge,gE hereby relinquishes all ( <br /> ii i�� her right Of inheritanee in and to the above described premises. <br /> "� I <br /> 'i Si6ned this 27th day of D�cember , , �. D., 19 23. � <br /> ;, �� <br /> � In the presence of A.�Q.Gage s� <br /> ;i <br /> ,; I.8t af�'o rd ;1 <br /> Florence B.C�age �; <br /> �, <br /> i� <br /> I' <br /> �� state o�' N�braska � , <br /> �' ss. I; <br /> ;; Keith count�, on this 2�th da� of December, .�. D., 19 23 , " <br /> �'' I <br /> bef oe the undersi�sned 18a,b611B 5�8f�OTCl � � � <br /> i' A I <br /> I{ a Notarz� Publie, duly commissioned and qu�clified for and residin�in said County, personally ; <br /> " came A,�,Gage and Florenee B.Ga�;e (Hueband and �Pife} :� <br /> !; <br /> I� !� <br /> ;: i <br /> �� j <br /> ' to me known to be the identical person g whose name s are afj"ixed to the fore�oins �, <br /> �� <br /> !� � f <br /> �, � $�j� instrument as �rantor ay and aeknowledsed the same to be �hE�T voluntary act and deed. � <br /> �;� � <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and z�ear Zast above written. �� <br /> `I �I;± , <br /> �; JII� commission expires the 1.�.t� day of JB,Ti � 19 2�j i, <br /> �� I sabelle St �,l �i <br /> ���� Pzablic. � <br /> i� i� <br /> � 1 <br /> -- --- - —_—__---_-___.---_=___-_ <br />