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� <br /> �. <br /> ��� <br /> �. <br /> D����� �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTED WORDS <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK✓1, <br /> e ss. <br /> �� q�uy L.Be,Bt ia11 alld Edria M.BB,S�i� H8.11 County, Entered in Numerzcal In- (" ` <br /> ,� <br /> �; dex and filed for record in the Resister of Deed's ojj"ice of said �; <br /> �arranty � <br /> TO Deed County, the 2$� ddy of Apxil 19 2?at 9 � <br /> ,+ enry S. I� <br /> H BB,ICOtri o'clock and minutes, A. JI2. �I <br /> ;' . � . �� <br /> ;� Re�ister of D ee ds ;i <br /> " By Deputy., �� <br /> ;i i <br /> --;t----._ -- �— .� — - <br /> � il <br /> �; �� <br /> �.�oi� �g� �l'er� �p ��je�e �re�er�t�: �; <br /> �i <br /> ``� That Guy L.Bastian and Edna M.Bastian,husband and wife '� <br /> � j' <br /> �i <br /> ''' of the Cou�tt� of Hall , and State o} Nebraska , for and in consideration of the sum of j� <br /> j, �i <br /> Ei�ht thousand two hundred fifty and No/100 DOLL.gRS, !� <br /> I1 <br /> !', in hand paid, do lcereby �rant, bar�sain, sell, conve� and confirm unto �enry S.Balcom ', <br /> i" �E <br /> ! <br /> " of the County of H811 , and State of I�ebraska , the followi�z� described real estate situated ! <br /> �; <br /> '� Nebraska to-wLt: �� <br /> ': in l�ood River in H8,11 County, and State of , j, <br /> � , <br /> ;; The �Yes� balf of the Northeast Quarter (1N��" of N��j of s�ction number twenty eight (2�) , �i <br /> Township number T�n (10) ,North of Ran�e Llev�n ( 11) west of thE 6th,P.�.and containing �0 �= <br /> ' acres more or lese according to (�overnment survey, �I <br /> ;' � �� <br /> ii <br /> � <br /> . i <br /> � <br /> � R <br /> i; i <br /> �! <br /> �; <br /> I I� <br /> ;? <br /> �i <br /> 7'O S.gVE .1ND TO HdLD the premises above described, to5ether with all the Tenements, I�creditaments and✓lppurtenanees <br /> �� <br /> �; i: <br /> �� <br /> ? thereunto belongin�, unto the said He�ry $.$a,1COTl1 . i! <br /> ; ,: <br /> ;; i <br /> `' and to h�8 heirs and assigns, forever. <br /> � <br /> � !� <br /> �; .Ind WE: do hereby covenant with the said Grantee ,and with h18 heirs and assi�ns, that <br /> �` <br /> i <br /> E�' WE are lawfully sized of said premises; that ther� are free from enczcmbrance (j <br /> � <br /> F' <br /> � that �� have �ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell tJce same; and WG do herebz� covena�i-t j <br /> ,, � <br /> ';" to warrant and defend the titte to said premises against the lawful claims of a1,1 persons whomsoever �� <br /> ;t .lnd the said Quy L.Bagtia,n and Edna M.B8.8tiaA hereby relinquishes all ,' <br />' rights of every nature,absolute and contingent ,includin� dower ,courtesy,Homestead and inher— j; <br /> ; in and to the above described premises. `1 <br /> itance <br /> i' " <br /> �;, Si�ned this 2$��rh� day of Mareh, , ./�. D., 19 27 f�j <br /> �; il <br /> � In the presence of � � j <br /> Guy L.Bastian <br /> '� �.R.Giuendel � <br /> �; Edna Bd.Bastian � � � <br /> �� <br /> f' <br /> "�� stdte op Neb�aska � <br /> �; <br /> � ss. �; <br /> me <br /> Ha,ll count�, on th�s 2�th, da� of �darch .�. D., .ts 27,j� <br /> ;; �l <br /> ;: before�the undarsisned E.1�.GL1GridE1� <br /> II (� <br /> ` a Notary Publi.c, dzclJ commissioned and qualified for and residin�in said County, personally � <br /> �' I . <br /> '� came Guy L.Bastian and Edna M.Bastian ,hie wife i ' <br /> � <br /> I� '� <br /> << i � <br /> I= <br /> `, to me Icnown to be the identical person 8 whose name g ; a�xed to the fore�oins � <br /> ' <br /> i; � <br /> ,, �SE�1L� instrument as srantors , and acknowledsed the same to be their voluntary act and deed. �� <br /> ,; � <br /> i W itness m� hand arcd Notarial Seczl the day and year Zast above written. �i <br /> � <br /> i''� .My commission expires the 22nd day of �&�►' � 19 31 j <br /> � <br /> E.R.Guendel � <br /> ' Notary Public. ji <br /> ; �, <br /> f, (� <br /> _ ��_�. .___._ ..--- --- __._... �. .-..-.-. .---- �-_-- - -� , <br />